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show episodes


Space & Satellite Professionals International

This is the official podcast of the Space & Satellite Professionals International. On this channel, we release podcasts in two series: Making Leaders and Better Satellite World. Find out more about SSPI at
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SSPX Podcast

SSPX / Angelus Press

Official SSPX English-Language Podcast: Traditional Catholic Interviews, Questions & Answers with our priests, Sermons, and Parish Missions. Produced by Angelus Press for the SSPX US District.
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Wednesdays with SSP

Wednesdays with SSP

A podcast that features recordings of MIT SSP's Wednesday Seminar Series. Focused on academic experts in political science and international relations.
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Here we talk everything Polyvagal and Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) related. Dr Porges has provided us with a revolutionary framework for understanding the connection between our autonomic nervous system and behaviour based on perceptions of threat or safety. The SSP acoustic intervention is an exciting new therapy helping people all around the world. We will explore topics to help us better understand our neurobiology and how that relates to recovery and optimal health.
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Chào mừng các bạn đã đến với Steven Saucy Podcast | by Steven Saucy. ----------------------- Đây sẽ là nơi để mình chia sẻ về những trải nghiệm, câu chuyện và cuộc sống của chính bản thân mình. Tuy mỗi câu chuyện không quá đặc biệt nhưng mình mong rằng ý nghĩa đằng sau chúng sẽ giúp mọi người cảm thấy vui vẻ và nhẹ nhàng khi lắng nghe. Mình tin rằng Steven Saucy Podcast sẽ là nơi chúng ta cùng nhau trải lòng về những tâm tư và câu chuyện giàu cảm xúc. ------------------------ Mình là Steven ...
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show series
Bits, Bytes and AI, Oh My!, the podcast of the Digital Space campaign, underwritten by Hughes, delves into the rapidly evolving world of digital technology and its transformative impact on the space of satellite industries. In this series, we explore the intersection of artificial intelligence, machine learning and space based digital infrastructur…
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裁员、降薪、就业困难……最近这个时期,关于经济下行的焦虑和担忧几乎影响着每个人。在「大环境不景气」的宏大叙事之下,每一个个体似乎都被悲观的情绪裹挟和影响。 整体环境和个人选择之间的关联到底是什么?如何从悲观情绪的漩涡中逃脱?面对整体下行的经济趋势,个体在资产保值与投资时应该如何抉择?在本期节目中,我们就邀请了职业投资人、《不止金钱》栏目主创玖洲(Aaron)以「松弛」的状态谈谈他对以上话题的看法。在情绪之外,或许我们还有更多观察和了解理财的方式。 日历翻到九月,也就意味着这一年进入了最后三分之一。2024 年,我们依然处在巨大的不确定性中。或许你还是一名「学生党」,正在探索自己的学业和职业规划,以及如何将自己的小积蓄用得更有意义;又或许你已经是一位「社会人」,不时反思自己的生活和财务决策。其…
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裁员、降薪、就业困难……最近这个时期,关于经济下行的焦虑和担忧几乎影响着每个人。在「大环境不景气」的宏大叙事之下,每一个个体似乎都被悲观的情绪裹挟和影响。 整体环境和个人选择之间的关联到底是什么?如何从悲观情绪的漩涡中逃脱?面对整体下行的经济趋势,个体在资产保值与投资时应该如何抉择?在本期节目中,我们就邀请了职业投资人、《不止金钱》栏目主创玖洲(Aaron)以「松弛」的状态谈谈他对以上话题的看法。在情绪之外,或许我们还有更多观察和了解理财的方式。
