1937 ballot measures

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1937 State
Ballot Measures
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    By state


    See also: Maine 1937 ballot measures

    August 16

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRSS Referendum Question Welfare Provides for old age assistance, guarantees a minimum educational program

    New York

    See also: New York 1937 ballot measures

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRSS Proposition 1 Bonds Issues a bond for $40 million for the construction of buildings for state hospitals for the insane, state charitable and correctional institutions
    LRCA Proposed Amendment No. 1 Admin of Gov't Increases the term of office of the governor and lieutenant governor from two years to four years
    LRCA Proposed Amendment No. 2 Admin of Gov't Increases term of office for Assembly members from one year to two years
    LRCA Proposed Amendment No. 3 Trials Permits defendants in criminal trials to waive trial by jury
    LRCA Proposed Amendment No. 4 Term Limits Removes provision that made sheriffs ineligible for the next term after the termination of their offices
    LRCA Proposed Amendment No. 5 Judiciary Relates to the jurisdiction and powers of the city court of NYC
    LRCA Proposed Amendment No. 6 Judiciary Relates to the jurisdiction and powers of the municipal court of NYC


    See also: Texas 1937 ballot measures

    August 23, 1937

    Type Title Subject Description Result Yes Votes No Votes


    Proposition 1 Banking Provide for the amount of liability of state bank stockholders


    66,959 (64%)

    38,410 (36%)


    Proposition 2 Transportation; Local government Allow voters in Harris County to adopt a road plan and levy taxes to fund the construction of roads and bridges


    53,619 (55%)

    43,885 (45%)


    Proposition 3 Property; Taxes Ensure property is taxed at no more than its fair market value and allow the legislature to offer tax payment discounts before delinquency


    77,058 (72%)

    30,194 (28%)


    Proposition 4 Government salaries Authorize the legislature to fix the manner and basis of compensation for district, county and precinct officers


    44,385 (42%)

    61,559 (58%)


    Proposition 5 Welfare Provide up to $15 a month in assistance to the needy blind over 21 and for the acceptance of federal financial aid to provide said assistance


    80,117 (73%)

    29,297 (27%)


    Proposition 6 Welfare Provide up to $8 a month in assistance to needy children under the 14 and allow acceptance of federal financial aid to provide said assistance


    75,853 (68%)

    35,416 (32%)

    If you know of a statewide measure that is not listed here or if you notice an error, please email [email protected].