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Committee on National Statistics

CNSTAT publications offer expertise and insights from a range of perspectives designed to spur thoughtful discussion. These publications include evidence-based consensus study reports of committees of experts; presentations from CNSTAT members and other experts; and CNSTAT Perspectives offered by individual experts.

Publications by the Committee on National Statistics (listed by most recent release)

Viewing  1 - 10 of  250

Developing a Strategy to Evaluate the National Climate Assessment
Consensus Study Report

Developing a Strategy to Evaluate the National Climate Assessment  (2024)

Consensus Study Report

Creating an Integrated System of Data and Statistics on Household Income, Consumption, and Wealth: Time to Build  (2024)

Consensus Study Report

Reducing Intergenerational Poverty  (2024)

Consensus Study Report

Toward a 21st Century National Data Infrastructure: Managing Privacy and Confidentiality Risks with Blended Data  (2024)

Consensus Study Report

A Roadmap for Disclosure Avoidance in the Survey of Income and Program Participation  (2024)


Measuring Law Enforcement Suicide: Challenges and Opportunities: Proceedings of a Workshop  (2023)

Consensus Study Report

Assessing the 2020 Census: Final Report  (2023)


Considerations for Returning Individual Genomic Results from Population-Based Surveys: Focus on the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey: Proceedings of a Workshop  (2023)

Consensus Study Report

Toward a 21st Century National Data Infrastructure: Enhancing Survey Programs by Using Multiple Data Sources  (2023)

Consensus Study Report

An Updated Measure of Poverty: (Re)Drawing the Line  (2023)