Joy baby

Explore a collection of joyful baby products and ideas to make parenting a delightful experience. Find tips, inspiration, and must-have items for your baby's happiness and well-being.
Having fun! Mud Pies, Foto Kids, Mud Bath, Kind Photo, Smiles And Laughs, Happy Fun, Foto Inspiration, Just Smile, On The Floor

Alex Hughes

this is one of mine! I read Jessica Sprague's blog today and she asked the question "What is your FAVOURITE photo and why?" As you all would know, that is a seriously HARD question for a scrapbooker and lover of photography. But I have to say, this photo is THE one that immediately came to mind. I have always loved this photo and it was taken back in 2006 when my last little boy was just a toddler. This photo is a favourite because it represents what scrapbooking is to me. I didn't growl…

Debi Harris-Overlie