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full house :) Olsen Twins, Mockingjay, Katniss Everdeen, Catching Fire, Full House Tv Show, Michelle Tanner, Fuller House, Mary Kate Ashley, True Life

Way Back When Vol. 2: Full House

It has been a little quiet over here at the ol' From the Heart. I've been sick. Not just *cough cough* oooh, ohh.. me has a little cold. No. It's been churning stomach, body aches, chills, lethargy and other stuff you don't wanna know about. Plus, I've been depressed as all hell. Like literally on my knees praying to God with no words because I don't know what to say anymore. What, you don't want to hear about my trips to the potty and bone-crushing exhaustion and sadness? No? Me either. OK…

Sharon Caldwell