Marine wife life

Discover tips, support, and inspiration for navigating the unique challenges and joys of being a Marine wife. Find resources to help you thrive in this rewarding role.
Mil Spouse Employment: Making it Work and Accepting what Cannot be Changed | Successful Military Wife Pcs Move, Navy Wife Life, Usmc Wife, Military Wives, Military Relationships, Military Wife Life, Army Wife Life, Marines Girlfriend, Navy Girlfriend


I’M BAAACCCKKKK!! My trip to Korea was fabulous, FM and I had an amazing time exploring the country, and I promise I will share tons about our vacation and get back to normal blogging duties just as soon as I dig out from underneath the craziness of being out of the USA for two weeks. Plus, we’ve finally got a really decent idea where we’ll be heading in a few months, so stay tuned!! But I couldn’t miss the opportunity to link up with Mal today for The REAL Military Wives of Blogland, an…

Ellie Myron