cuerpo inspiracion/ body inspiration

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Her Skills Are In Another Level. By @michelle.c.smith
Bo Staff Combination
Straps Duo Dance 😻
WOWZA! I don't even practice straps but these ladies have me considering it. Partner sequencing is my favorite for several reasons: 1) NEW FOUND INSPIRATION ✨ 2) Choreography development 3) Safety and Accountability Buddy! Video cred: @kristin.smarelli
Home Workout Cardio for Beginners: Walk Routine
When you can’t take your daily walk, low-impact jacks at home offer a gentle yet effective alternative, boosting your heart rate and circulation without straining joints. Movement, whether through walks or exercises, maintains flexibility, strengthens muscles, and improves mood by releasing endorphins. Regular activity enhances cardiovascular health, reduces stress, and promotes better sleep. #homeworkout #beginnerworkout #walkroutine
Martial Arts Obi Ani Spin Tutorial
Martial Arts Faster Bo Staff Spins
Martial Arts Bo Staff Tricks
Bo Staff Figure 8 Tutorial
Jump Hook Kick Tutorial #taekwondo #tkd #karate #martialarts #taekwondotraining #taekwondokicks #hookkick #tutorial