
16 Pins
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two men standing next to each other in front of a helicopter on a dirt field
a man in a suit and tie standing next to a lion statue with the caption coronarius has officially called more than morrison
an old comic book with a man sleeping in bed
a man holding a cat in his hands with the caption'que incluso me habias y me decas '
Stupid fake meme of the day
Morrissey and a stinkin' cat
a man with a cat on his head
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Cat to #Morrissey, "take me out tonight. Take me anywhere. I don't care, I don't care, I don't care.
black and white photos of a man holding a cat in his arms with four different poses
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a man sitting on the ground with a cat in his lap next to a sign that says you should always judge a book
Fanny the Cat and Morrissey
Morrissey and Fanny
a black and white photo of a man holding a cat
morrissey frink thread!
morrissey frink thread! - Page 2013