David nolan

Explore the life and legacy of David Nolan, a captivating and enigmatic figure. Discover the untold stories and hidden truths behind the legend of David Nolan, and embark on a fascinating journey through history.
Victoria's Secret Models, David Nolan, Snow White Prince, Charlie Carver, Once Up A Time, Josh Dallas, John Doe, Colin O'donoghue, Jennifer Morrison

MANic Monday: Charmed, I'm Sure

So I watched Once Upon a Time last night. It was about blah blah blabbity blah and Fables and fairy tales and the real world and why is Carey Mulligan Gennifer Goodwin doing TV? Actually I wasn't paying much attention because I was distracted by Prince Charming, played by an older Chord Overstreet Josh Dallas! Also, I didn't realize this, but he played Fandral in Thor. That is because I was distracted by Chris Hemsworth's pecs and biceps. You'll forgive me. Heh, he's cute there, in a vintage…
