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Caleypea (Lathyrus hirsutus)

Plant Characteristics: Other common names are rough pea or singletary pea. This is an annual legume with thin stems, non-hairy paired leaflets and small red or blue flowers. Caleypea has small, fuzzy seedpods that turn brown upon maturity.

Establishment: Caleypea is adapted to wet soils where other clovers will not grow. Adapted to loam and clay-loam soils. Due to high amount of hard seeds, seeds should be scarified and broadcast at a rate of 50 to 55 lb/ac between September and October.

Fertilization: P and K fertilization are required.

Grazing/Hay Management: Pasture is the main use, but plants are easily damaged by trampling. Forage yields of tons/ac are produced from March to May. To reduce toxicity problems. Do not graze in late spring when seed pots are developed. This resting period will also allow natural reseeding.

Forage Quality: Very low bloat potential. Seed could be toxic to livestock.

Varieties/Cultivars: n/a.

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Portrait of Dr. Rocky Lemus
Extension/Research Professor