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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Chapter 4505 | Certificate Of Motor Vehicle Title Law

Section 4505.01 | Certificate of motor vehicle title law definitions.

(A) As used in this chapter:

"Buyer" and "transferee" mean the applicant for a certificate of title.

"Certificate of title" and "title" include an electronic certificate of title, unless otherwise specified.

"Electronic certificate of title" means an electronic record stored in the automated title processing system that establishes ownership of a motor vehicle and any security interests that exist on that motor vehicle.

"Lien" includes, unless the context requires a different meaning, a security interest in a motor vehicle.

"Manufactured home" has the same meaning as section 3781.06 of the Revised Code.

"Manufactured housing dealer," "manufactured housing broker," and "manufactured housing salesperson" have the same meanings as in section 4781.01 of the Revised Code.

"Mobile home" has the same meaning as in section 4501.01 of the Revised Code.

"Motor vehicle" includes manufactured homes, mobile homes, recreational vehicles, and trailers and semitrailers whose weight exceeds four thousand pounds.

"Motor vehicle dealer" and "dealer" have the same meaning as in section 4517.01 of the Revised Code and includes manufactured housing dealers.

"Motor vehicle salesperson" includes manufactured housing salespersons.

"Resident" means any person who either maintains their principal residence in this state or is determined by the registrar of motor vehicles to be a permanent or temporary resident in accordance with the standards adopted by the registrar under section 4507.01 of the Revised Code.

"Signature" includes an electronic signature as defined by section 1306.01 of the Revised Code.

(B) The various certificates, applications, and assignments necessary to provide certificates of title for manufactured homes, mobile homes, recreational vehicles, and trailers and semitrailers whose weight exceeds four thousand pounds, shall be made upon forms prescribed by the registrar of motor vehicles.

Last updated April 12, 2021 at 9:37 AM

Section 4505.02 | Duties of registrar of motor vehicles.

The registrar of motor vehicles shall issue rules as the registrar determines necessary to ensure uniform and orderly operation of this chapter and to ensure that the identification of each applicant for a certificate of title is reasonably accurate. The clerks of the courts of common pleas shall conform thereto. The clerks shall provide the forms as prescribed by the registrar, except the manufacturers' or importers' certificates. The clerks shall provide, from moneys in the automated title processing fund, certificates of title and ribbons, cartridges, or other devices necessary for the operation of the certificate of title processing equipment as determined by the automated title processing board pursuant to division (C) of section 4505.09 of the Revised Code. All other automated title processing system supplies shall be provided by the clerks.

If it appears that any certificate of title has been improperly issued, the registrar shall cancel the certificate unless the title is deemed valid pursuant to section 4505.191 of the Revised Code. Upon the cancellation of any certificate of title, the registrar shall notify the clerk who issued it, and the clerk thereupon shall enter the cancellation upon the clerk's records. The registrar also shall notify the person to whom such certificate of title was issued, as well as any lienholders appearing thereon, of the cancellation and shall demand the surrender of the certificate of title immediately, but the cancellation shall not affect the validity of any lien noted thereon. The holder of such certificate of title immediately shall return it to the registrar. If a certificate of registration has been issued to the holder of a certificate of title so canceled the registrar immediately shall cancel it and demand the return of such certificate of registration and license plates, and the holder of such certificate of registration and license plates shall return the same to the registrar forthwith. The clerks shall keep on hand a sufficient supply of blank forms, which, except for certificate of title and memorandum certificate forms, shall be furnished and distributed without charge to registered manufacturers or dealers, or other persons residing within the county.

Section 4505.021 | Entering certificate of title information into automated system without issuing physical certificate.

The owner of a motor vehicle shall apply for a certificate of title for the vehicle when required by this chapter, but, except as otherwise specifically required in this chapter, the owner may elect whether or not to have the clerk of the court of common pleas to whom the certificate of title application is submitted issue a physical certificate of title for the motor vehicle, as provided in section 4505.08 of the Revised Code. In the case of a title application that is submitted electronically to the clerk, the clerk shall issue an electronic certificate of title unless the applicant requests the issuance of a physical certificate of title.

Except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter, any provision of this chapter relating to the cancellation, issuance, or surrender of a certificate of title, including, but not limited to, provisions that contain a phrase such as "when a certificate of title is issued," "the clerk shall issue a certificate of title," or "the person shall obtain a certificate of title to the motor vehicle," or another phrase of similar import, shall include those circumstances when a clerk enters certificate of title information into the automated title processing system, but does not take any further action relating to a physical certificate of title for the motor vehicle.

Section 4505.022 | Administrative rules for electronic applications.

