

Displays a Vimeo video.


Required Scripts

<script async custom-element="amp-vimeo" src=""></script>


With responsive layout, the width and height from the example should yield correct layouts for 16:9 aspect ratio videos:



data-videoid (required) The Vimeo video id found in every Vimeo video page URL For example, 27246366 is the video id for the following url:
autoplay If this attribute is present, and the browser supports autoplay, the video will be automatically played as soon as it becomes visible. There are some conditions that the component needs to meet to be played, which are outlined in the Video in AMP spec.
do-not-track If this attribute is present the player will be blocked from tracking any session data, including all cookies and stats. (It has the same effect as enabling a Do Not Track setting in your browser). See the 'dnt' parameter in the Vimeo oEmbed Documentation
common attributes This element includes common attributes extended to AMP components.


See amp-vimeo rules in the AMP validator specification.

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