Sandy cheeks spongebob

Learn more about Sandy Cheeks, the tough and adventurous squirrel from SpongeBob SquarePants. Discover interesting facts and trivia about this beloved character and her exciting life under the sea.
Sandy Squirrel, Spongebob Best Friend, Larry The Lobster, Tommy Pickles, Running Gif, Squidward Tentacles, Mermaid Man, Sandy Cheeks, Childhood Characters

Sandy Cheeks

Sandra "Sandy" Jennifer[2] Olivia[3] Cheeks is one of the main characters of SpongeBob SquarePants. She is a squirrel from Texas who is one of SpongeBob's best friends, voiced by Carolyn Lawrence. Sandy is able to survive underwater with the help of her air-locked "Treedome" and her pressurized diving suit. She is notable for her Texan characteristics and knowledge of karate and science. She often misses home and wants to go back to Texas. Sandy first meets SpongeBob in the second half of…
