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trust-manager is the easiest way to manage trust bundles in Kubernetes and OpenShift clusters.

It orchestrates bundles of trusted X.509 certificates which are primarily used for validating certificates during a TLS handshake but can be used in other situations, too.


trust-manager is a small Kubernetes operator which aims to help reduce the overhead of managing TLS trust bundles in your clusters.

It adds the Bundle custom Kubernetes resource (CRD) which can read input from various sources and combine the resultant certificates into a bundle ready to be used by your applications.

trust-manager ensures that it's both quick and easy to keep your trusted certificates up-to-date and enables cluster administrators to easily automate providing a secure bundle without having to worry about rebuilding containers to update trust stores.

It's designed to complement cert-manager and works well when consuming CA certificates from a cert-manager Issuer or ClusterIssuer but can be used entirely independently of cert-manager if needed.


See the installation guide for instructions on how to install trust-manager.


trust-manager is intentionally simple, adding just one new Kubernetes CustomResourceDefintion: Bundle.

A Bundle represents a set of X.509 certificates that should be distributed across a cluster.

All Bundles are cluster scoped.

Bundles comprise a list of sources from which trust-manager will assemble the final bundle, along with a target describing how and where the resulting bundle will be written.

An example Bundle might look like this:

kind: Bundle
name: # The bundle name will also be used for the target
# Include a bundle of publicly trusted certificates which can be
# used to validate most TLS certificates on the internet, such as
# those issued by Let's Encrypt, Google, Amazon and others.
- useDefaultCAs: true
# A Secret in the "trust" namespace; see "Trust Namespace" below for further details
- secret:
name: "my-db-tls"
key: "ca.crt"
# Here is another Secret source, but this time using a label selector instead of a Secret's name.
- secret:
fruit: apple
key: "ca.crt"
# A ConfigMap in the "trust" namespace; see "Trust Namespace" below for further details
- configMap:
name: ""
key: "root-certs.pem"
# Here is another ConfigMap source, but this time using a label selector instead of a ConfigMap's name.
- configMap:
fruit: apple
key: "ca.crt"
# A manually specified string
- inLine: |
# Sync the bundle to a ConfigMap called `` in every namespace which
# has the label ""
# All ConfigMaps will include a PEM-formatted bundle, here named "root-certs.pem"
# and in this case we also request binary formatted bundles in JKS and PKCS#12 formats,
# here named "bundle.jks" and "bundle.p12".
key: "root-certs.pem"
key: "bundle.jks"
key: "bundle.p12"
matchLabels: "enabled"

Bundle resources currently support several source types:

  • configMap - a ConfigMap resource in the trust-manager namespace
  • secret - a Secret resource in the trust-manager namespace
  • inLine - a manually specified string containing at least one certificate
  • useDefaultCAs - usually, a bundle of publicly trusted certificates

ConfigMap is the default target type, but as of v0.7.0 trust-manager also supports Secret resources as targets.

Support for Secret targets must be explicitly enabled in the trust-manager controller; see details below under "Enable Secret targets".

Both ConfigMap and Secret also support specifying label selectors to select multiple resources at once, which is useful in dynamic environments where the name of the ConfigMap or Secret is known only at runtime. When adding a source, either of type ConfigMap or Secret, the fields name and selector are mutually exclusive: one must be set, but not both.

All sources and target options are documented in the trust-manager API reference documentation.


All Bundle targets are written to ConfigMaps (and/or Secrets) whose name matches that of the Bundle, and every target has a PEM-formatted bundle included.

Users can also optionally choose to write JKS/PKCS#12 formatted binary trust store(s) to targets. JKS has been supported since v0.5.0, and PKCS#12 since v0.7.0.

Applications consuming JKS and PKCS#12 trust stores often require a password to be set for legacy reasons. These passwords are often security theater - either they use very weak encryption or the passwords are provided in plaintext next to the files they encrypt which defeats the purpose of having them.

Trust bundles do not contain private keys, and so for most use cases there wouldn't be any security benefit to encrypting them. As such, passwords for trust stores are set by default to changeit for JKS and "" (the empty string or "password-less") for PKCS#12.

Recent releases allow you to change that password by setting the bundle YAML file and

Older releases have the current default values hard-coded and they can not be changed. For more information read why password are not helpful.

