As a nonprofit news organization, City Limits uses investigative journalism to cover the issues vital to New Yorkers. Your donation sustains our commitment to in-depth coverage of affordable housing, homelessness, community stories, and the urban policies shaping our future. 

City Limits is grateful to everyone who supports our work. Here are the foundations that have supported our mission at $5,000 or more in the last two years. If you would like to become a supporter, here’s how.

$100,000 – $499,999

  • New York Community Trust
  • Trinity Church Wall Street
  • The Charles H. Revson Foundation
  • Neighborhood First Fund
  • Google News Initiative

$25,000 – $99,999

  • New York Foundation
  • Altman Foundation
  • Community Service Society of New York
  • The Scherman Foundation
  • Bloomberg Philanthropies
  • Military Veterans in Journalism
  • The Pinkerton Foundation

$10,000 – $24,999

  • Lily Auchincloss Foundation
  • Harman Family Foundation
  • Citizens Community for Children
  • D J McManus Foundation Inc.
  • The Miami Foundation
  • Tisch Illumination Fund
  • LION Publishers

$5,000 – $9,999

  • American Press Institute
  • Brooklyn Community Foundation
  • Dow Jones News Fund
  • Emma Bowen Foundation
  • Institute for Nonprofit News

990 (2021-2022)

990 (2020-2021)

Contact [email protected] for more info on our 990s.