Las Vegas Sun

July 15, 2024


Editorials »

Extreme heat, such as that Las Vegas is experiencing, is a natural disaster
In the 19 years since Las Vegas celebrated its centennial, the city has hit 117 degrees or higher at least seven times, including last week, when the temperature reached ...
Threatening rhetoric, political violence are intolerable in a peaceful democracy
In a democratic society we all agree to settle political differences at the ballot box and in peaceful debate. Those who do not abide by this agreement and instead engage in violence are a threat ...
Letters to the Editor

Please send letters to the editor to [email protected]. Letters to the editor should be no more than 250 words, cite the sources of any figures or other data, and include the writer’s name, address and telephone number. Anonymous letters will not be published. The Sun reserves the right to edit letters for clarity and length.

There are many paths to success
Thank you for the report on the Heavy Metal Summer Experience trades camp (“Teens find passion, purpose and possibly a career in building trades camp,” July 11). It is a reminder to all of us the importance of encouraging young people to go in the direction of ...
By Guy Heston, Las Vegas
Diversity makes Team USA great
As we approach the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, Team USA is getting prepped and ready to compete for our national pride and glory. The composition of the team also reflects the true image of the United States, as they come from all age groups, cities and farms, ...
By Steven Soong, Las Vegas
Trump learned he has enablers
Remember when Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, after Trump’s first impeachment trial, said Trump “learned his lesson.” Then came a second impeachment proceeding and thereafter 91 initial criminal counts, 34 of which ...
By Tom Harper, Henderson
Many kinds of immunity unfair
There has been nonstop debate about the Supreme Court ruling granting former presidents broad immunity from prosecution. President Joe Biden has said that the justices set a dangerous precedent that undermines the rule of law.
By Poppy Helgren, Henderson
GOP bullied into submission
“Bully-worship, under various disguises, has become a universal religion,” Oscar Wilde said.
By Don Hiddleson, Millcreek, Utah
Trump feeds fans diet of fear
Many people don’t understand how someone with anti-democratic tendencies, who is a proven liar, has been found liable for rape and guilty of 34 felonies, is fit to hold the highest office in the land. Psychology can provide us with some incite ...
By Darryl Cornelius, Las Vegas
Nevada voting is residents’ choice
I strongly object to Sam Oliker-Friedland’s July 6 column, “Don’t knock down democracy without blueprints to fix it,” opposing ranked-choice voting ...
By Sondra Cosgrove, Las Vegas
Berkley stands up for animals
On Nov. 5, Las Vegas will get to elect a mayor with a strong track record of action on animal protection. As a voter who cares about animal welfare, I support Shelley Berkley, the pro-animal candidate who can ...
By Rebecca Goff, Reno
Voters’ calculus hasn’t changed
The worst that could happen if Donald Trump gets elected is the elimination of all efforts to combat climate change at the federal level, undoing the separation of church and ...
By Sascha Horowitz, Las Vegas
One candidate is crooked, alright
Donald Trump claims voters should be concerned about four more years of “crooked Joe Biden in the White House.” Voters should be concerned about ...
By Steve Miller, Las Vegas

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