LIFE War Photography

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a group of men in uniforms walking through a flower garden with a bench behind them
Before and After D-Day: Color Photos From England and France
American troops in England before D-Day, May 1944
a black and white photo of a woman in front of a crowd
After D-Day: Rare Photos From the First Show for US Troops in Normandy
See photos from the first organized show for American troops after D-Day in Normandy
a man standing on the wing of an airplane
Remembering ‘The Few’: Photos of the Young Pilots Who Saved England
Royal Air Force ace Albert Gerald Lewis climbs out of his plane after an air battle above England, 1940. (William Vandivert—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images)
two men sitting at a table eating food with helmets on and other soldiers in the background
Before and After D-Day: Color Photos From England and France
American combat engineers eat a meal atop boxes of ammunition stockpiled for the impending D-Day invasion, May 1944. (Frank Scherschel—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images)
On this day in 1945, American and Filipino troops recaptured Manila as the Battle of Manila came to an end. Here, General MacArthur leads troops landing in the Philippines not quite two months earlier.  (Carl Mydans—The LIFE Picture Collection) Life Magazine Photos, Tacloban City, Douglas Macarthur, Uk Visa, Iconic Photos, Photo Essay
LIFE With MacArthur: The Landing at Luzon, the Philippines, 1945
On this day in 1945, American and Filipino troops recaptured Manila as the Battle of Manila came to an end. Here, General MacArthur leads troops landing in the Philippines not quite two months earlier. (Carl Mydans—The LIFE Picture Collection)
Flying Officer Albert Gerald Lewis, 22, a top ace of the Royal Air Force. More than 1 out of every 6 RAF fliers were killed during WWII. See more:  (William Vandivert—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images) The Blitz, Pilots, South African Air Force, Flying Ace, Fighter Pilot, Royal Air Force, Military History
Flying Officer Albert Gerald Lewis, 22, a top ace of the Royal Air Force. More than 1 out of every 6 RAF fliers were killed during WWII. See more: (William Vandivert—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images)
a black and white photo of a man sitting on a boat with laundry hanging in the air
A young man aboard an American warship in Pearl Harbor, early 1942. See more photos from the aftermath of Pearl Harbor: (Bob Landry —The Life Picture Collection/Getty Images)