ECR / Client / get_registry_scanning_configuration



Retrieves the scanning configuration for a registry.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.get_registry_scanning_configuration()
Return type:



Response Syntax

    'registryId': 'string',
    'scanningConfiguration': {
        'scanType': 'BASIC'|'ENHANCED',
        'rules': [
                'scanFrequency': 'SCAN_ON_PUSH'|'CONTINUOUS_SCAN'|'MANUAL',
                'repositoryFilters': [
                        'filter': 'string',
                        'filterType': 'WILDCARD'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • registryId (string) –

      The registry ID associated with the request.

    • scanningConfiguration (dict) –

      The scanning configuration for the registry.

      • scanType (string) –

        The type of scanning configured for the registry.

      • rules (list) –

        The scanning rules associated with the registry.

        • (dict) –

          The details of a scanning rule for a private registry.

          • scanFrequency (string) –

            The frequency that scans are performed at for a private registry. When the ENHANCED scan type is specified, the supported scan frequencies are CONTINUOUS_SCAN and SCAN_ON_PUSH. When the BASIC scan type is specified, the SCAN_ON_PUSH scan frequency is supported. If scan on push is not specified, then the MANUAL scan frequency is set by default.

          • repositoryFilters (list) –

            The repository filters associated with the scanning configuration for a private registry.

            • (dict) –

              The details of a scanning repository filter. For more information on how to use filters, see Using filters in the Amazon Elastic Container Registry User Guide.

              • filter (string) –

                The filter to use when scanning.

              • filterType (string) –

                The type associated with the filter.


  • ECR.Client.exceptions.ServerException

  • ECR.Client.exceptions.InvalidParameterException

  • ECR.Client.exceptions.ValidationException