Destroy me

Discover empowering quotes and words of wisdom to help you overcome challenges and rise above. Find inspiration and motivation to destroy the barriers holding you back.
A R C R e v i e w >>>> 🎪🖤Wristlocked by @ak.blythe_books🖤🎪 Monsters don't cry... they devour. 🎪🖤🎪Blurb🎪🖤🎪 Gia I’m a monster, disguised as a princess. Only Lyot has seen pieces of what lurks beneath the circus prodigy, and some shadows are too dark for even my best friend to handle. Gale Shepard, on the other hand, is just my kind of nightmare…  Lyot  I’m in love with a beautiful monster. Just because she’s been by my side since we were kids doesn’t mean she won’t destroy me. While I... Destroy Me, Beautiful Monster, Don't Cry, The Circus, Dont Cry, My Side, R C, My Best Friend, A Princess

Destroy Me

A R C R e v i e w >>>> 🎪🖤Wristlocked by @ak.blythe_books🖤🎪 Monsters don't cry... they devour. 🎪🖤🎪Blurb🎪🖤🎪 Gia I’m a monster, disguised as a princess. Only Lyot has seen pieces of what lurks beneath the circus prodigy, and some shadows are too dark for even my best friend to handle. Gale Shepard, on the other hand, is just my kind of nightmare… Lyot I’m in love with a beautiful monster. Just because she’s been by my side since we were kids doesn’t mean she won’t destroy me. While…
