Sylvester stallone young

Take a trip down memory lane with rare photos of a young Sylvester Stallone. Explore the early years of this iconic actor and see how he started his journey to stardom.
ad eBay - 1980s Screen Magazine - Idol Stars. Search for more:1980s Screen Magazine - Idol Stars. Unless otherwise noted, raw modern cards are listed in Near Mint-Mint condition or better. Search for more:1980s Screen Magazine. Sylvester Stallone Young, Rocky And Adrian, Rocky Stallone, Sylvester Stallone Rambo, Lea Thompson, Sly Stallone, Rocky 3, French Movies, Husband Valentine

ad eBay - 1980s Screen Magazine Idol Stars Sylvester Stallone Lea Thompson 0cp0

ad eBay - 1980s Screen Magazine - Idol Stars. Search for more:1980s Screen Magazine - Idol Stars. Unless otherwise noted, raw modern cards are listed in Near Mint-Mint condition or better. Search for more:1980s Screen Magazine.

Collectible Non Sport Cards
Sage Stallone, Jackie Stallone, Frank Stallone, Brigitte Nielsen, John Rambo, Celebrity Dogs, Montgomery Clift, Famous Dogs, Rocky Balboa

Sylvester Stallone Just Shared A Tribute To His Old Dog, And It’s Absolutely Beautiful

Sylvester Stallone, the actor best known for his role in Rocky, just shared the most beautiful tribute to his dog Butkus. The 70-year-old writes: "When I was 26, totally broke, going nowhere VERY fast, owned two pair of pants that barely fit, shoes that had holes in them and dreams of being successful were as far away as the sun… But I had my dog, BUTKUS, my best friend, my confidant, who always laughed at my jokes, and put up with my moods, and was the one living thing that loved me for who…
