Goal Setting

Achieve your dreams with intentional goal setting. Discover motivational + inspirational quotes on goal setting. Find worksheets, free printables, digital planners, + paper planners to help with your goal setting organization. See examples of goal setting vision boards and get inspired to come up with your own goal setting vision board idea. Watch Laken on YouTube at Plan with Laken and follow along to see more goal setting activities for adults. Learn the benefits + importance of goal setting
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 · Last updated 10mo
a woman holding up a notebook with the words quarterly goal check - in
Quarterly Goal Check-In using the Power Sheets Goal Planner | Quarterly Goals | Plan with Laken
In this video, I check in and share how my quarter two goals ended up! Then I share my quarterly goal focuses for third quarter. I use the Cultivate What Matters Power Sheets to map out my goals. | Quarterly Goals | Plan with Laken
a woman holding a cat in front of a laptop computer with the words day in the life how i plan my weekends
Planning my Weekend
Join me in this Weekend in the Life video to learn how I plan my weekends! We dive into both planning and progress, as well as discuss my vision board.
a person typing on a laptop with the words day in the life one goal i am crushing
Reaching Goals: One Goal I am Crushing
Join me as I share one goal I am crushing! Watch as I set personal goals and share my progress as I plan and work to achieve my goals.
a woman typing on her laptop with the words day in the life making better choices and planner unboxing
New Planner Pages and Quote Cards
I got a new planner, and I am excited to share it with you! I am planning on using this white planner as a work planner to help me make the transition to working back in person. My box also includes dividers, quote cards, sticky notes, and extra pages. Join me as I dive into the details of each planning page.
a laptop computer sitting on top of a desk next to a pink and white wall
Daily Planning: Breaking my Weekly and Monthly Goals down into Actionable Daily Routines
Join me as I plan almost every day this week in my Plum Paper Planner! Watch how I plan my routines and make adjustments based on my goals.
a woman sitting on a bench using her cell phone and laptop with text overlay that reads daily plan with me plum paper planner
Daily Planning: Breaking my Weekly and Monthly Goals down into Actionable Daily Routines
From incorporating my health goals to planning out my morning routine, join me as I plan almost every day this week in my Plum Paper Planner! Learn goal planning ideas, find inspiration, and get goal planning time management tips to help you live your best life and achieve your goals. Watch how I plan my routines and make adjustments based on my goals. Find the motivation to visit your own daily planner and get ideas and inspiration on how you can reach your goals with Plan with Laken.
a woman holding up a planner with the text, month - by - month power sheets check in
Planning Monthly Goals with Power Sheets
In this video, I reflect how my goals went in June and I also share the monthly, weekly, and daily action items I have for July! I use the Cultivate What Matters Power Sheets to map out my goals. Join me for monthly planner ideas and get inspired to set your own personal goals. I am focusing on follow through and celebrating small wins this month! Learn how I track and evaluate my goals as you follow along with my goal planning.
a woman holding up a piece of paper with the words power sheets easy ways to reflect on
Planning Monthly Goals for May and Reflecting on my April Goals | Setting Personal Goals
Join me for monthly planner ideas as I reflect on my April monthly goals and set my personal goals for May! The Cultivate What Matters PowerSheets Planner makes it easier to break down my monthly goals into weekly and daily goals. Watch this video to see how I plan and track my monthly goals. Discover ideas and motivation for your own goal planning as you map out your personal goals in your goal planning journal or planner. | Setting Personal Goals
a person typing on a laptop with text overlay that reads, easy ways to manage time by task batching even when you are busy
What is the difference between goals and tasks?
Watch my video on goals verse tasks on the Plan with Laken channel to learn more about how to determine what to put on your power sheets. In this video I answer a frequently asked question - how do I know if it should be on my Power Sheets or just on a to do list? I share five questions to ask yourself to help you answer this question: Do you want to improve it?, Do you need to prioritize it?, Does it bring you joy?, Will it impact you positively?, and Do you want to make it a goal?
a woman holding up a planner with the words, month goals power sheets check - in
Power Sheets Monthly Goal Check-In | Plan with Laken | Monthly Goals
In this video, I reflect how my goals went in July and I also share the monthly, weekly, and daily action items I have for August! I use the Cultivate What Matters Power Sheets to map out my goals. | Plan with Laken | Monthly Goals
a computer screen with the text plan with me with the plum paper planner
Weekly Planning: Breaking my Goals down into Actionable Daily Goals
From incorporating my health goals to planning out my morning routine, join me as I plan almost every day this week in my Plum Paper Planner! Learn goal planning ideas, find inspiration, and get goal planning time management tips to help you live your best life and achieve your goals. Watch how I plan my routines and make adjustments based on my goals. Find the motivation to visit your own daily planner and get ideas and inspiration on how you can reach your goals with Plan with Laken.
a keyboard with the words mindset shifts for goal setting
Mindset Shifts for Goal Setting | Setting Personal Goals | Plan with Laken
In this video, I talk about the top three mindset shifts that I had to work through to achieve my goals! I go over why mindset is important, the all or nothing mindset, navigating fear of success, and patience. These mindset shifts help me with my goal setting and planning and empower me to reach my goals. | Setting Personal Goals | Plan with Laken
a laptop computer sitting on top of a desk
Goal Progress: Achieving Personal Goals
Join me for a week in my life! In this video, I vlog everyday for a week showing how I make progress on my personal life goals. | Plan with Laken
a person typing on a laptop with the text weekend in the life weekend boundaries and health planner
Weekend in the Life: Weekend Boundaries | Plan with Laken
Join me throughout my weekend! I talk a lot about my weekend boundaries, rest, and the Friends experience in NYC. I also share about my new health planner! | Plan with Laken
a woman standing in front of a bathroom with the words batch tasks easy ways to manage and save time
Simple Ways to Improve Time Management and Save Time
In this video, I share my thoughts on batching tasks to save time. I share an overview of how to batch tasks, what I batch and what I don't, and some tips and tricks for figuring out what to batch in your daily life! Join me as I improve my time management skills and incorporate ways to become more productive into my life.