Famous pictures

Uncover the fascinating stories and secrets behind some of the most famous pictures in history. Explore the iconic images that have shaped our world and gain a deeper understanding of their significance.
Albert Einstein sticking his tongue out, instead of smiling, to photographer Arthur Sasse, on March 14, 1951, Einsteins 72nd birthday. Einstein had smiled and posed for so many photographers that day that he decided to stick his tongue out instead when Sasse came to photograph him. Einstein Tongue, Albert Einstein Poster, Lack Of Common Sense, Sejarah Kuno, Famous Pictures, Steve Mccurry, Theory Of Relativity, 얼굴 그리기, Texas State University

Einstein Tongue

Albert Einstein sticking his tongue out, instead of smiling, to photographer Arthur Sasse, on March 14, 1951, Einsteins 72nd birthday. Einstein had smiled and posed for so many photographers that day that he decided to stick his tongue out instead when Sasse came to photograph him.

Katie Larsen