The registrar of motor vehicles may adopt rules pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to allow a motor vehicle auction owner licensed under section 4517.07 of the Revised Code to file an application for a certificate of title in an electronic manner approved by the registrar.

Section 4505.03 | Certificate of title.

No person, except as provided in sections 4505.032 and 4505.05 of the Revised Code, shall sell or otherwise dispose of a motor vehicle without delivering to the buyer or transferee of it a certificate of title with an assignment on it as is necessary to show title in the buyer or transferee; nor shall any person, except as provided in section 4505.032 or 4505.11 of the Revised Code, buy or otherwise acquire a motor vehicle without obtaining a certificate of title for it in the person's name in accordance with this chapter.

Section 4505.031 | Sale or disposal of vehicles involving minors.

(A)(1) No minor under eighteen years of age shall sell or otherwise dispose of a motor vehicle or purchase or otherwise acquire a motor vehicle unless the application for a certificate of title is accompanied by a form prescribed by the registrar of motor vehicles that includes all of the following:

(a) A statement authorizing the sale, disposition, purchase, or acquisition of the motor vehicle;

(b) The signature of one of the minor's parents, the minor's guardian, or other person having custody of the minor that is signed in the presence of one of the following:

(i) A clerk or deputy clerk of a court of common pleas;

(ii) A notary public;

(iii) A motor vehicle dealer or the dealer's designee, if the transaction involves that dealer.

(c) A statement signed by the motor vehicle dealer or the dealer's designee, if applicable, acknowledging that the dealer used reasonable diligence in ascertaining the age of the minor and the identity of the adult who signed the form.

(2) At the time the adult signs the form, either before a clerk of courts, a deputy clerk of courts, a notary public, or a motor vehicle dealer, the adult shall provide identification establishing that the adult is the individual whose signature appears on the form.

(B) No right, title, claim to or interest in a motor vehicle shall be acquired by or from a minor unless the application for a certificate of title is accompanied by the form required by this section.

(C) No clerk of a court of common pleas shall be held liable in any civil action that arises under the law of this state for injury or loss to persons or property caused when a person has obtained a certificate of title in violation of this section, unless the clerk failed to use reasonable diligence in ascertaining the age of the minor or the identity of the adult who signed the form authorizing the sale, disposition, purchase, or acquisition of the motor vehicle by the minor.

(D) If the minor's parents, the minor's guardian, or other person having custody of the minor signs the form in the presence of a motor vehicle dealer or the dealer's designee and the transaction involves that dealer, no notarization is required for the form and it does not need the additional signature of a clerk of courts, deputy clerk of courts, or notary.

Last updated February 16, 2023 at 2:33 PM

Section 4505.032 | Certificate of title assignment to a motor vehicle dealer when no physical title has been issued.

If a person owns a motor vehicle for which a physical certificate of title has not been issued by a clerk of a court of common pleas and the person transfers the motor vehicle, the person is not required to obtain a physical certificate of title to the motor vehicle in order to transfer ownership. The person shall present to the transferee, in a manner approved by the registrar of motor vehicles, sufficient proof of the person's identity and complete and sign a form prescribed by the registrar attesting to the person's identity and assigning the motor vehicle to the transferee. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the transferee shall present the assignment form to any clerk of a court of common pleas together with an application for a certificate of title, payment of any applicable taxes under Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code, and payment of the fees prescribed by section 4505.09 of the Revised Code. The clerk of a court of common pleas shall charge the same fee for an electronic certificate of title as for a physical certificate of title.

In a case in which an electronic certificate of title has been issued for a motor vehicle, notice of the transfer of ownership of that motor vehicle may be made to a clerk of a court of common pleas via electronic means in a manner approved by the registrar. The clerk shall enter the information relating to the assignment, including, but not limited to, the odometer disclosure statement required by section 4505.06 of the Revised Code, into the automated title processing system. Ownership of the motor vehicle passes to the transferee when the clerk enters this information into the system. A physical certificate of title is not required to be presented or issued for that motor vehicle.

Last updated April 26, 2021 at 6:57 PM

Section 4505.04 | Certificate of title as evidence of ownership - harm to leased motor vehicle.

(A) No person acquiring a motor vehicle from its owner, whether the owner is a manufacturer, importer, dealer, or any other person, shall acquire any right, title, claim, or interest in or to the motor vehicle until there is issued to the person a certificate of title to the motor vehicle, or there is delivered to the person a manufacturer's or importer's certificate for it, or a certificate of title to it is assigned as authorized by section 4505.032 of the Revised Code; and no waiver or estoppel operates in favor of such person against a person having possession of the certificate of title to, or manufacturer's or importer's certificate for, the motor vehicle, for a valuable consideration.

