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4-H Livestock Quality Assurance

Filed Under: 4-H Livestock Program

4-H Livestock Quality Assurance for youth producers will increase food safety awareness by educating youth producers about their role in this process and the importance of raising their livestock appropriately.

Target Audience(s):

4-H youth livestock exhibitors and their families


Participants will learn how to:

  • Follow good production practices for the safe, healthy, efficient, and humane production of livestock,
  • Follow directions for feed, medications, and other animal health products, and
  • Develop proper and safe animal health practices.

Total Number of Modules or Sessions: 1

Total Number of Hours for Program Delivery: 3

Program Delivery:

  • Demonstrations
  • Workshop

Primary Contact:

Dr. Dean Jousan, [email protected]


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Portrait of Dr. Dean Jousan
Extension Professor
Extension 4-H Livestock Specialist