Alexandre cabanel

Explore the captivating paintings and artistic style of Alexandre Cabanel. Immerse yourself in the beauty and elegance of his works, and be inspired by the mastery of this renowned artist.
The Story of The Fallen Angel by Alexander Cabanel – Kuurth Old Paintings 18th Century, Alexander Cabanel, 18th Century Aesthetic, Alexandre Cabanel, Fallen Angel Art, Angel Stories, The Fallen Angel, 18th Century Paintings, Angel Artwork

The Story of The Fallen Angel by Alexander Cabanel

"BETTER TO REIGN IN HELL THAN TO SERVE IN HEAVEN" The L'Ange Dechu, or Fallen Angel, is perhaps one of the most popular works of art ever created. Behind flexed arms, a winged nude hides his face. His brows arch over red-rimmed eyes and a tear of rage as his mane of hair breaks in the wind.