(B) Subject to division (C) of this section, no court shall recognize the right, title, claim, or interest of any person in or to any motor vehicle sold or disposed of, or mortgaged or encumbered, unless evidenced:

(1) By a certificate of title, an assignment of a certificate of title made under section 4505.032 of the Revised Code, a manufacturer's or importer's certificate, or a certified receipt of title cancellation to an exported motor vehicle issued in accordance with sections 4505.01 to 4505.21 of the Revised Code;

(2) By admission in the pleadings or stipulation of the parties;

(3) In an action by a secured party to enforce a security interest perfected under Chapter 1309. of the Revised Code in accordance with division (A) of section 4505.13 of the Revised Code, by an instrument showing a valid security interest.

(C)(1) As used in division (C) of this section:

(a) "Harm" means damage or other loss.

(b) "Lease agreement" includes a sublease agreement as defined in division (C)(1)(d) of this section.

(c) "Lessee" includes a sublessee under a sublease agreement, but only if the sublessee is a motor vehicle leasing dealer licensed under Chapter 4517. of the Revised Code.

(d) "Sublease agreement" means a lease of a motor vehicle between a motor vehicle leasing dealer licensed under Chapter 4517. of the Revised Code and a second such duly licensed motor vehicle leasing dealer.

(e) "Tort action" means a civil action for damages for harm to a motor vehicle, other than a civil action for damages for a breach of contract or another agreement between persons.

(2) Notwithstanding divisions (A) and (B) of this section, if a motor vehicle that is the subject of a lease agreement sustains harm during the term of that agreement and if all of the following conditions are satisfied, the lessee may commence a tort action in the lessee's own name to recover damages for the harm from the person allegedly responsible for it:

(a) The lessee shall file with and attach to the complaint in the tort action a copy of the lease agreement pursuant to which the lessee is responsible for damage to the motor vehicle, for purposes of establishing the ownership of the motor vehicle and the interest of the lessee in it.

(b) The harm to the motor vehicle shall be such that, under the lease agreement, the lessee bringing the action is legally responsible for the repair of the harm.

(c) The lessee shall cause a copy of the complaint in the tort action to be served upon the owner of the motor vehicle and upon any other lessee of the vehicle in accordance with the Rules of Civil Procedure.

Section 4505.05 | Manufacturer's or importer's certificate.

No manufacturer, importer, dealer, or other person shall sell or otherwise dispose of a new motor vehicle to a dealer to be used by the dealer for purposes of display and resale, without delivering to the dealer a manufacturer's or importer's certificate executed in accordance with this chapter, and with such assignments thereon as are necessary to show title in the buyer thereof. No dealer shall purchase or acquire a new motor vehicle without obtaining from the seller thereof a manufacturer's or importer's certificate as prescribed by the registrar of motor vehicles.

Section 4505.06 | Application for certificate of title.

(A)(1) Application for a certificate of title shall be made in a form prescribed by the registrar of motor vehicles and shall be sworn to before a notary public or other officer empowered to administer oaths. The application shall be filed with the clerk of any court of common pleas. An application for a certificate of title may be filed electronically by any electronic means approved by the registrar in any county with the clerk of the court of common pleas of that county. Any payments required by this chapter shall be considered as accompanying any electronically transmitted application when payment actually is received by the clerk. Payment of any fee or taxes may be made by electronic transfer of funds.

(2) The application for a certificate of title shall be accompanied by the fee prescribed in section 4505.09 of the Revised Code. The fee shall be retained by the clerk who issues the certificate of title and shall be distributed in accordance with that section. If a clerk of a court of common pleas, other than the clerk of the court of common pleas of an applicant's county of residence, issues a certificate of title to the applicant, the clerk shall transmit data related to the transaction to the automated title processing system.

(3) If a certificate of title previously has been issued for a motor vehicle in this state, the application for a certificate of title also shall be accompanied by that certificate of title duly assigned, unless otherwise provided in this chapter. If a certificate of title previously has not been issued for the motor vehicle in this state, the application, unless otherwise provided in this chapter, shall be accompanied by a manufacturer's or importer's certificate or by a certificate of title of another state from which the motor vehicle was brought into this state. If the application refers to a motor vehicle last previously registered in another state, the application also shall be accompanied by the physical inspection certificate required by section 4505.061 of the Revised Code. If the application is made by two persons regarding a motor vehicle in which they wish to establish joint ownership with right of survivorship, they may do so as provided in section 2131.12 of the Revised Code. If the applicant requests a designation of the motor vehicle in beneficiary form so that upon the death of the owner of the motor vehicle, ownership of the motor vehicle will pass to a designated transfer-on-death beneficiary or beneficiaries, the applicant may do so as provided in section 2131.13 of the Revised Code. A person who establishes ownership of a motor vehicle that is transferable on death in accordance with section 2131.13 of the Revised Code may terminate that type of ownership or change the designation of the transfer-on-death beneficiary or beneficiaries by applying for a certificate of title pursuant to this section. The clerk shall retain the evidence of title presented by the applicant and on which the certificate of title is issued, except that, if an application for a certificate of title is filed electronically by an electronic motor vehicle dealer on behalf of the purchaser of a motor vehicle, the clerk shall retain the completed electronic record to which the dealer converted the certificate of title application and other required documents. The registrar, after consultation with the attorney general, shall adopt rules that govern the location at which, and the manner in which, are stored the actual application and all other documents relating to the transfer of a motor vehicle when an electronic motor vehicle dealer files the application for a certificate of title electronically on behalf of the purchaser. Not later than December 31, 2017, the registrar shall arrange for a service that enables all electronic motor vehicle dealers to file applications for certificates of title on behalf of purchasers of motor vehicles electronically by transferring the applications directly from the computer systems of the dealers to the clerk.

