
Good Shepherd Housing Celebrates 50th Anniversary
07/15/2024 01:26 PM

On Monday, July 8th, Delegate Rozia Henson presented House Joint Resolution No. 282 to Good Shepherd Housing (GSH) in commemoration of its 50th anniversary. The event, held at one of GSH's affordable housing units in Hagel Circle, was attended by Executive Director Genee Hayes and Board Chair Erica McCants, who accepted the resolution on behalf of the organization. 


Also present at the event was longtime supporter Delegate Mark Sickles; Delegate Paul Krizek, Delegate Kathy Tran, and Senator Scott Surovell, also co-patroned the resolution, underscoring the broad support for Good Shepherd Housing's mission and accomplishments.         


Delegate Rozia Henson introduced the resolution during the Virginia General Assembly's 2024 Legislative Session to recognize GSH's five decades of dedicated service to the community. In his remarks, Delegate Henson stated, "I introduced House Joint Resolution 282 during the Virginia General Assembly's 2024 Legislative Session to celebrate the work Good Shepherd Housing has carried out across our community. The many accomplishments of Good Shepherd Housing are the result of the leadership and hard work of their staff, the tireless efforts of their volunteers, and the generous support of their donors and other partners throughout our community and beyond. I am honored to celebrate their success, and I look forward to continuing to work with Good Shepherd Housing as we address the issue of housing instability locally and across the Commonwealth of Virginia — particularly during the ongoing cost of living crisis."         


Delegate Krizek added, “Fifty years of service by GSH to our community providing affordable homes to well over a thousand families is no small feet, and is deserving of this recognition.”        


For 50 years, GSH has been a cornerstone in Fairfax County, VA, providing a unique approach to the affordable housing crisis: purchasing properties, transforming them into affordable housing solutions, and offering comprehensive support services for resident success. This strategy enables GSH to unlock the doors to safe, stable homes, laying the groundwork for residents' personal growth and community resilience.         


Genee Hayes, Executive Director of Good Shepherd Housing, expressed her gratitude for the recognition and support, saying, "We are deeply honored by this resolution and the acknowledgment of our efforts over the past five decades. This milestone is a testament to the unwavering commitment of our staff, volunteers, donors, and partners. Together, we have made a significant impact on the lives of many families, and we remain dedicated to continuing this vital work."         


Board Chair Erica McCants added, "This recognition by Delegate Henson and the General Assembly is a proud moment for Good Shepherd Housing. It highlights the importance of our mission and inspires us to continue striving for a community where everyone has access to affordable, safe, and stable housing."        


Good Shepherd Housing's 50th-anniversary celebration marks a significant milestone in its ongoing mission to provide affordable housing solutions in Fairfax County, VA. As the organization looks to the future, it remains committed to expanding its reach and impact, ensuring that more families have the opportunity to thrive in safe and supportive environments.    

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