
Tips & ideas to work through the challenge & joys of parenting
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Parent Talk

197 Pins
Fear is a natural emotion. Instead of telling them to get rid of the emotion, understand fear from a child’s perspective. Build courage by coaching them on how to face fears. Systematically expose your child to the feared entity and instil confidence by rewarding wach successful step. #raisingconfidentchildren #rupapublications #parenting #parentingtips #mindspace
Maintain a sense of predictability in routines. Set the rules, regulations together with your child and discuss the consequences when setting the rules. Ensure that both parents must be consistent when dealing with problem behaviour. #raisingconfidentchildren #rupapublications #parenting #parentingtips #mindspace
Confidence builds through skills development and application. Utilize moments from your day to day routine to stimulate skill acquisition in your children. Use short and specific instructions, encourage to analyse, solve their own questions and explain the why and how of skills. #raisingconfidentchildren #rupapublications #parenting #parentingtips #mindspace

Parenting with A Sensitive Approach

12 Pins
Important element of communication in shaping a child’s thinking and behaviour is reflect on What to comment on, what to say, how much to say and when to say it. Motivate your children by acknowledging and appreciating, accept that you can change everything and letting go in the process is important. Understand the reasons that may be hindering the change, focus on strenghts and think of multiple solutions and ways of working. #raisingconfidentchildren #rupapublications #parenting #parentingtips
Your response structures your child’s belief systems and behaviour. Move from reacting to responding, know what you want to achieve through your conversation. Maintain your understaning of the current context, take a step back to evaluate what youa re doing in a situation and ask yourself ‘Do I want to react’? If you have reacted, take time to also reassess it. #raisingconfidentchildren #rupapublications #parenting #parentingtips #mindspace
Work towards being calm predominent number of times when your child makes a mistake and reassure that it is okay to make them. Emphasize on the need to learn from a mistake and encourage them to reach out to you always and enhance your child’s coping skills by focusing on change. #raisingconfidentchildren #rupapublications #parenting #parentingtips #mindspace

Watch Out For These Parenting Syndromes

10 Pins
Step away from perpetual righting your child’s behaviora and thoughts. Instead choose and precisely define what to correct, be calm and respectful while you are making those corrections. Work as a team, where as parents, you choose separate topics of communication and decide on alternate solutions to a problem. #raisingconfidentchildren #rupapublications #parenting #parentingtips #mindspace
Through your daily interactions, develop the skill of negotiating. Refrain from using coercion instead resolve conflicts by finding middle ground and give space to understand views and probable solutions. Define clear rules, think of appropriate rational for saying no and dicuss about the contingency contract in advance. Through your child will learn the art of negotiation. #raisingconfidentchildren #rupapublications #parenting #parentingtips #mindspace
Cultivate and practise self-awareness with your child by building self aware moments. Stimulate a self-reflective process while in conversation by posing questions to think and providing validation. With increased self awareness, children become better learners and gain more confidence to assert choices. #raisingconfidentchildren #rupapublications #parenting #parentingtips #mindspace

Build Confidence Through Problem-Solving

10 Pins
What we call it, from terrible twos to dramatic teens, are emotional experiences that come at each developmental stage as a transition. They bring challenges both for you and your child and require skills for adaptation. Be cognizant of the fine line of what constitutes your emotions and your child’s. #raisingconfidentchildren #rupapublications #parenting #parentingtips
Having emotional literacy makes a child feel self-assured and confident in their expressions. Aid your child in expanding the emotional vocabulary by naming the emotions in your conversations and building connections between behavior, thoughts and emotions. Use visual aids like clays and stickers to facilitate recognition of social emotional cues. #raisingconfidentchildren #rupapublications #parenting #parentingtips
Empathy is a critical life skill for children. Model empathy and use teaching moments to connect by asking ‘how would you feel if it were you?’. Embracing a child’s empathetic self makes them grow as compassionate and sensitive individuals who form deep relationship bonds. #raisingconfidentchildren #rupapublications #parenting #parentingtips

