



07/05/2024 03:03 GMT - Julian day 2460496.63


Planetary Positions Right Now

What's happening in the astrological sky today? And what does it mean?

    On this page:

  • Today's Chart Wheel
  • Planetary Positions by Sign, Degree, and Aspect
  • Interpretations of Key Astrological Factors


The following table shows the position of the planets today by sign and degree.


Zodiac : Tropical
N NodeAries10°53' 


How are these ten bodies distributed among the zodiac signs? The following table shows their distribution by gender, mode (Cardinal, Mutable, or Fixed), and element (Fire, Earth, Air, or Water).

masculine 3  fire 1
feminine 7  earth 2
cardinal 3  air 2
fixed 4  water 5
mutable 3  


The following is an aspect table, displaying the aspects forming between the planets at this time.

SunConjunctionVenus8°21' 112
SunTrineSaturn5°48' 39
MoonSquareLilith2°51' -71
MercurySextileJupiter4°44' 10
MercuryTrineNeptune4°25' 67
MercurySextileLilith3°47' 39
VenusSextileMars3°02' 72
VenusTrineSaturn2°34' 75
VenusSextileUranus3°57' 42
VenusTrineNeptune7°59' 0
MarsSextileSaturn0°28' 127
MarsConjunctionUranus6°59' 76
JupiterTrinePluto7°40' 2
UranusSextileNeptune4°03' 29
UranusTrinePluto5°32' 12
UranusTrineLilith4°41' 12
NeptuneSextilePluto1°29' 63
NeptuneOppositionLilith0°39' -56
PlutoTrineLilith0°51' 9
  786 -351 435



The Chart of the Moment:




If someone--or an event--were born at this moment, the corresponding birth chart report is below.


Chart Report

This report shows the positions of the planets for right now.

The planets in the signs

The position of the planets in the Zodiac signs influences the nature of an individual, event, and current affairs.

The Sun is in Cancer
With the Sun in Cancer, there is a strong survival instinct. Protectiveness, defensiveness, self-protectiveness. Shyness or withdrawal, moodiness, looking for roots or a home base. Security and safety are paramount and strong drives. Things with history attached to them, such as antiques, photos, and souvenirs, are appealing.

Strong sensitivity, fear of rejection, hiding in a shell, refusal to mature or harden. Retreat. Avoiding direct confrontation. Yielding, soft, and hospitable. Caring, nurturing.

There is great tenacity while the Sun is in Cancer.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and the Moon is a mediator between the inner world and the outer world. The crab is Cancer’s symbol.

Cancer’s element is WATER, and water signs are fluid, emotional, and intuitive. Cancer’s mode is CARDINAL, and cardinal signs want action!

The metal associated with Cancer is elegant silver, and silver represents wisdom, beauty, age, and grace.

Cancer is related to Pearl, and pearls symbolize integrity, loyalty, wisdom, and calm: traits also associated with the sign. Emeralds are connected to the Cancer zodiac sign, as well as the moonstone (thought to help bring lovers together or back together) and Cat’s Eye.

Cancer is related to the colors Violet, Silver, and White (although not technically a color). White symbolizes purity, innocence, and safety–keywords also associated with Cancer.

Cancer is the fourth sign. However, Cancer’s lucky number is Moon-ruled two. Lucky days are 2, 11, and 20. Lucky years are 1973, 1982, 1991, 2000, 2009, 2018, 2027.

Cancer is a feminine, negatively-charged, yin, or receptive sign and is considered a highly fertile sign for planting. Its trees are the apple, Cyprus, and fir.

The body parts or anatomy associated with Cancer are the breasts and stomach or womb. Regarding health, Cancer is associated with body fluids, protective covers in the body, and bodily “containers.” Health issues connected with the sign of Cancer include water retention and stomach problems.

Where you find Cancer in a chart is where you find great sensitivity but tenacity. Cancer contains, protects, surrounds, and nourishes.

The Moon is in Cancer

The Moon is "at home" in the sign of Cancer, as the Moon is the natural ruler of the sign. It's strong and powerful. A time to get in touch with feelings, moods, and memories. Seeking security and familiarity, peace and quiet. Attachment to all things safe, dwelling, caught up in the past. Dislike insincerity. Accommodating, devoted, accumulating.

Possible problems: Passiveness, non-confrontational, roundabout, manipulative, dependent.

A time of great and unique observation, humor, some moodiness, warmth, and protection. Very sensitive to environmental conditions and surroundings.

A feeling of belonging and safety is a motivator. Insular, protective, self-protective, healing, fertility. A good time for domestic or family activities, nurturing and growing, cooking, cuddling, and efforts toward long-term projects.

Mercury is in Leo

Ability to scope out a situation and find answers to problems. Decisiveness. Positive, persuasive, warm, and charming in communications. Enthusiastic, authoritative, sincere approach. Organization. Story-telling, drama. Dignified, haughty. Inflexible views.

Venus is in Cancer

The Devoted. Sensitivity in love, shy but devoted with affections. Care and concern are expressions of love with Venus in Cancer. Preference for safe, solid relationships. Moodiness, pouting, fear of rejection. Sentimentality. Attachments to family, all that's familiar, and home. A good time for antiques, collections, food and care services, silver, real estate.

