Paul walker pictures

Take a look back at the life and career of Paul Walker through a collection of captivating pictures. Celebrate his legacy and journey through his memorable moments on and off screen.
A greasy and sweaty Paul Walker, too hot!

A greasy and sweaty Paul Walker, too hot!

Fast And Furious 7, Fitness Before After, Cody Walker, Furious 7, Surfer Boy, Paul Walker Pictures, Rip Paul Walker, Michael Ealy, Paul Walker Photos

I've seen many comments from women on blogs and boards saying they wish they had someone in their life, nothing specific about who the someone should be just that they wish they had 'someone'. I've been told that 'boy, I sure wish I had someone like Matt'. Although I find that a great compliment to the man he is, I'm often baffled as to why anyone would want someone exactly like him. Matt and I are perfect together but Matt certainly isn't perfect and neither am I. Although he's a wonderful…

Rebecca Rhodes

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