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9 月 10 凌晨,Apple 召开一年一度的秋季发布会,推出了 iPhone、Apple Watch、AirPods 等多个系列的新品。少数派以往尽管很多次前往 Apple 总部参加活动,但今年却是第一次现场参与 Apple 秋季发布会,也终于有机会第一时间上手诸多新品。 本期节目中,我们就和远在加州的少数派成员 waychane 来个连线,以快问快答的方式听他讲讲新品上手体验。
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9 月 10 凌晨,Apple 召开一年一度的秋季发布会,推出了 iPhone、Apple Watch、AirPods 等多个系列的新品。少数派以往尽管很多次前往 Apple 总部参加活动,但今年却是第一次现场参与 Apple 秋季发布会,也终于有机会第一时间上手诸多新品。 本期节目中,我们就和远在加州的少数派成员 waychane 来个连线,以快问快答的方式听他讲讲新品上手体验。 节目章节 00:00:30 开场,今年我们在 Apple 发布会现场 00:02:34 iPhone 16 Pro 大了一圈⋯⋯吗? 00:05:42 悲报:16 Pro 变重了 00:09:41 沙漠黄比爆料好看 00:11:40 拍照按键:触感、段落、滑动 00:18:17 第三方 App 可以调用这颗按键吗…
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Bits, Bytes and AI, Oh My!, the podcast of the Digital Space campaign, underwritten by Hughes, delves into the rapidly evolving world of digital technology and its transformative impact on the space of satellite industries. In this series, we explore the intersection of artificial intelligence, machine learning and space based digital infrastructur…
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《黑神话:悟空》是近期突破了各个次元壁的现象级话题,也是每个游戏玩家都不得不聊的佳作。在本期节目中,《少数派播客》再次与《皮蛋漫游记》激情联动,并且拉来了游戏博主阿平 Yves,四个人一起聊聊这部游戏的里里外外和个人感受。
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《黑神话:悟空》是近期突破了各个次元壁的现象级话题,也是每个游戏玩家都不得不聊的佳作。在本期节目中,《少数派播客》再次与《皮蛋漫游记》激情联动,并且拉来了游戏博主阿平 Yves,四个人一起聊聊这部游戏的里里外外和个人感受。 节目章节 00:00:00 聊黑神话之前,我们先自报家门说说成分 00:04:33 黑神话算是魂类游戏吗? 00:24:15 哪些是超出大家预期的部分? 00:39:53 大家各自最爽的 boss 战是什么? 00:52:51 那些地方大家觉得做得还不够好? 00:55:17 这是一个百回本西游记的延伸 01:00:19 西天取经这个局是怎么攒起来的? 01:13:02 长生不老是西游记的根基设定 01:20:24 资源永远是有限的,天命人取经路就是环形的无限重复 01:…
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Bits, Bytes and AI, Oh My!, the podcast of the Digital Space campaign, delves into the rapidly evolving world of digital technology and its transformative impact on the space of satellite industries. In this series, we explore the intersection of artificial intelligence, machine learning and space based digital infrastructure with industry leaders …
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In the podcast series of Reducing the Risks of Space, Part 2: New Ideas in Space Safety, we explore policy, law, technology and operations in development now to manage the challenging space environment of the future. Episode 3 features a conversation with renowned industry journalist Peter B. de Selding, Co-Founder and Chief Editor of SpaceIntelRep…
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In this Better Satellite World podcast, based on the July 2024 edition of the New York Space Business Roundtable, we hear from Greg Eghigian, Author & Professor at Penn State and Nick Reese, Co-Founder & COO of Frontier Foundry. They discuss unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) and the numerous questions around them such as why we are spending so mu…
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In this podcast series, we speak with friends of SSPI who recently made big executive moves. We’ll find out what they’re doing now and what they hope to achieve in their new roles in the industry. In episode 3, SSPI Director of Engagement Tamara Bond-Williams speaks with Laura Cummings, Associate at Greenberg Traurig, LLP and 2023 "20 Under 35" hon…
