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Bertrand Russell

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Bertrand Russell
Britanaf englavaf solokseropik isu trakopik isu suterotik


     Nobel Suterotafo
 : 1950
Bertrand Russell

Bertrand Russell

 Koblira  18/05/1872,
 Trellech, Britana
 Awalkera  02/02/1970,
 Penrhyndeudraeth, Britana
 Vedeyot  Britana
 Ava  Englava
 Suterind  Trakopa, Solokseropa, Berpot
  • 1896, German Social Democracy
  • 1897, An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry
  • 1900, A Critical Exposition of the Philosophy of Leibniz
  • 1903, The Principles of Mathematics
  • 1905, On Denoting
  • 1910, Philosophical Essays
  • 1910, Principia Mathematica
  • 1912, The Problems of Philosophy
  • 1913, Theory of Knowledge
  • 1914, Our Knowledge of the External World as a Field for Scientific Method in Philosophy
  • 1916, Principles of Social Reconstruction
  • 1916, Justice in War-time
  • 1917, Political Ideals
  • 1918, Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays
  • 1918, Philosophie de l'atomisme logique
  • 1918, Roads to Freedom: Socialism, Anarchism, and Syndicalism
  • 1919, Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy
  • 1920, The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism
  • 1921, The Analysis of Mind
  • 1922, The Problem of China
  • 1923, The Prospects of Industrial Civilization
  • 1923, The ABC of Atoms
  • 1924, Icarus, or the Future of Science
  • 1925, The ABC of Relativity
  • 1925, What I Believe
  • 1926, On Education, Especially in Early Childhood
  • 1927, The Analysis of Matter
  • 1927, An Outline of Philosophy
  • 1927, Why I Am Not a Christian
  • 1927, Selected Papers of Bertrand Russell
  • 1928, Sceptical Essays
  • 1929, Marriage and Morals
  • 1930, The Conquest of Happiness
  • 1931, The Scientific Outlook
  • 1932, Education and the Social Order
  • 1932, In Praise of Idleness
  • 1934, Freedom and Organization, 1814–1914
  • 1935, Religion and Science
  • 1936, Which Way to Peace?
  • 1937, The Amberley Papers: The Letters and Diaries of Lord and Lady Amberley
  • 1938, Power: A New Social Analysis
  • 1940, An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth
  • 1946, A History of Western Philosophy and Its Connection with Political and Social Circumstances from the Earliest Times to the Present Day
  • 1948, Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits
  • 1949, Authority and the Individual
  • 1950, Unpopular Essays
  • 1951, New Hopes for a Changing World
  • 1952, The Impact of Science on Society
  • 1953, Satan in the Suburbs and Other Stories
  • 1954, Human Society in Ethics and Politics
  • 1954, Nightmares of Eminent Persons and Other Stories
  • 1956, Why I am Not a Communist
  • 1956, Portraits from Memory and Other Essays
  • 1956, Logic and Knowledge: Essays 1901–1950
  • 1957, Why I Am Not A Christian and Other Essays on Religion and Related Subjects
  • 1958, Understanding History and Other Essays
  • 1959, Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare
  • 1959, My Philosophical Development
  • 1959, Wisdom of the West
  • 1960, Bertrand Russell Speaks His Mind
  • 1961, The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell
  • 1961, Fact and Fiction
  • 1961, Has Man a Future?
  • 1963, Essays in Skepticism
  • 1963, Unarmed Victory
  • 1965, On the Philosophy of Science
  • 1967, Russell's Peace Appeals
  • 1967, War Crimes in Vietnam
  • 1969, The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell
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Nobel Suterotafo Poradro

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