Hogwarts boat scene

Step into the enchanting world of Harry Potter and relive the iconic Hogwarts boat scene. Experience the thrill of crossing the lake towards the majestic castle, just like the students of Hogwarts.
Hogwarts! Wallpaper Harry Potter, The Dictator, Dark Vador, Theme Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom, The Sorcerer's Stone, Hogwarts Castle, Lord Voldemort, Harry Potter Anime

Hogwarts boats

The Hogwarts boats were traditionally used to transport the first-year students, accompanied by the Keeper of the Keys, across the Black Lake from Hogsmeade station to the castle at the start of the school year.[1] At the end of the school year, first-years took the boats back across the lake to Hogsmeade Station;[2] as did the seventh-years as part of their graduation ceremony.[3] During the start of term journey across the lake in 1994, Dennis Creevey fell out of his boat, but was rescued…
