Berkeley Engineering Home
Volume 1, Issue 2
October 2001

Outline List

In This Issue

On the Road to Smarter Highways

Your Wish is the Tele-Actor's Command

Lego Robot Passes Go, Collects Prize

Making the Human Body More Hospitable

Berkeley UNIX and the Birth of Open-Source Software


Lab Notes, Research from the College of Engineering

Making the Human Body More Hospitable
The human body hates houseguests, from artificial hips to vascular stents. To help solve the problem, UC Berkeley bioengineers are developing a coating for prosthetics that not only convince the human body that the implant is "one of its own," but also send out a biological call to begin healing.

Lego Robot Passes Go, Collects Prize

Undergraduate Anthony Levandowski's childhood passion for playing with Legos has finally paid off. The student led his classmates to gold at the inaugural Java Technology Lego MindStorms Challenge with a "charming" robot that sorts Monopoly money while tackling one of industrial engineering's biggest problems.

Your Wish is the Tele-Actor's Command
A novel approach to Internet robotics developed at UC Berkeley melds five million years of human evolution with a new approach to audience participation to form the ultimate real-world avatar. Meet the Tele-Actor, a "human robot."

Highway traffic Gerald Stone/PATH photo

On the Road to Smarter Highways
Drivers on Los Angeles freeways spend a combined total of 9,000 years stuck in traffic every year. Fortunately, research in UC Berkeley's Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS) program could lead to a kinder, gentler commute.

Berkeley Engineering: Changing Our World
Great moments of innovation from the annals of Berkeley Engineering history.

1977: Berkeley UNIX and the birth of Open-Source Software

Lab Notes is published online by the Public Affairs Office of the UC Berkeley College of Engineering. The Lab Notes mission is to illuminate groundbreaking research underway today at the College of Engineering that will dramatically change our lives tomorrow.

Lab Notes is written by David Pescovitz.
Send comments to the Engineering Public Affairs Office: [email protected].

© 2001 UC Regents. Updated 9/19/01.