Regina hall scary movie

Explore the iconic performances of Regina Hall in the hilarious Scary Movie franchise. Relive the laughter and scares with these top moments from the films.
Scary Movie (2000). L to R: Brenda Meeks (Regina Hall) & Cindy Campbell (Anna Faris). Brenda: "With a backup dancer. I mean, that's nasty. That's -- that's lower than the security guard. At least security can get you backstage. She don't love herself." Buffy Gilmore, played by Shannon Elizabeth: "'Bye, Daddy." Cindy: "I don't know. I think Buffy's sweet, Brenda." Brenda: "Augh. She is as fake as press-on nails." As Buffy approaches Brenda gives her a friendly greeting. Brenda: "Hey, baby girl!" Cindy Scary Movie, Brenda Scary Movie, Cindy Campbell, Scary Movie 2000, Scary Movie Quotes, Scary Movie 1, Brenda Meeks, Scary Movie 4, Scary Movie 5

Cindy Scary Movie

Scary Movie (2000). L to R: Brenda Meeks (Regina Hall) & Cindy Campbell (Anna Faris). Brenda: "With a backup dancer. I mean, that's nasty. That's -- that's lower than the security guard. At least security can get you backstage. She don't love herself." Buffy Gilmore, played by Shannon Elizabeth: "'Bye, Daddy." Cindy: "I don't know. I think Buffy's sweet, Brenda." Brenda: "Augh. She is as fake as press-on nails." As Buffy approaches Brenda gives her a friendly greeting. Brenda: "Hey, baby…

keana johnson
Scary Movie 4 (2006). Brenda Meeks is played by Regina Hall. Henry Hale, played by Bill Pullman: “But now that you are a part of our village, understand this: You may never leave.” Cindy Campbell, played by Anna Faris: "No! No! How did your son die? The fate of the world is at stake. Was it you? Did you kill him?” Brenda: “This is some shit up with which we will not put.” Cindy is referring to Henry's son Toshio Saeki, played by Garrett Masuda. Regina Hall Scary Movie, Brenda Scary Movie, Cindy Campbell, Brenda Meeks, Scary Movie 4, Toshio Saeki, Bill Pullman, Regina Hall, Retro Outfit

Regina Hall Scary Movie

Scary Movie 4 (2006). Brenda Meeks is played by Regina Hall. Henry Hale, played by Bill Pullman: “But now that you are a part of our village, understand this: You may never leave.” Cindy Campbell, played by Anna Faris: "No! No! How did your son die? The fate of the world is at stake. Was it you? Did you kill him?” Brenda: “This is some shit up with which we will not put.” Cindy is referring to Henry's son Toshio Saeki, played by Garrett Masuda.