Build Emotional Well-Being

7 Pins
Giving a child safe space to express themselves, lays the foundation of confidence too. Your presence in terms of your expressions and words of encouragement all are important. Aid your child when they are trying to express emotions and thoughts. It will shape how well they are able to articulate themselve. #raisingconfidentchildren #rupapuication #parenting #parentingtips
In communication, non-verbals play a huge role in connecting with your child. Connecting beyond words with adequate eye-contact, use of hands and coming down to your child’s level to talk enhances engagement. It also teaches your child the means for a good communication. #raisingconfiddentchildren #rupapublication #parenting #parentingtips
With kids doing so many things around as a way of exploring and discovering their environment, you may be saying no for way many things leading to tantrums and later giving in. Choose your NO’s! You may be tempted to say a no, but wait a minute. Take a pause and if it is unharmful for your child, let it go. It will reduce your battles and define for your child what that expected clearly. #raisingconfidentchildren #rupapublications #parenting #parentingtips

Guide to Good Communication

7 Pins
You may feel concerned sometimes that my child is hesitant to be on stage or talk to others. What can I do to change it. When I can begin to work on this. As a parent it is important to understand that developmentally, confidence begins to develop in your child by the age if 4. Confidence is a skill which can be inculcated in your children. Learn more- “Raising Confident Children” #rupapublications #parenting #raisingconfidentchildren #parentingtips
You may want to believe that your your child is unique but yet in the process of parenting and raising, we all tend to look at the other and wish if my child has that skills or abilities. It is important to recognise what unique qualities my child has and what factors contribute to it in “Raising Confidence Children”. #rupapublications #raisingconfidentchildren #parentingtips #parenting
You must have wondered even though my child is good in academics and extra curricular, why does s/he still lacks confidence? A child’s ability to answer ‘who Am I’ is critical part of their self which is more than their performance. Recognise signs of low self-esteem and help them develop a healthy sense of self. #raisingconfidentchildren #rupapublications #parenting #parentingtips

Understand your child and yourself

7 Pins
We all want to raise our children to be confident and best versions of their selves. Through this board we are going share tips with you on how to inculcate this skill your child from the book “Raising Confident Children- A 52 week guide”. #rupapublications #raisingconfidentchildren #parentingtips #parenting


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Raising Confident Children #Rupapublications

74 Pins
Raising confident children
#raisingconfidentchildren #raisinghappykids #raising #parenting #popular #trendy
Let them try new things and learn from their mistakes.
#raisingconfidentchildren #raisinghappykids #raising #parenting #popular #trendy #new #hobbies #learn
Create an environment where they can express themselves freely.
#raisingconfidentchildren #raisinghappykids #raising #parenting #popular #trendy #environment #express #expression
Praise and acknowledge their efforts.
#raisingconfidentchildren #raisinghappykids #raising #parenting #popular #trendy #praise #acknowledgement #effort
Encourage them to explore what they truely enjoy.
#raisingconfidentchildren #raisinghappykids #raising #parenting #popular #trendy #explore #encouragement #enjoy
Teach your children to be assertive by expressing their needs and setting boundaries.
#raisingconfidentchildren #raisinghappykids #raising #parenting #popular #trendy #assertive #need #boundaries
Raising confident children
#raisingconfidentchildren #raisinghappykids #raising #parenting #popular #trendy
Reassure them that you are there to support them no matter what.
#raisingconfidentchildren #raisinghappykids #raising #parenting #popular #trendy #support #supportive #unconditional
Encourage open communication and actively listen to their problems.
#raisingconfidentchildren #raisinghappykids #raising #parenting #popular #trendy #communication #open #listen #problems #problemsolving
Guide your children to set realsitic goals and celebrate their achievements.
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Encourage positive self-talk by teaching them to be kind to themselves.
#raisingconfidentchildren #raisinghappykids #raising #parenting #popular #trendy #positive #selftalk #kindness
Raising confident children
#raisingconfidentchildren #raisingkids #raisinghappykids #raising #parenting #parentingadvice #trendy #popular
Don’t compare your children with others as it causes self-doubt and low self-esteem.
#raisingconfidentchildren #raisingkids #raisinghappykids #parenting #parentingadvice #confidence #comparison #selfdoubt #selfesteem #popular #trendy
Focus on your child’s strengths rather than their weaknesses.
#raisingkids #raisingconfidentchildren #raisinghappykids #parenting #strength #weakness #unconditional #confidence #parentingadvice #trendy #popular