Public information

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"Infant Catcherbots" Public Information Poster (1975) Humour, Vintage Ads, Scarfolk Council, Pagan Rituals, Information Poster, Welcome To Night Vale, Public Information, Photo Caption, Growing Up

"Infant Catcherbots" Public Information Poster (1975)

After last week's post about the Bladder Clown surgical toy we thought it seasonally appropriate to show you another artefact filed in our Automaclown Archive B. Parents in the 1970s were required to submit their children to civic trials, the details of which are not fully clear to us now. We do know, however, that the few children who survived them developed debilitating paranormal powers such as retrospective-clairvoyance - the ability to see the future of people who lived in the past…

Mike Gabbar
Vintage Ads, Humour, Scary Snakes, Public Information, Help The Environment, Spoil Yourself, Year 2000, Cool Posters, Vintage Advertisements

"Spoil Your Kids Rotten" Public Information (1979)

In July 1973, accused murderer Karen Skrayp walked free when the forensic evidence against her was found to be inconclusive. Skrayp had been arrested when her alleged victim's hairs were found stuck to her sharpened dentures. Though the hairs clearly belonged to the victim, forensic tests demonstrated that they shared most of their genetic make-up with polyethylene bottles used for carbonated drinks such as 7-UP, E-Cola and Fizzy Gravy. A murder conviction could not be brought against Skrayp…

Malinna Tea
1970s, Humour, Vintage Ads, Pagan Rituals, Public Information, Halloween Poster, Things To Think About, The Past, Finding Yourself

Scarfolk Council

After last week's post about the Bladder Clown surgical toy we thought it seasonally appropriate to show you another artefact filed in our Automaclown Archive B. Parents in the 1970s were required to submit their children to civic trials, the details of which are not fully clear to us now. We do know, however, that the few children who survived them developed debilitating paranormal powers such as retrospective-clairvoyance - the ability to see the future of people who lived in the past…

Humour, Public Information Posters, Scarfolk Posters, Scarfolk Council, Book Parody, Public Service Announcement, Public Information, Twisted Humor, Public Service

Play Safe Public Information Campaign (1979)

While the state frequently warned children about the dangers of playing on icy ponds, near electrical substations and in open-air, biological weapons laboratories, it failed to take into consideration the decade's plethora of science fiction films and TV programmes, which inspired space-themed games up and down the country. Scarfolk children, who were known to take greater risks during play, initiated an unfortunate trend that started claiming lives. In 1977, two schoolboys from Scarfolk’s…

Jacqueline Carver
Night Vale, Vintage Ads, Adventure Time, Humour, Welcome To Night Vale, Public Information, Look Man, Open Your Eyes, Twisted Humor

"Sense a Presence?" Public Information (1970)

In 1970 a council public information campaign warned citizens that they should be afraid, though it didn't clarify exactly what it was they were supposed to be afraid of. Inevitably, this lead to widespread panic. Police, council and coven telephone helplines were inundated with calls by distressed citizens of Scarfolk who had been previously unaware of the danger they were in. In an attempt to define what the campaign's 'presence' might refer to, the Daily Ail newspaper printed what it…

Gareth Bone
Christmas Civil Defence. Public Information (1979) Humour, 1970s, Vintage Ads, English Town, Ad Infinitum, Pagan Rituals, West England, Public Information, Family Gifts

Christmas Civil Defence. Public Information (1979)

By 1979, nuclear war was deemed an imminent threat. The previous year the government had held a referendum on whether to have one and the majority of Scarfolk residents voted in favour, largely because they liked the siren and thought it sounded funny. They also voted for the 3 minute warning to be extended to 10 minutes so that older, frailer people could get to their windows in time to see the initial flash and subsequent mushroom cloud. A festive atmosphere was expected and party poppers…

Graham Catt
The Far Side, Humour, Vintage Ads, Funny Pictures, Recruitment Poster, Pagan Rituals, Photo Montage, Public Information, Twisted Humor

Scarfolk Council

By 1979, nuclear war was deemed an imminent threat. The previous year the government had held a referendum on whether to have one and the majority of Scarfolk residents voted in favour, largely because they liked the siren and thought it sounded funny. They also voted for the 3 minute warning to be extended to 10 minutes so that older, frailer people could get to their windows in time to see the initial flash and subsequent mushroom cloud. A festive atmosphere was expected and party poppers…

Neil Richardson