Monster reference

Explore our comprehensive monster reference guide to uncover everything you need to know about these mythical creatures. From their origins to their strengths and weaknesses, this guide has got you covered. Start your monster adventure today!
Dark Creatures, Monster Drawing, Alien Concept, Horror Monsters, 다크 판타지, Alien Concept Art, Monster Concept Art, Creature Drawings, Concept Art Drawing

Faceless (XCOM 2)

The Faceless is an alien enemy encountered in XCOM 2. It serves as the aliens' primary infiltration unit. This unit disguises itself as a normal-looking civilian until provoked, whereupon it transforms into its true, alien form. Unnaturally tall and consisting of a gelatinous fluid, these alien foes have significant reach with their claws. The Faceless can move both farther and with more agility than may be expected from their size and lumbering gait. There will always be at least one…

Graham Ward