Shows I finally finished after years

This shows were so popular years ago but I never finished them so I’m pushing myself to watch them through.
899 Pins
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#wattpad #humor Book 2

The Legend of Korra

103 Pins

Avatar: The Last Airbender

63 Pins
I died when I saw this for the first time, still crying tbh <3

The Mentalist

135 Pins

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

126 Pins

Madoka Magica

42 Pins

Teen Wolf

120 Pins

Star vs The Forces Of Evil

310 Pins
two people standing next to each other in front of a screen with the words, you were trying to keep me
I died when I saw this for the first time, still crying tbh <3
two people dancing in front of a crowd with candles on the ceiling and lights behind them
Bedupolker Art
an image of some people standing in the middle of a group with their heads together
some people sitting on top of a rock
many different pictures of people in suits and ties with one woman kissing the other man
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