Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: Volume-II

Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: Volume-II

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Vaakkriti: Sanskrit Tokenizer
Aasish Pappu | Ratna Sanyal

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A Bottom Up approach to Persian Stemming
Amir Azim Sharifloo | Mehrnoush Shamsfard

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Named Entity Recognition in Bengali: A Conditional Random Field Approach
Asif Ekbal | Rejwanul Haque | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay

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An Online Cascaded Approach to Biomedical Named Entity Recognition
Shing-Kit Chan | Wai Lam | Xiaofeng Yu

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Automatic Rule Acquisition for Chinese Intra-chunk Relations
Qiang Zhou

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Japanese Named Entity Recognition Using Structural Natural Language Processing
Ryohei Sasano | Sadao Kurohashi

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Dimensionality Reduction with Multilingual Resource
YingJu Xia | Hao Yu | Gang Zou

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A Web-based English Proofing System for English as a Second Language Users
Xing Yi | Jianfeng Gao | William B. Dolan

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Analysis of Intention in Dialogues Using Category Trees and Its Application to Advertisement Recommendation
Hung-Chi Huang | Hsin-Hsi Chen | Ming-Shun Lin

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Term Extraction Through Unithood and Termhood Unification
Thuy Vu | Ai Ti Aw | Min Zhang

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Search Result Clustering Using Label Language Model
Yeha Lee | Seung-Hoon Na | Jong-Hyeok Lee

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Effects of Related Term Extraction in Transliteration into Chinese
HaiXiang Huang | Atsushi Fujii

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A Structured Prediction Approach for Statistical Machine Translation
Dakun Zhang | Le Sun | Wenbo Li

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Method of Selecting Training Data to Build a Compact and Efficient Translation Model
Keiji Yasuda | Ruiqiang Zhang | Hirofumi Yamamoto | Eiichiro Sumita

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Large and Diverse Language Models for Statistical Machine Translation
Holger Schwenk | Philipp Koehn

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A Linguistic and Navigational Knowledge Approach to Text Navigation
Javier Couto | Jean-Luc Minel

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Synset Assignment for Bi-lingual Dictionary with Limited Resource
Virach Sornlertlamvanich | Thatsanee Charoenporn | Chumpol Mokarat | Hitoshi Isahara | Hammam Riza | Purev Jaimai

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Ranking Words for Building a Japanese Defining Vocabulary
Tomoya Noro | Takehiro Tokuda

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Automatically Identifying Computationally Relevant Typological Features
William D. Lewis | Fei Xia

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Automatic Paraphrasing of Japanese Functional Expressions Using a Hierarchically Organized Dictionary
Suguru Matsuyoshi | Satoshi Sato

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Generation of Referring Expression Using Prefix Tree Structure
Sibabrata Paladhi | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay

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Coverage-based Evaluation of Parser Generalizability
Tuomo Kakkonen | Erkki Sutinen

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Learning Reliability of Parses for Domain Adaptation of Dependency Parsing
Daisuke Kawahara | Kiyotaka Uchimoto

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Resolving Ambiguities of Chinese Conjunctive Structures by Divide-and-conquer Approaches
Duen-Chi Yang | Yu-Ming Hsieh | Keh-Jiann Chen

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Dependency Annotation Scheme for Indian Languages
Rafiya Begum | Samar Husain | Arun Dhwaj | Dipti Misra Sharma | Lakshmi Bai | Rajeev Sangal

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Non-Factoid Japanese Question Answering through Passage Retrieval that Is Weighted Based on Types of Answers
Masaki Murata | Sachiyo Tsukawaki | Toshiyuki Kanamaru | Qing Ma | Hitoshi Isahara

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A Multi-Document Multi-Lingual Automatic Summarization System
Mohamad Ali Honarpisheh | Gholamreza Ghassem-Sani | Ghassem Mirroshandel

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Summarization by Analogy: An Example-based Approach for News Articles
Megumi Makino | Kazuhide Yamamoto

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Sentence Ordering based on Cluster Adjacency in Multi-Document Summarization
Donghong Ji | Yu Nie

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Statistical Machine Translation based Passage Retrieval for Cross-Lingual Question Answering
Tomoyosi Akiba | Kei Shimizu | Atsushi Fujii

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Unsupervised All-words Word Sense Disambiguation with Grammatical Dependencies
Vivi Nastase

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Syntactic and Semantic Frames in PrepNet
Patrick Saint-Dizier

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Automatic Classification of English Verbs Using Rich Syntactic Features
Lin Sun | Anna Korhonen | Yuval Krymolowski

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MRD-based Word Sense Disambiguation: Further Extending Lesk
Timothy Baldwin | Su Nam Kim | Francis Bond | Sanae Fujita | David Martinez | Takaaki Tanaka

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Fast Computing Grammar-driven Convolution Tree Kernel for Semantic Role Labeling
Wanxiang Che | Min Zhang | Ai Ti Aw | Chew Lim Tan | Ting Liu | Sheng Li

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SYNGRAPH: A Flexible Matching Method based on Synonymous Expression Extraction from an Ordinary Dictionary and a Web Corpus
Tomohide Shibata | Michitaka Odani | Jun Harashima | Takashi Oonishi | Sadao Kurohashi