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就在前不久,我们刚刚完成了一次奇妙的「寻源大圣」之旅。这趟旅途的起因源自《黑神话:悟空》,这款人气游戏的发售日是 2024 年的 8 月 20 日,而这天恰好是民间信仰中齐天大圣的诞辰日。 对于没有接触过大圣信仰的朋友们来说,把齐天大圣当成神明来供奉听上去很不正经。但大圣信仰不仅是个一本正经的民间信仰,而且在全球范围内都有着相当大的影响力。它有着悠久的历史和传承,直接影响了吴承恩《西游记》的创作,又在《西游记》走红之后反过来被这本书影响和重塑。 因此,我们的大圣之旅就去往了大圣信仰的发源地福建,亲眼见证了当地人民是如何看待和祭奠这位民间英雄的。旅途中,我们还遇见了许多神奇的缘分,学到了很多冷门的民俗知识。本期播客就是我们对于本次旅途的总结和回顾,也是《少数派播客》和《神秘兮兮》的双台联动。 …
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就在前不久,我们刚刚完成了一次奇妙的「寻源大圣」之旅。这趟旅途的起因源自《黑神话:悟空》,这款人气游戏的发售日是 2024 年的 8 月 20 日,而这天恰好是民间信仰中齐天大圣的诞辰日。 对于没有接触过大圣信仰的朋友们来说,把齐天大圣当成神明来供奉听上去很不正经。但大圣信仰不仅是个一本正经的民间信仰,而且在全球范围内都有着相当大的影响力。它有着悠久的历史和传承,直接影响了吴承恩《西游记》的创作,又在《西游记》走红之后反过来被这本书影响和重塑。 因此,我们的大圣之旅就去往了大圣信仰的发源地福建,亲眼见证了当地人民是如何看待和祭奠这位民间英雄的。旅途中,我们还遇见了许多神奇的缘分,学到了很多冷门的民俗知识。本期播客就是我们对于本次旅途的总结和回顾。…
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In this podcast series, we speak with friends of SSPI who recently made big executive moves. We’ll find out what they’re doing now and what they hope to achieve in their new roles in the industry. In episode 2, SSPI Director of Engagement Tamara Bond-Williams speaks with Slava Frayter, Senior Vice President of Commercial Sales at Kayhan Space. Mr. …
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In this podcast series, we speak with friends of SSPI who recently made big executive moves. We'll find out what they're doing now and what they hope to achieve in their new roles in the industry. In episode 1, SSPI Director of Engagement Tamara Bond-Williams speaks with Jennifer Manner, Senior Advisor for Space and Satellite Policy at the Office o…
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In part 1 of this special Better Satellite World podcast series, you heard from SSPI Director of Innovation and host of the Better Satellite World podcast Lou Zacharilla. He discussed the past two years of the Better Satellite World podcast and his favorite episodes, including his number 1 pick: The Road Less Travelled: Joining Faith and Science in…
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In this special Better Satellite World podcast, SSPI Director of Engagement Tamara Bond-Williams interviews none other than our host, SSPI Director of Innovation Lou Zacharilla. They discuss some of the most entertaining and intriguing podcasts Lou has had the privilege to record over the years, culminating in Lou's favorite podcast of all time, wh…
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In this Better Satellite World podcast, based on the June 2024 edition of the New York Space Business Roundtable, our panel of experts takes a hard-nosed look at how the public and private sectors share the world of AI. Among other questions, we ask: What role will AI have on military applications in Space and on the ability to anticipate threats a…
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In this Better Satellite World podcast series, we ask the question: “What would you do if you had the power to make the world a better place during your career?” Joining SSPI’s Lou Zacharilla to answer that question in the seventh and final episode are 3 members of the “20 Under 35” cohort of 2023: Andrew Chau, Space Mission Program Manager at Mill…