Namespace Selector

A target's namespaceSelector is used to restrict which Namespaces your Bundle's target should be synced to.

namespaceSelector supports the field matchLabels.

Please see Kubernetes documentation for more information about how label selectors can be configured.

If namespaceSelector is empty, a Bundle's target will be synced to all Namespaces.

⚠ī¸ A future update to trust-manager will change this behavior so that an empty namespace selector will sync only to the trust-manager namespace by default.

Quick Start Example

Let's get started with an example of creating our own Bundle!

First we'll create a demo cluster:

git clone trust-manager
cd trust-manager
make demo

Once we have a running cluster, we can create a Bundle using the default CAs which were configured when trust-manager started up. Since we've installed trust-manager using Helm, our default CA package contains publicly trusted certificates derived from a Debian container.

kubectl --kubeconfig ./bin/kubeconfig.yaml apply -f - <<EOF
kind: Bundle
name: example-bundle
- useDefaultCAs: true
key: "trust-bundle.pem"

That was easy! Now let's check that everything synced OK and that our ConfigMap has been written:

kubectl --kubeconfig ./bin/kubeconfig.yaml get bundle example-bundle | less
kubectl --kubeconfig ./bin/kubeconfig.yaml get configmap example-bundle -o "jsonpath={.data['trust-bundle\.pem']}" | less

Great - we've got a trust bundle. We could use that for our containers right away but let's go a little further and create a dummy "organization CA" which we'll want to include in our Bundle.

We'll generate our dummy organization certificate with cert-manager:

kubectl --kubeconfig ./bin/kubeconfig.yaml apply -f - <<EOF
kind: ClusterIssuer
name: trust-manager-selfsigned-issuer
selfSigned: {}
kind: Certificate
name: trust-manager-example-ca
namespace: cert-manager
isCA: true
commonName: trust-manager-example-ca
secretName: trust-manager-example-ca-secret
algorithm: ECDSA
size: 256
name: trust-manager-selfsigned-issuer
kind: ClusterIssuer

Now let's check that Secret that cert-manager created for us:

kubectl --kubeconfig ./bin/kubeconfig.yaml get -n cert-manager secret trust-manager-example-ca-secret -o"jsonpath={.data['tls\.crt']}" | base64 -d
# tls.crt will contain a PEM certificate, starting with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----

🤔 Wondering why we used tls.crt and not ca.crt? More details below.

Finally, we'll update our Bundle to include our new private CA:

kubectl --kubeconfig ./bin/kubeconfig.yaml apply -f - <<EOF
kind: Bundle
name: example-bundle
- useDefaultCAs: true
- secret:
name: "trust-manager-example-ca-secret"
key: "tls.crt"
key: "trust-bundle.pem"

And we're done! The example-bundle ConfigMap should already be updated.

If you inspect the ConfigMap again, the last certificate you'll see in the list should be our new dummy CA.

Securely Maintaining A trust-manager Installation

If you choose the useDefaultCAs source on any of your Bundle resources, it's important that you keep your default CA package image up to date. Failing to do so would be the equivalent of failing to run apt-get upgrade ca-certificates when installing a public trust bundle in a Debian container.

trust-manager has been designed in such a way that any version of any default CA package should work with any version of trust-manager which supports default CAs (v0.4.0 and later). There should be no risk to the stability of trust-manager from upgrading.

If you're using an official cert-manager-provided Debian CA package (which is the default), you should check which version you have and compare against the latest package version.

The version can be configured with the .defaultPackageImage.tag value on the Helm chart, and the version is also written to the status field on any synced Bundle resource which uses the default CA package.

Upgrading A Default CA Package Using Helm

Say we want to do an in-place upgrade of our default CA package to tagged version XYZ - without upgrading trust-manager.

We'll assume the Helm release is called "trust-manager" and that we've installed into the cert-manager namespace.

⚠ī¸ This upgrade process assumes that it's the only thing running. If another user or process changes Helm values while you're doing this process, you might overwrite their work.

First, we'll dump our current Helm values, so we don't lose them:

helm get values -n cert-manager trust-manager -oyaml > values.yaml

Next, if defaultPackageImage.tag is already set in values.yaml, update it. Otherwise, add it. You can find the available tags on

# values.yaml
tag: XYZ

These versions of the default package image tags are derived directly from the version of the ca-certificates package in Debian.

