Poor children

Discover ways to empower poor children by supporting their education and overall well-being. Learn how you can make a positive impact and help them unlock their full potential.
Kind Photo, Foto Langka, Andre Kertesz, Powerful Images, Poor Children, Foto Vintage, People Of The World, My Heart Is Breaking, People Around The World

Make War & Hunger History-00048

Take Action Against War and Hunger! Together, we can Make War & Hunger History!! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* "At a time when $700 billion can be found overnight to bail out the richest bankers in the world and $1000 billion can be spent on one single “war,” when sovereign wealth funds in a few rich countries alone are at $2500 billion and growing, it stretches credulity when we are told that the world can’t find an extra $18 billion a year to…

Poverty Photography, Poverty In Africa, Hungry Children, World Hunger, African Children, Poor Children, We Are The World, Magnum Photos, Poor People

8 Genocides of the 20th Century That You Might Not Know About - History Collection

Genocides are considered to be the worst atrocity a state or world leader can commit. They are condemned by every international body, and the scars of some of history’s worst genocides continue to be felt the world over. There are some genocides that do not get the attention of others, some…

fernanda evelin