Lizard pictures

Explore a collection of captivating lizard pictures that will inspire your curiosity and appreciation for these fascinating creatures. Discover different species and their unique characteristics in stunning detail.
Texas Horned Lizard | Commonly called a Horny Toad, this sma… | Flickr Chameleons, Texas Horned Lizard, Horned Toad, Texas Animals, Animals With Horns, Horned Lizard, Horned Frogs, Some Beautiful Pictures, Favorite Animals

Texas Horned Lizard

Commonly called a Horny Toad, this small reptile is actually a lizard. While in considerable decline, this protected species can still be found in strong pockets across the Valley. This lizard's principle food source is the big red harvester ants which create the circular clearings around their nest sites. If these ants are lost, so are the Horned Lizards.

Julia Rago