• websites



The amp-fx-collection component provides a collection of preset visual effects, such as parallax that can be easily enabled on any element via amp-fx attribute.

Currently, only the parallax effect is supported. More effects such as fade-in, slide-in and more are planned to be supported soon. amp-fx-collection replaces the now-deprecated amp-fx-parallax component.


Import the amp-fx-collection extension in the header.

<script async custom-element="amp-fx-collection" src=""></script>


The CSS used for these samples are included here for reference. These rules are simply needed to make the samples work but are not fundamental to the concepts covered here.

<style amp-custom>
  .header {
    position: relative;
    overflow: hidden;

  .header h1 {
    color: white;
    bottom: 10%;
    left: 10px;
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 1;
    font-size: 1.7em;

  .title {
    background-color: black;
    color: white;

  .parallax-image-window {
    overflow: hidden;

  .parallax-image-window amp-img {
    margin-bottom: -20%;

Title parallax

The parallax effect allows an element to move as if it is nearer or farther relative to the foreground of the page content. As the user scrolls the page, the element scrolls faster or slower depending on the value assigned to the data-parallax-factor attribute.

Parallax effect can be added to any element by adding amp-fx="parallax" attribute and the intensity of the effect can be controlled via data-parallax-factor.

data-parallax-factor specifies a decimal value that controls how much faster or slower the element scrolls relative to the scrolling speed: * A value greater than 1 scrolls the element upward (element scrolls faster) when the user scrolls down the page. * A value less than 1 scrolls the element downward (element scrolls slower) when the user scrolls downward.

Lorem Ipsum

<div class="header">
  <h1 amp-fx="parallax" data-parallax-factor="1.3">
      <span class="title">Lorem Ipsum</span>
  <amp-img width="1600" height="900" layout="responsive" src=""></amp-img>

Parallax image window

<div class="parallax-image-window">
  <amp-img amp-fx="parallax" data-parallax-factor="1.15" width="618" height="583" layout="responsive" src=""></amp-img>

Scroll triggered fade-in

The fade-in effect allows an element to fade in once the element being targetted is visible in the viewport.

Scroll triggered fade in effect can be added to any element by adding amp-fx="fade-in" attribute to an element.

Currently, only a scroll triggered timed animation is supported. That is, once the element is within the viewport a timed animation will start that fades in the element. You can control the animation via the following attributes:

  • data-duration - This is the duration over which the animation takes places. The default value is 1000ms.

  • data-easing - This parameter lets you vary the animation's speed over the course of its duration. The default is ease-in which is cubic-bezier(0.40, 0.00, 0.40, 1.00). You can also choose from one of the presets available:

  • "linear" - cubic-bezier(0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 1.00),

  • "ease-in-out" - cubic-bezier(0.80, 0.00, 0.20, 1.00),

  • "ease-in" - cubic-bezier(0.80, 0.00, 0.60, 1.00),

  • "ease-out" - cubic-bezier(0.40, 0.00, 0.40, 1.00) (default),

  • or specify a custom-bezier() input.

  • data-margin-start - This parameter determines when to trigger the timed animation. The value specified in <percent> dictates that the animation should be triggered when the element is above the specified percentage of the viewport. The default value is 5%

Scroll triggered fade in animation with default attributes

<amp-img amp-fx="fade-in" width="1600" height="900" layout="responsive" src=""></amp-img>

Slow fade-in animation

Fade in animation that lasts longer by specifying data-duration="2000ms".

<amp-img amp-fx="fade-in" data-duration="2000ms" width="1280" height="873" layout="responsive" src="" alt="Picture of a road"></amp-img>

Delayed fade-in animation

Animation triggers when the element is past 50% of the viewport by specifying data-margin-start="50%".

<amp-img amp-fx="fade-in" data-margin-start="50%" width="1280" height="873" layout="responsive" src="" alt="Picture of a road"></amp-img>

Fade-in with different bezier curves

Change the easing curve of the animation to a preset linear curve by specifying data-easing="linear".

<amp-img amp-fx="fade-in" data-easing="linear" width="1280" height="873" layout="responsive" src="" alt="Picture of a rainy road"></amp-img>

Scroll dependent fade-in

The fade-in-scroll effect allows an element to fade in as the user scrolls in the viewport.

Scroll dependent fade in effect can be added to any element by adding amp-fx="fade-in-scroll" attribute to an element. You can control the animation via the following attributes: * data-margin-start - This parameter determines when to trigger the timed animation. The value specified in percent dictates that the animation should be triggered when the element is above the specified percentage of the viewport. The default value is 0% * data-margin-end - This parameter determines when to stop the timed animation. The value specified in percent dictates that the animation should be fully visible when the element crosses this threshold. The default value is 50% * data-repeat - By default once the element is fully visible the opacity of the element is locked in. If the developer wants to change the opacity even after it the element is fully visible please specify this attribute on the element.