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Annotation of Multiword Expressions in the Prague Dependency Treebank
Eduard Bejček | Pavel Straňák | Pavel Schlesinger

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Learning Named Entity Hyponyms for Question Answering
Paul McNamee | Rion Snow | Patrick Schone | James Mayfield

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Errgrams – A Way to Improving ASR for Highly Inflected Dravidian Languages
Kamadev Bhanuprasad | Mats Svenson

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Noise as a Tool for Spoken Language Identification
Sunita Maithani | J.S. Rawat

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Identifying Real or Fake Articles: Towards better Language Modeling
Sameer Badaskar | Sachin Agarwal | Shilpa Arora

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Multi-label Text Categorization with Model Combination based on F1-score Maximization
Akinori Fujino | Hideki Isozaki | Jun Suzuki

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An Experimental Comparison of the Voted Perceptron and Support Vector Machines in Japanese Analysis Tasks
Manabu Sassano

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Learning Decision Lists with Known Rules for Text Mining
Venkatesan Chakravarthy | Sachindra Joshi | Ganesh Ramakrishnan | Shantanu Godbole | Sreeram Balakrishnan

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A Re-examination of Dependency Path Kernels for Relation Extraction
Mengqiu Wang

Mining Chinese-English Parallel Corpora from the Web
Bo Li | Juan Liu

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Fast Duplicated Documents Detection using Multi-level Prefix-filter
Kenji Tateishi | Dai Kusui

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Towards Data and Goal Oriented Analysis: Tool Inter-operability and Combinatorial Comparison
Yoshinobu Kano | Ngan Nguyen | Rune Sætre | Kazuhiro Yoshida | Keiichiro Fukamachi | Yusuke Miyao | Yoshimasa Tsuruoka | Sophia Ananiadou | Jun’ichi Tsujii

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A Co-occurrence Graph-based Approach for Personal Name Alias Extraction from Anchor Texts
Danushka Bollegala | Yutaka Matsuo | Mitsuru Ishizuka

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Towards Automated Semantic Analysis on Biomedical Research Articles
Donghui Feng | Gully Burns | Jingbo Zhu | Eduard Hovy

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Large Scale Diagnostic Code Classification for Medical Patient Records
Lucian Vlad Lita | Shipeng Yu | Stefan Niculescu | Jinbo Bi

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Hacking Wikipedia for Hyponymy Relation Acquisition
Asuka Sumida | Kentaro Torisawa

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A Discriminative Approach to Japanese Abbreviation Extraction
Naoaki Okazaki | Mitsuru Ishizuka | Jun’ichi Tsujii

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Linguistic Interpretation of Emotions for Affect Sensing from Text
Mostafa Al Masum Shaikh | Helmut Prendinger | Mitsuru Ishizuka

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How to Take Advantage of the Limitations with Markov Clustering?–The Foundations of Branching Markov Clustering (BMCL)
Hiroyuki Akama | Maki Miyake | Jaeyoung Jung

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Combining Context Features by Canonical Belief Network for Chinese Part-Of-Speech Tagging
Hongzhi Xu | Chunping Li

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Language Independent Text Correction using Finite State Automata
Ahmed Hassan | Sara Noeman | Hany Hassan

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Semantic Role Labeling of Chinese Using Transductive SVM and Semantic Heuristics
Yaodong Chen | Ting Wang | Huowang Chen | Xishan Xu

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A Comparative Study of Mixture Models for Automatic Topic Segmentation of Multiparty Dialogues
Maria Georgescul | Alexander Clark | Susan Armstrong

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Exploiting Unlabeled Text to Extract New Words of Different Semantic Transparency for Chinese Word Segmentation
Richard Tzong-Han Tsai | Hsi-Chuan Hung

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Social Network Inspired Models of NLP and Language Evolution
Monojit Choudhury | Animesh Mukherjee | Niloy Ganguly

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How to Add a New Language on the NLP Map: Building Resources and Tools for Languages with Scarce Resources
Rada Mihalcea | Vivi Nastase

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Introduction to Text Summarization and Other Information Access Technologies
Horacio Saggion

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A Punjabi Grammar Checker
Mandeep Singh Gill | Gurpreet Singh Lehal | Shiv Sharma Joshi

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Netgraph – Making Searching in Treebanks Easy
Jiří Mírovský

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Global Health Monitor - A Web-based System for Detecting and Mapping Infectious Diseases
Son Doan | Quoc Hung Ngo | Ai Kawazoe | Nigel Collier

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A Mechanism to Provide Language-Encoding Support and an NLP Friendly Editor
Anil Kumar Singh

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NLP Applications of Sinhala: TTS & OCR
Ruvan Weerasinghe | Asanka Wasala | Dulip Herath | Viraj Welgama

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POLLy: A Conversational System that uses a Shared Representation to Generate Action and Social Language
Swati Gupta | Marilyn A. Walker | Daniela M. Romano

Cross Lingual Information Access System for Indian Languages
CLIA Consortium

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Author Index