Mnet asian music awards

Explore the most memorable performances, red carpet looks, and award-winning artists from the Mnet Asian Music Awards. Don't miss out on the excitement and glamour of this prestigious music event.
Winners Of 2022 MAMA Awards Day 1 Mama Awards Trophy, Mmm Logo, Xg Group, Mama Awards 2022, 2022 Mama Awards, Kpop Logos, Little Do You Know, Mama Awards, Asian Music

Winners Of 2022 MAMA Awards Day 1

The 2022 MAMA Awards kicked off on November 29 in Osaka, Japan! On November 29, Day 1 of the 2022 MAMA Awards took place at Osaka's Kyocera Dome, with Jeon Somi serving as MC. This year's ceremony will be held over the course of two nights, with more awards and performances to come on November

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