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230 - Personnel-Academic

Section: 230-30.6
Effective: 04/20/1989
Supersedes: 09/02/1982
Next Review Date: TBD
Issuance Date: 04/09/2020
Issuing Office: Academic Personnel Services

PPM 230-30.6 Policy [pdf format]
PPM 230-30.6 Exhibit A [pdf format]
PPM 230-30.6 Exhibit B [pdf format]



I.��������� REFERENCE


����������� Academic Personnel Manual (APM)


����������� 200������ General

����������� 290������ Regents' Professor and Lecturer

����������� 640������ Regents' Professor and Regents' Lecturer, Compensation


II.�������� POLICY


����������� Candidates for Regents' Professor and Regents' Lecturer appointments shall be qualified in agriculture, banking, commerce, engineering, industry, labor, law, medicine, or other non-academic field in the arts, sciences, or professions to a degree equivalent to that on which appointments to regular University professorships are based. The program is not open to individuals who hold academic appointments or whose major affiliation and identification is or has been with the academic world.




A.�������� The Council of Provosts issues a call each Spring Quarter for nominations for the coming academic year. However, departments may submit nominations to the council at any time and are encouraged to do so.


B.�������� Exhibit A provides guidelines for preparing nominations and Exhibit B is the standard form for submitting nominations of Regents' Lecturers.




����������������������� A.�������� Regents' Professor


A Regents' Professor nomination, which must be accompanied by a complete academic review file, is reviewed by the Committee on Academic Personnel, which makes a recommendation to the Chancellor who, in turn, makes a recommendation to the President. Upon approval by the President, the Chancellor extends the official invitation to the candidate.


The campus review of a nomination must be completed a minimum of two months in advance of the effective date of the appointment.


����������������������� B.�������� Regents' Lecturer


A Regents' Lecturer nomination must be submitted on the Regents' Lecturer Program Nomination Form, Exhibit B. The Council of Provosts reviews the nomination and makes a recommendation to the Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs who extends the official invitation to the candidate.




����������������������� A.�������� Regents' Professor


The minimum period of appointment for a Regents' Professor is one academic quarter.


����������������������� B.�������� Regents' Lecturer


The minimum period of appointment for a Regents' Lecturer normally is two weeks but may be for shorter periods when justified by special circumstances.




����������������������� A.�������� Regents' Professor


The maximum permissible compensation rate for Regents' Professors corresponds with the approved semester/quarter salary rate for the highest step of the appropriate professional salary scale.


����������������������� B.�������� Regents' Lecturer


The maximum permissible compensation rate for Regents' Lecturer appointments corresponds with the approved monthly salary rate for the highest step for the appropriate professorial salary scale. The Chancellor is authorized to approve compensation rates for appointments of less than two weeks within limits established by the President*


*Rates for 1989/90 will be $750 per day with a maximum of $3,750 for one week and $7,500 for two weeks. Revised rates will be announced annually by the Office of Academic Affairs.


����������������������� C.�������� Expenses


Funds allocated for this program may be used for certain expenses attendant to the program such as travel. Use of the funds for any other purpose must be specified at the time of the nomination and be approved in advance by the Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs.


����������������������� D.�������� Non-Citizens


Candidates who are not United States citizens must have a Visa that will permit them to accept compensation.




����������� The sponsoring department(s) is responsible for all arrangements for the candidate's visit, including publicity, reserving facilities, office space and scheduling. The sponsoring department is also required to submit to the Council of Provosts a final report on the activities of the candidate; i.e., classes taught, seminars, public lectures (estimated attendance), radio/television appearances and performances.



����������� EXHIBIT A� �� Guide for Submission of Nominations � Regents' Professors & Regent's Lecturers


����������� EXHIBIT B� ���� Regents' Lecturer Program �� Nomination Form





����������� April 8, 1969����������������� This policy was made effective.


����������� April 13, 1970��������������� This policy was revised and reissued.


����������� March 18, 1978������������� This policy was revised and reissued.


����������� April 8, 1980����������������� This policy was revised and reissued.


����������� September 2, 1982������� This policy was revised and reissued.


����������� April 20, 1989��������������� This policy was revised and reissued.


����������� April 24, 2018��������������� Minor technical edits to update policy hyperlinks.


����������� April 9, 2020��������������� This policy was reviewed for gender neutral language.



Regents' Professors and Regent's Lecturers





����������� A.�������� Regents' Professor


����������������������� 1.�������� Name, Address, present position


����������������������� 2.�������� Preferred quarter(s)


3.�������� Suggested salary and statement justifying amount. The salary may be established on a By-agreement basis. Please note that salary will be subject to the usual payroll deductions. Non-U.S. Citizen must have a J-1 Visa.


4.�������� Travel. These funds may be used to pay round trip air coach fare and other expenses as approved in advance by the Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs.


5.�������� Biographical Sketch include Form 1501, Biography for Academic Personnel, as a separate attachment if possible. The nomination letter should describe the significance of the nominee's employment writings, if any, and special expertise and accomplishments and how the appointment would enhance the academic programs of the campus.


6.�������� Departmental Responsibilities, State names of campus members, both within and out-side of Department who will actively participate in nominee's visit. Submit a tentative schedule of nominee's activities during proposed period of appointment.


����������� B.�������� Regents' Lecturer


1.�������� Nominations for Regents' Lecturers must be made on the Regents' Lecturer Nomination Form, Exhibit B.


2.�������� Salary may be established on a By-agreement basis. Salary will be subject to the usual payroll deductions. Non-U.S. Citizen must have a J-1 Visa.


3.�������� Travel. These funds may be used to pay round trip air coach fare and other expenses as approval in advance by the Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs.


4.�������� All other expenses attendant to the appointment must be borne by the sponsoring department.




����������� April 9, 2020��������������� This policy was reviewed for gender neutral language.





NOMINEE'S NAME: ___________________________________________________________________


ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________


PRESENT POSITION: _________________________________________________________________


SUGGESTED SALARY: $_______________________________________________________________


SALARY JUSTIFICATION: ______________________________________________________________








TRAVEL FUNDS REQUESTED: _________________________________________________________

����������������������������������������������� (may not exceed round trip for air coach)




Citizenship: __________________________________________________________________________


Education and Degrees Received: ________________________________________________________




Employment (last five years): ____________________________________________________________






Publications and writings:� Submit as an attachment.


DEPARTMENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES: ___________________________________________________


Names of department members especially interested in nominee's field:


1. ______________________________________� 2. ____________________________________


3. _______________________________________����������� 4. ____________________________________


SCHEDULE: Attach a tentative schedule of nominee's activities during the period of the appointment.


PUBLICITY: Describe the department's plans to publicize the activities of the candidate, especially those open to the general public.




����������� April 9, 2020��������������� This policy was reviewed for gender neutral language.