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Law School Unmasked™

Group of 5 students sitting in the grass comparing notes

About the course

Welcome to Law School Unmasked, your roadmap to the first semester in law school! The program consists of a series of short, asynchronous learning modules. Our presenters are experts in legal education from across the country and will teach you about critical skills like reading and briefing cases, participating in Socratic dialogue, and logical reasoning for lawyers. You can revisit these lessons as often as needed during your first semester in law school. After finishing all of the lessons in Law School Unmasked, you will receive a Certificate of Completion that you can download and save. If you want to put this course on your resume, you may wish to place it under the heading “Training” and list it as: Law School Unmasked – LawHub (LSAC): completed pre-law course on reading and briefing cases, law school vocabulary, the judicial system, and time management.


  • M1
    Not completed

    Law School Unmasked™ Pre-Program Survey

    We would like to learn more about you and your expectations for the program! Please fill out this short survey prior to beginning the course.
  • M2
    Not completed

    Welcome to Law School Unmasked!

    We will provide a brief overview of the program and its benefits to you.
  • M3
    Not completed

    Law School 101

    In this module you will learn some of the basics of law school from what classes you’ll be taking to how law school is structured to the expectations for studying and professionalism.
  • M4
    Not completed

    Building Community

    One of the most important aspects of success in law school is building community and feeling like you belong. Learn from experts about how you can work to create your community and avoid pitfalls that hinder a sense of belonging.
  • M5
    Not completed

    Student Voices

    In this module you will hear from current law students about the challenges--both expected and unexpected--they faced in law school, and how they overcame those challenges.
  • M6
    Not completed

    Navigating Law School with a Disability

    Some students are aware of disabilities prior to law school but for others the issue only rises to the surface once they begin law school. Making sure you receive effective accommodations is key to getting the most out of your legal education. Learn about the relevant considerations and processes.
  • M7
    Not completed

    Time Management Techniques

    Lawyers and law students must juggle multiple deadlines and competing demands on their time. What strategies work to help keep law students on top of their work? In this module you will learn expert time management techniques.
  • M8
    Not completed

    Law School Vocabulary

    What exactly is a tort, or a plaintiff? What is IRAC? In this module you will learn some of the basic vocabulary and terminology you will need to navigate your first-year classes.
  • M9
    Not completed

    An Introduction to the Judicial System

    What is the difference between a trial court and an appellate court? How do the federal and state court systems interact? In this module you will learn about the structure of our judicial system and how it impacts the development of law.
  • M10
    Not completed

    Active Reading

    In law school you will primarily be reading cases, which can feel a bit different from other reading you have done in the past. Learn the skills you need to effectively read and comprehend the cases you will be assigned throughout law school.
  • M11
    Not completed

    Basics of Case Briefing

    One of the first tasks of law school is learning to brief cases. This module will teach you what a brief is, why you need to write briefs, and how best to do that!
  • M12
    Not completed

    Law School Unmasked™ Post-Program Survey

    Your experience with Law School Unmasked is important to us. Please take a moment to complete one final survey.