Unlikely friends

Explore heartwarming and inspiring stories of unlikely friends who have formed unique bonds. Discover how these unforgettable friendships can teach us valuable lessons about acceptance and compassion.
Unlikely Animal Friends, Unusual Animal Friendships, Unlikely Friends, Sick Dog, Animals Friendship, Unusual Animals, Hound Dog, Primates, Animals Friends

15 Unusual Animal Friendships That Will Melt Your Heart

There are some people out there that still believe that animals are just dumb beasts, but the unlikely animal friendships we've gathered here will prove that they are capable of feeling love and compassion just like we are. Naturally, all of these pictures are heart-breakingly adorable, but there's more to it than that. Why did these animals form their friendships?

Sandi Fitschen
two year old Saimai, a Royal Bengal tigress, with two of six piglets she is raising. Unusual Animal Friends, Unlikely Animal Friends, Beast Friends, Regnul Animal, Unlikely Friends, Odd Couples, Animals Friendship, Given Up, Unusual Animals

The tiger who adopted a litter of piglets (but is it a tale full of porkies?)

On the heartwarming scale this rates as a positive scorcher. A forlorn tigress, heartbroken because her own cubs have died, is fooled into adopting a litter of piglets when zoo officials in California wrap them in tiger skins. Unfortunately, there was a twist in the tiger's tale. Though the pictures have not been faked, an animal welfare pressure group investigated and discovered they were actually taken at a zoo in Thailand.

Michelle Tan