Christian bale gif

Explore a collection of captivating Christian Bale GIFs that will leave you in awe. Witness the talent and versatility of this incredible actor through these mesmerizing animations.

The Hjartaðr (Cassius Warrington) - Cast 3

After seeing the death of her sister and brother-in-law, Petunia Dursley née Ármanndottir takes the chance to free her niece from the Old Coots games before it can truly begin. With her young son and and young injured niece, she takes the emergency Portkey to her hometown of Cork, Ireland. With the light of the Potter elders and the Blacks, Petunia hoped little Laufey would be protected. There was one thing the Wizarding World would learn; you don't mess with a Potter. Hjartaðr: means…

Andjelija Nenic-Anka