Scroll based fade in animation with default attributes

<amp-img amp-fx="fade-in-scroll" width="1600" height="900" layout="responsive" src=""></amp-img>

Custom start/end points

Animation triggers when the element is past 20% of the viewport and ends when it is past 80% of the viewport by specifying data-margin-start="20%" and data-margin-end="80%" attributes.

<amp-img amp-fx="fade-in-scroll" data-margin-start="20%" data-margin-end="80%" width="1600" height="900" layout="responsive" src=""></amp-img>

Fully scroll dependent animations

Make the animation full dependent on the scroll action by specifying data-repeat attribute.

<amp-img amp-fx="fade-in-scroll" data-repeat width="1280" height="873" layout="responsive" src="" alt="Picture of a tennis court"></amp-img>


The fly-in-bottom, fly-in-top, fly-in-left and fly-in-right effects allow an element to fly-in once the element being targetted is visible in the viewport.

Scroll triggered fly-in effect can be added to any element by adding amp-fx="fly-in-bottom", amp-fx="fly-in-top", amp-fx="fly-in-left" or amp-fx="fly-in-right" attribute to an element.

This is a scroll triggered timed animation, i.e., once the element is within the viewport a timed animation will start that translates the element along the X/Y axis. You can control the animation via the following attributes:

  • data-duration - This is the duration over which the animation takes places. The default value is determined by your device size to allow for the best preset values across mobile, tablet and desktop devices. For more details on this read the documentation on the data-duration property.

  • data-fly-in-distance - This parameter determines the percent of viewport over which the translation is to take place. The default value is determined by your device size to allow for the best preset values across mobile, tablet and desktop devices. For more details on this read the documentation on the data-fly-in-distance property.

  • data-easing - This parameter lets you vary the animation's speed over the course of its duration. The default is ease-in which is cubic-bezier(0.40, 0.00, 0.40, 1.00). You can also choose from one of the presets available:

  • "linear" - cubic-bezier(0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 1.00),

  • "ease-in-out" - cubic-bezier(0.80, 0.00, 0.20, 1.00),

  • "ease-in" - cubic-bezier(0.80, 0.00, 0.60, 1.00),

  • "ease-out" - cubic-bezier(0.40, 0.00, 0.40, 1.00) (default),

  • or specify a custom-bezier() input.

  • data-margin-start - This parameter determines when to trigger the timed animation. The value specified in percent dictates that the animation should be triggered when the element is above the specified percentage of the viewport. The default value is 5%

Scroll triggered fly-in animation with default attributes.

<amp-img amp-fx="fly-in-left" width="1600" height="900" layout="responsive" src=""></amp-img>


Scroll triggered fly-in-right animation with default attributes.

<amp-img amp-fx="fly-in-right" width="1600" height="900" layout="responsive" src=""></amp-img>


Scroll triggered fly-in-bottom animation with default attributes.

<amp-img amp-fx="fly-in-bottom" width="1600" height="900" layout="responsive" src=""></amp-img>


Scroll triggered fly-in-top animation with default attributes.

<amp-img amp-fx="fly-in-top" width="1600" height="900" layout="responsive" src=""></amp-img>

Slow fly-in animation

Fly in animation that lasts longer by specifying data-duration="2000ms".

<amp-img amp-fx="fly-in-left" data-duration="2000ms" width="1280" height="873" layout="responsive" src="" alt="Picture of a starry sky"></amp-img>

Fly-in animation distance

Animation that takes place over a larger distance by specifying data-fly-in-distance="50%".

<amp-img amp-fx="fly-in-right" data-fly-in-distance="50%" width="1280" height="873" layout="responsive" src="" alt="Picture of a starry sky"></amp-img>

Delayed fly-in animation

Animation triggers when the element is past 50% of the viewport by specifying data-margin-start="50%".

<amp-img amp-fx="fly-in-top" data-margin-start="50%" width="1280" height="873" layout="responsive" src="" alt="Picture of a starry sky"></amp-img>

Fly-in with wifferent bezier curves

Change the easing curve of the animation to a preset linear curve by specifying data-easing="linear".

<amp-img amp-fx="fly-in-bottom" data-easing="linear" width="1280" height="873" layout="responsive" src="" alt="Picture of a starry sky"></amp-img>

Combining presets: fade & fly-in

Developers can also combine different presets by providing a space separated list of presets to the amp-fx argument. For example you can have an image both fade and fly-in from the bottom.

<amp-img amp-fx="fade-in fly-in-bottom" data-duration="600ms" width="650" height="433" layout="responsive" src="" alt="Picture of a starry sky"></amp-img>

Combining presets: parallax & fade-in

You can also combine parallax and fade-in on the same title.

<div class="parallax-image-window">
  <amp-img amp-fx="parallax fade-in-scroll" data-parallax-factor="1.1" data-margin-start="10%" data-margin-end="80%" data-repeat width="649" height="432" layout="responsive" src="" alt="Picture of a starry sky"></amp-img>
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