English major reading list

Expand your literary horizons with these must-read books for English majors. Discover classic works and modern masterpieces that will enhance your understanding of literature.
A how-to guide to skim-reading effectively! Find out why skim reading is such a great skill for English majors in this article. #reading #skimreading #english #englishmajor #englishdegree #blog #blogger #university #universitylife #readingskill College Organisation, Close Reading, English Degree, Core Ideas, Studying Tips, Types Of Reading, English Major, College Organization, Study Methods

The Art of Skim Reading: An English Major's Survival Skill

A how-to guide to skim-reading effectively! Find out why skim reading is such a great skill for English majors in this article. #reading #skimreading #english #englishmajor #englishdegree #blog #blogger #university #universitylife #readingskill

10 Books the English Major in Me Would Recommend English Literature Degree, Teen Fiction Books, Critical Analysis, Online Degree Programs, College Majors, English Major, Lessons Learned In Life, Literature Books, Online College

10 Books the English Major in Me Would Recommend -

There are few things I miss about being in school---I don't miss the homework load (where I'd usually be assigned to read literally around 1,500 pages per WEEK), I don't miss the critical analysis essays dissecting every last bit of minutiae in whatever text we were studying, and I don't (usually) miss the pompous, verbose

To Love and To Learn