Building a regular HTML page

In the project directory, you will find a file named article.html. This is the news article that we are creating an AMP-equivalent page for.

  1. Copy the entire code from the article.htmlfile and paste it into a new file.
  2. Save the new file as article.amp.html.

NOTE – You don't have to name your AMP files as .amp.html. In fact, AMP files can have any extension you want. It's common to see publishers differentiating AMP pages from their canonical versions by using parameters in the url. For example:

Your article.amp.html file should look like the following:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">

    <title>News Article</title>

    <link href="base.css" rel="stylesheet" />

    <script type="text/javascript" src="base.js"></script>
      News Site
      <h1>Article Name</h1>

      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam egestas tortor sapien, non tristique ligula accumsan eu.</p>
    <img src="mountains.jpg">

This is an intentionally simplistic page with common static news article elements: CSS, JavaScript, and an image tag.

Our AMP version of the article is just a copy of the original article right now. Let's convert it to an AMP.

To begin, we will add the AMP library file. This alone won't make your new file a valid AMP page, but we'll see below how the AMP library can help us figure out what we need to do to fix that.

To include the AMP library, add this line to the bottom of the <head> tag:

<script async src=""></script>

Load the new article.amp.html page in your browser at and then, open the Developer Console in Chrome (or your preferred browser).

When you inspect the JavaScript output in the Developer Console (make sure you have the Console tab selected), you should see this log entry:

Powered by AMP ⚡ HTML

The AMP library includes an AMP validator that will tell you if there is anything that is keeping your page from being a valid AMP document. Enable the AMP validator by adding this fragment identifier to your document URL:


For example:

In the Developer Console, you should receive several validation errors (you may need to manually refresh the page in your browser to see these):

AMP validation errors for our sample

In order to make this a valid AMP document we're going to have to fix all of these errors--which is exactly what we'll be doing in this codelab.

Before we do that, let's simulate a mobile device experience in the browser's developer tools since we are working with a mobile news article. For example, in Chrome DevTools, click the mobile phone icon, and select a mobile device from the menu.

You should see a mobile simulated resolution in your browser such as this:

Mobile simulation of our AMP page

Now we're ready to get to work! Let's step through the validation errors one by one and address how they relate to AMP.