Mars is in Taurus

"Slow and steady wins the race." Remarkable staying power. Calm and easygoing atmosphere is appealing. Strength and stability are valued. Driven by security and a fondness for personal possessions. Patience for the long game. Determination and stubbornness. Not very adaptable. Will not be rushed. Reliable and strong.

Slow to change course or get started but persevering. Preferring methodical work over creative methods, risk-averse. Strong physical needs/desires.

Jupiter is in Gemini

The Versatile. Attracting good fortune through wit and ingeniousness. Versatility, sociability, curiosity, and putting people at ease with friendliness and sincere curiosity. Valuing the intellect, communication, and contact. Seeing opportunities to grow and succeed through intellectual, verbal, and written channels. Belief that intelligence and knowledge are vital to solving problems and improvement/growth.

Possible pitfalls: Overstimulation with superficial information and skimming the surface of issues; unwillingness to go deep in an attempt to preserve happiness.

Enjoying: herding, gathering, fact-finding, dabbling, gadgets, puzzles, tinkering, clarifying, and informing.

Saturn is in Pisces

Reclusive, with sullen humor. Liking solitude, contemplation, and working alone.

Testing faith. Fear of being vulnerable. A time for turning a critical eye to (and gaining a new perspective on) our dreams, mental health systems, and sense of compassion and empathy.

Watch for: avoiding scrutiny at all costs, which can lead to missed opportunities. Persistent or formidable enemies.

Uranus is in Taurus

New ways to approach money, personal possessions, personal comfort, sensuality, food, self-love, body love, and pampering. Nontraditional approach to these matters. Progressive ideas in business. Ups and downs with money, things.

Neptune is in Pisces

Religion, spirituality, the arts, and fantasy dominate, but they're also subject to confusion, lack of definition, and misunderstanding. Passivity. Mass confusion. Blurring boundaries. Looking within, valuing compassion, de-emphasizing the material world, dissolution. The belief that the key to nirvana is through increased acceptance and breaking down walls/boundaries.

Pluto is in Aquarius

A major reform of social structures, politics, friendships, and networks. Intensity and drama in these areas. An overhaul through science, inventions, and the mind or ideas.

Interplanetary aspects

The interplanetary aspects strongly influence the character and disposition of an individual or event and, consequently, its destiny.

The conjunction aspect is variable and depends, above all, on the nature of the conjoined planets.

127 Sextile Mars - Saturn

The Builder. The workhorse. A survivalist. Reliability. Determined, resourceful, and disciplined. Having strength and resistance, ability and patience. Tough and somewhat strict or insensitive. Pouring energy and talents into overcoming obstacles. Persistent, enduring, obstinate, calculating, planning, and considering all possible consequences. Not necessarily popular, but respected.

Well-laid plans. Shrewd. Powerful resistance. Serious when working; workaholic tendencies. After a setback, getting right back up again and carrying on. Slow but steady success. Tempered enthusiasm. Seeking balance. Taking time without losing patience to achieve objectives. Conserving energy for priorities.

-121 Opposition Mercury - Pluto

Communications pull up previously secret or hidden matters. Provocative confrontations. Likes contradiction or is contradictory, provocative. Arguments are noisy and animated. Aggressive with opinions. Fanaticism.

A time of fixations, obsessive thoughts. Drawn to mysteries but going too far with suspicions. Challenge is to think before speaking and avoid winning at all costs on mental levels.

112 Conjunction Sun - Venus

The Peace-maker. Compromising. Social relationships assume more importance. Charming, easy-going, personal popularity, pleasant appearance or manner, wanting to be liked and appreciated, attractive. Refinement, kindness, and gentleness. Seeking harmony; a dislike of bluntness or crassness. Diplomatic, expert at smoothing over (or glossing over) problems. Openhanded, tolerant, and accepting.

Negative potentials: Vanity, superficiality, being two-faced, people-pleasing, too agreeable, too pleasant (at the expense of honesty), lazy, easily bored, indulgent, working on charm, conniving.

A fine eye for style, dressing well, luxury. Gracious, romantic, and romantically impulsive. Relying on the power of attraction rather than pursuit.

A time of social pleasure, improved money, relationships, comfort, and satisfaction.

-103 Square Moon - Neptune

Lacking direction, boundaries, or clarity. Escapism, living in a dream, in the world of imagination. Reality checks feel brutal due to high expectations and hopes. Impressionable, open to influence, feeling vulnerable. Disappointments, deceptions, gossip, or backbiting. Not an ideal time to handle business and domestic affairs. A better time for reflection, rest, and creative inspiration.

76 Conjunction Mars - Uranus

Impulsive and bold. Taking risks, daring to be different. Insistence on freedom of action. Progressive and courageous. Innovation. Surprises and erratic behavior.

75 Trine Venus - Saturn

The Steadfast and Loyal. Appreciating simplicity, goodness. Enjoying being responsible; having a good grasp of reality and duty. Thrifty, reserved, humble, and not inclined to show off. Valuing truth, loyalty, and justice. Sentiments are cautious but sincere in love. Faithful in love and friendship. Attracted to maturity and stability. Appreciates intelligence and good sense. Going the distance, committing.