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In this Better Satellite World podcast series, we ask the question: “What would you do if you had the power to make the world a better place during your career?” Joining SSPI’s Lou Zacharilla to answer that question in the sixth episode are 3 members of the “20 Under 35” cohort of 2023: Christian Keil, Chief of Staff at Astranis, Sapna Rao, Senior …
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In this SSPI-WISE Presents podcast, Tamara Bond-Williams, Director of Engagement at SSPI, speaks with Merissa Velez, Chief of the Satellite Programs and Policy Division at the Federal Communication Commission's (FCC) Space Bureau. This podcast is the second episode of New Ideas in Space Safety, the podcast of the SSPI topic campaign: Reducing the R…
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本期节目以在线直播形式录制,因此我们在剪辑中也保留了部分直播互动内容,为节目增加一些直播的临场感。 WWDC24 开幕式上,Apple 除了发布常规的系统更新之外还推出了盛传已久的 AI 能力,在本期节目中,我们就和两颗皮蛋的零号一起围绕 Apple 的各项新功能和新的 Apple Intelligence 展开探讨,聊聊我们对于本次发布会的哪些兴奋、失落和困惑。 节目章节 00:00:19 开场 00:01:34 直播的开始 00:01:55 AI 功能可以在国区落地吗? 00:04:12 Vision Pro 国行版在功能上和美版有区别吗? 00:08:38 WWDC24 开幕式整体感受 00:19:06 最满意和最不满意的 OS 更新 00:26:00 让你困惑或者觉得需要长期关注的模…
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本期节目以在线直播形式录制,因此我们在剪辑中也保留了部分直播互动内容,为节目增加一些直播的临场感。 WWDC24 开幕式上,Apple 除了发布常规的系统更新之外还推出了盛传已久的 AI 能力,在本期节目中,我们就和两颗皮蛋的零号一起围绕 Apple 的各项新功能和新的 Apple Intelligence 展开探讨,聊聊我们对于本次发布会的哪些兴奋、失落和困惑。
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In this Better Satellite World podcast, based on the May edition of the New York Space Business Roundtable, you'll hear the first AI talk at the Roundtable. It’s the gamechanger and it’s here and moving fast. How fast and where is it going to land in the commercial space sector? In this conversation, we bring AI into the house and to space and sate…
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本期节目是《脑放电波》与《少数派播客》的联动节目。随着又一轮 618 促销节的到来,许多朋友都注意到,数码科技爱好者们的消费习惯和关注对象有了不少改变,一些看似冷门的、小众的品类和产品也开始崛起。 在本期节目中,主播和嘉宾们就围绕小众产品的发展历程和商业模式展开了探讨。在这些看似小众的商品背后,或许蕴藏着一个巨大的未来。
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本期节目是《脑放电波》与《少数派播客》的联动节目。随着又一轮 618 促销节的到来,许多朋友都注意到,数码科技爱好者们的消费习惯和关注对象有了不少改变,一些看似冷门的、小众的品类和产品也开始崛起。 在本期节目中,主播和嘉宾们就围绕小众产品的发展历程和商业模式展开了探讨。在这些看似小众的商品背后,或许蕴藏着一个巨大的未来。 节目章节 00:05:21 少数派如何从小众产品的需求中看到未来? 00:46:23 从 3D 打印热潮到手搓机器人,从「中国制造」升级为「中国创造」 01:25:45 最强极客属性的 618 个性好物推荐 订阅《少数派播客》 节目 RSS 链接 Apple Podcasts 小宇宙 Spotify 其它平台 人物介绍 Thomas:脑放电波主播,消费电子营销人和资深玩家、…
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本期节目是老麦参与《皮蛋漫游记》的串台节目。 因为想尝试一些汽车方向的内容,两颗皮蛋的两名成员零号和初号最近都更换了自己的座驾。恰巧老麦也把自己的 Model Y 换成了蔚来和智界。于是,两颗皮蛋决定拉上从蔚来车主变成员工的 Chris,一起聊聊换第二台车的时候是怎么考虑的,以及对于蔚来及其子品牌乐道的看法。
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本期节目是老麦参与《皮蛋漫游记》的串台节目。 因为想尝试一些汽车方向的内容,两颗皮蛋的两名成员零号和初号最近都更换了自己的座驾。恰巧老麦也把自己的 Model Y 换成了蔚来和智界。于是,两颗皮蛋决定拉上从蔚来车主变成员工的 Chris,一起聊聊换第二台车的时候是怎么考虑的,以及对于蔚来及其子品牌乐道的看法。 节目章节 00:01:35 几位主播的换车经历 00:18:34 如何入坑蔚来 00:38:14 如何看待蔚来的子品牌乐道 00:53:15 如何看待子母品牌的营销策略 00:59:21 乐道来自蔚来,但需要有独立的运作体系 01:03:45 蔚来和乐道车主如何共享现在的换电站 订阅《少数派播客》 节目 RSS 链接 Apple Podcasts 小宇宙 Spotify 其它平台 人物…
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