Finally, apply back the changes, being sure to manually specify the version of trust-manager which is installed, to avoid also updating the trust-manager controller at the same as the default CA package:

# Get the currently installed version. You could do this manually if you find that easier.
TRUST_MANAGER_VER=$(helm list --filter "^trust-manager$" -n cert-manager -ojson | jq -r ".[0].app_version")
# Check the version makes sense
# Run the upgrade
helm upgrade -f values.yaml -n cert-manager trust-manager jetstack/trust-manager --version $TRUST_MANAGER_VER

If an incorrect tag is used, your deployment will fail and you'll likely need to use helm rollback to get back to a working state.

Preparing for Production

TLS can be complicated and there are many ways to misuse TLS certificates.

Here are some potential gotchas to be aware of before running trust-manager in production.

If you're planning on running trust-manager in production and you're using more than just the default CA package, we strongly advise you to read and understand this section. It could save you from causing an outage later.

ℹī¸ These gotchas aren't specific to trust-manager and you could run into any of them with any method of managing TLS trust!

Bundling Intermediates

If you've ever used a Let's Encrypt client such as Certbot you'll probably have seen that it generates several certificate files, such as cert.pem, chain.pem, and fullchain.pem.

These various files are provided to support various different applications, which might require the certificate and the chain to be given separately. For most users and applications fullchain.pem is the only correct choice.

Unfortunately the existence of these files has the unfortunate side effect of people sometimes assuming that cert.pem is the correct choice even when fullchain.pem would be correct. This means that the rest of the chain will not be sent when the certificate is used.

Often, a quick fix that seems to work for this is that clients add the chain to their trust store, which will seem to fix certificate errors in the short term. It's easy for this kind of "fix" to end up being embedded somewhere as a solution which others can follow.

This "fix" is dangerous; it means that the intermediate cannot be safely rotated without all trust stores which contain it being updated first.

Intermediates in this case become de facto root certificates, which completely defeats the point of having intermediate certificates in the first place.

Avoid using intermediates in any trust store wherever possible unless you're absolutely certain they should be included. An example of where it might be OK would be cross signing, which is not likely to be required in the general case.

It would be better to copy just the root certificate to a new ConfigMap and use that as a source rather than trusting an intermediate.

cert-manager Integration: ca.crt vs tls.crt

If you're pointing trust-manager at a Secret containing a cert-manager-issued certificate, you'll see two relevant fields: ca.crt and tls.crt. (We're ignoring tls.key - trust-manager definitely doesn't need to access that)

That leads to an obvious question: between ca.crt and tls.crt, which should I use for trust-manager?

Unfortunately, it's impossible to say in the general case which field is correct to use, but we can provide guidelines.

tls.crt will generally contain multiple certificates which may not all be issuers and some of which are likely to be intermediate certificates. If that's the case, you shouldn't use tls.crt as a source. (See "Bundling Intermediates" above for details.)

ca.crt might then seem like the more generally correct choice but it's important to bear in mind that it can only ever be populated on a best-effort basis. The contents of ca.crt depend on the Issuer being configured correctly, and some issuer types may not ever be able to provide a useful or correct entry for this field.

As a rule, you should prefer to create Bundles exclusively using root certificates (again, see above), and so you should only use whichever field has a single root certificate in it. Consider reading below about why you might not want to actually rely directly on cert-manager-issued certificates.

cert-manager Integration: Intentionally Copying CA Certificates

It's very strange in the Kubernetes world to suggest intentionally adding a step which seems to make automating infrastructure harder, but in the case of TLS trust stores it can be a wise choice.

Say you have a cert-manager Issuer which has the root certificate you want to trust in ca.crt. It's tempting to use the Secret directly and point at ca.crt, but a best practice would be to copy that root into a separate ConfigMap (or Secret).

The reason is - as with many TLS gotchas - certificate rotation. If you rotate your issuer such that it's issued from a new root certificate, trust-manager will see the Secret be updated and automatically update your trust bundle to include the new root - immediately distrusting the old root.

That means that if any services were still using a certificate issued by the old root, they'll be distrusted and will break.

Rotation requires that both root certificates are trusted simultaneously for a period, or else that all issued certificates are rotated either before or at the same time as the old root.

Known Issues

kubectl describe

The useDefaultCAs option hits a corner case inside kubectl describe and is rendered as Use Default C As: true. This is purely cosmetic.