72 Sextile Venus - Mars

Amorousness, passion, demonstrativeness, healthy and hearty pleasures. Friendly competition. A good time to flirt, get together, create, and compete. Powerful magnetism and attractiveness.

Exciting yet comfortable interactions, physical attractions. Vital and strong rapport. Profitable decisions. Personal approach to sales.

-71 Square Moon - Lilith

Love-at-first-sight is to be avoided, as it will make one forget all other duties and lead to problems.

67 Trine Mercury - Neptune

The Imaginative. Mental imagery. Inspiration. Creative intelligence. Quickly and naturally understands.

Ability to verbalize what the imagination and intuition dictate: interpreting dreams, symbols, and hidden meanings. Sensing trends, intuiting the next step. Interesting, odd, and varied daily experiences. Non-linear thinking.

Applying imagination to daily affairs and interests. Suitable fields include journalism, teaching, writing, design, and social welfare. Distractable. Dreamy. Idealism.

Resisting hard/strict answers and definitions. Disliking being labeled, labeling things, black-or-white statements, and hard boundaries. Intuitive insight. Thoughtful, contemplative. Using knowledge to help, heal, and assist others. Relating to one another kindly, freely, and understandingly.

Relatable communications: ability to describe or give words to concepts or otherwordly ideas. Enchanting words and descriptions. Descriptive. Poetic. Fantasy, imagination, and science fiction are appealing.

Delicate words. Keeping secrets; discreet. Impressionable. Following hunches. Perceives with all the senses, paying special attention to nuance. A desire to articulate concepts, beauty, and wonder. A strong memory for moments more than facts. Great storyteller and collector of information. A time to interpret, delight, and entertain.

63 Sextile Neptune - Pluto

Ability to see the layers of a situation. Intrigued by what makes things work, motivations.

-56 Opposition Neptune - Lilith

Compassion and freedom are fighting one another for dominance, and clarity is hard to come by. Swinging from viewing them in extremes of good and bad. It's best to look to a trusted outside source for guidance on the bigger relationship decisions.

42 Sextile Venus - Uranus

Independence or freedom in love, unusual pleasures, non-traditional pastimes or relationships. Appealing, attractive, open to new things. Somewhat detached or unpredictable.

The ability to get along with--and accept--people from all walks of life as friends. Long-distance romances.

Unusual, successful methods of business. Progressive, outside-of-the-box ventures, pleasures. Finding novel ways to harmonize, beautify, cooperate, and thrive.

39 Trine Sun - Saturn

It's easy and natural to accept responsibilities, lead an orderly life, and apply caution with financial and business dealings. Unlikely to jump to conclusions or take uneducated risks. Possessing patience and self-discipline when motivated to slowly but surely achieve goals. Undemonstrative, loyal, responsible. Thoroughness, taking the necessary time, step-by-step approach. Innately trustworthy. Respectful and offering respect.

Preferring safe, secure paths. Fair leader. A realistic view of the self. Sound judgment, down to earth. A time of equilibrium when it's natural to channel energies to achieve success, organize, and plan. A time to be hard-working and supportive of others.

39 Sextile Mercury - Lilith

Provocative in communications, persuasive, interesting conversations, quick to see the flaws of a situation.

29 Sextile Uranus - Neptune

The Mystic. Wildly creative, with an odd but happy sense of humor and perspective. Idealistic, tolerant, and kind. Easily disappointed by those using power plays to advance. Embracing new and refreshing approaches or belief systems. An innate acceptance of mysticism.

12 Trine Uranus - Pluto

Motivated to improve daily life. Persevering. Championing for the underdog, personal freedoms, reform. Scientific progress. Heightened perception. Unusual ideas.

12 Trine Uranus - Lilith

Experimenting, trying new things, without much follow-up. Breaking free, liberation, freedom from limiting thoughts or habits.

10 Sextile Mercury - Jupiter

Good faith, optimism. Great interest in learning and sharing the truth. Big ideas, tolerant, fair. Strong sense of justice, ethics. Good judgment. Excellent communication skills and inclusiveness. Full enjoyment and appreciation of knowledge, literature, and learning. Successful exams, publishing, interviews, legal or educational matters, promotions, travel, and communications. Motivational speaking/writing, good teacher/guide.

9 Trine Pluto - Lilith

Knowing where the bodies are buried. Experiences taking one to the deeper places in the soul; exploring inner desires. Seeing in the dark. Strong deduction skills.

2 Trine Jupiter - Pluto

The Director. Intelligent planner and strategist. Organizer of the first order. Opportunities for wealth, abundance. Publishing, teaching, exporting. Willingness to change, transform, grow, and improve. Having a higher purpose. Goal-oriented.


Here, you'll find the current planet signs and core aspects. Taken together, they can help describe the fundamental energies of the moment.

This report features more succinct text than the general natal chart report, designed to apply not only to people born at a specific time, but also to current events and electing activities or new beginnings.


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