When i met you

Experience the magic of when I met you. Dive into a heartwarming love story that will make you believe in destiny. Discover the journey of two souls who found each other against all odds.
Good morning my Beautiful Angel! I hope you slept Wel last night...I was all snuggled up thinking of being all wrapped up with you all night. I am so lucky to have you to be a part of my life and the boys lives. You are the best mother I've ever met and that's one of the many reasons I fell in love with you and why I love you with all of my everything. Your "My Love" Boyfriend Quotes, Crush Quotes, Ending Relationship Quotes, Deep Relationship Quotes, Inspirational Artwork, Look At You, Quotes For Him, Love Quotes For Him, Cute Quotes

Boyfriend Quotes

Good morning my Beautiful Angel! I hope you slept Wel last night...I was all snuggled up thinking of being all wrapped up with you all night. I am so lucky to have you to be a part of my life and the boys lives. You are the best mother I've ever met and that's one of the many reasons I fell in love with you and why I love you with all of my everything. Your "My Love"

Samantha Giroux
I wasn't looking for anything at all when I met you. Actually, I wasn't planning on falling for anyone so soon. But then I met you ... and that was it. I guess things just happen. I found you, and I found myself slowly wanting to spend time with you. It was simple, it was easy, and I think that's how the best relationships begin. You're not looking for anything, and then suddenly, you realize you have something. Crush Quotes, Boyfriend Quotes, Now Quotes, Soulmate Quotes, Quotes For Him, Love Quotes For Him, Cute Quotes, Feelings Quotes, Be Yourself Quotes

Crush Quotes

I wasn't looking for anything at all when I met you. Actually, I wasn't planning on falling for anyone so soon. But then I met you ... and that was it. I guess things just happen. I found you, and I found myself slowly wanting to spend time with you. It was simple, it was easy, and I think that's how the best relationships begin. You're not looking for anything, and then suddenly, you realize you have something.
