Contact us!

The Apache Beam community is friendly and welcoming. We are glad to help with any questions, suggestions, or ideas you have. Contact us in the following channels:

Available contact channels


Get user support, ask general questions and stay up-to-date with project news

User mailing list: [email protected]
Subscribe Archives Read tips below

Developer and contributor discussions

Developer mailing list: [email protected]
Subscribe Archives Read tips below

Report bugs, request features, follow known issues

Apache Beam Issues

Ask and answer community questions

Apache Beam category in Stackoverflow

Contact users and contributors in real time through the ASF slack workspace

The ASF slack workspace
Join the #beam channel and browse other available channels.

Firehose of commits, bugs, pull requests, etc.

Build mailing list [email protected]

Firehose of build notifications from Jenkins

Commits mailing list [email protected]

Mailing list, what are they and how they work

The official communication channels for Apache projects are their mailing lists, and Apache Beam has two main lists: [email protected] and [email protected]. The topics for each of them can be seen in the section above.

Subscribe and Unsubscribe:

Prior to sending emails to these lists, you need to subscribe. To subscribe, send a blank email to [email protected] or [email protected] depending on the list you want to write to.

After you subscribe, you’ll receive all emails going to this mailing list. If you no longer wish to receive emails from these lists, you need to send another blank email to either [email protected] or [email protected].

Useful Tips for Sending Emails

Tip 1: Use tags in your subject line. A tag is a word within a pair of brackets [] that indicate the type of message you’re sending. For example: [Bug] or [Proposal] or [Question] or [Idea]. Tags help folks navigate emails easier.

Tip 2: If you’re asking a troubleshooting question, provide as much information as possible to help others replicate your issue or find possible solutions.