22 Pins
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the screen shot shows an image of a baby wrapped in a blanket, and it's captioning
Unpopular opinion: cookie dough is worth taking the risk of getting salmonella Dylan pull yourself together and go get a damn spoon. It's cookie dough not a beefy 5 layer burrito have some class " I'm so confused why he would think cookie dough would give him salmonella??? What parent (old him this. There's no chicken in there! % ankaa-avatshina ?? What kind ol world do you live in where Raw eggs carry salmonella or are in anyway unsafe e, Don‘t ask me, ask them Americans, I'm an Asian just passing the word on - iFunny
an anime scene with two women talking to each other and one is holding her hand up
I’ve Been Married For A Year And This Is What Our Life Looks Like (30 Comics)
I Draw Cute And Silly Moments From My Married Life (45 Pics)
a comic strip with an image of a skeleton holding a lemon in it's hand
Jenny Jinya's Newest Comic About Death Interacting With Life
Jenny Jinya's Newest Comic About Death Interacting With Life - I Can Has Cheezburger?
three different types of drawings on paper
Wholesome demons
three different types of pink and white lines
sundays by Tamyra on DeviantArt
sundays by Tamyra
the comic strip shows an image of two people talking to each other
♡~Daddy's Kitten~♡
♡~Daddy's Kitten~♡
two people are talking to each other while one is drinking from a cup and the other has
Questionable Content
Questionable Content: New comics every Monday through Friday
a comic strip with an image of a woman being hugged by a man
A little crack plz - Funny
A little crack plz
an article in the magazine about how to use hand sanitizers for writing and drawing
I wish someone would write that sassy grandma 😂