The clerk shall use reasonable diligence in ascertaining whether or not the facts in the application for a certificate of title are true by checking the application and documents accompanying it or the electronic record to which a dealer converted the application and accompanying documents with the records of motor vehicles in the clerk's office. If the clerk is satisfied that the applicant is the owner of the motor vehicle and that the application is in the proper form, the clerk, within five business days after the application is filed and except as provided in section 4505.021 of the Revised Code, shall issue a physical certificate of title over the clerk's signature and sealed with the clerk's seal, unless the applicant specifically requests the clerk not to issue a physical certificate of title and instead to issue an electronic certificate of title. For purposes of the transfer of a certificate of title, if the clerk is satisfied that the secured party has duly discharged a lien notation but has not canceled the lien notation with a clerk, the clerk may cancel the lien notation on the automated title processing system and notify the clerk of the county of origin.

(4) In the case of the sale of a motor vehicle to a general buyer or user by a dealer, by a motor vehicle leasing dealer selling the motor vehicle to the lessee or, in a case in which the leasing dealer subleased the motor vehicle, the sublessee, at the end of the lease agreement or sublease agreement, or by a manufactured housing broker, the certificate of title shall be obtained in the name of the buyer by the dealer, leasing dealer, or manufactured housing broker, as the case may be, upon application signed by the buyer. The certificate of title shall be issued, or the process of entering the certificate of title application information into the automated title processing system if a physical certificate of title is not to be issued shall be completed, within five business days after the application for title is filed with the clerk. If the buyer of the motor vehicle previously leased the motor vehicle and is buying the motor vehicle at the end of the lease pursuant to that lease, the certificate of title shall be obtained in the name of the buyer by the motor vehicle leasing dealer who previously leased the motor vehicle to the buyer or by the motor vehicle leasing dealer who subleased the motor vehicle to the buyer under a sublease agreement.

In all other cases, except as provided in section 4505.032 and division (D)(2) of section 4505.11 of the Revised Code, such certificates shall be obtained by the buyer.

(5)(a)(i) If the certificate of title is being obtained in the name of the buyer by a motor vehicle dealer or motor vehicle leasing dealer and there is a security interest to be noted on the certificate of title, the dealer or leasing dealer shall submit the application for the certificate of title and payment of the applicable tax to a clerk within seven business days after the later of the delivery of the motor vehicle to the buyer or the date the dealer or leasing dealer obtains the manufacturer's or importer's certificate, or certificate of title issued in the name of the dealer or leasing dealer, for the motor vehicle. Submission of the application for the certificate of title and payment of the applicable tax within the required seven business days may be indicated by postmark or receipt by a clerk within that period.

(ii) Upon receipt of the certificate of title with the security interest noted on its face, the dealer or leasing dealer shall forward the certificate of title to the secured party at the location noted in the financing documents or otherwise specified by the secured party.

(iii) A motor vehicle dealer or motor vehicle leasing dealer is liable to a secured party for a late fee of ten dollars per day for each certificate of title application and payment of the applicable tax that is submitted to a clerk more than seven business days but less than twenty-one days after the later of the delivery of the motor vehicle to the buyer or the date the dealer or leasing dealer obtains the manufacturer's or importer's certificate, or certificate of title issued in the name of the dealer or leasing dealer, for the motor vehicle and, from then on, twenty-five dollars per day until the application and applicable tax are submitted to a clerk.

(b) In all cases of transfer of a motor vehicle except the transfer of a manufactured home or mobile home, the application for certificate of title shall be filed within thirty days after the assignment or delivery of the motor vehicle.

(c) An application for a certificate of title for a new manufactured home shall be filed within thirty days after the delivery of the new manufactured home to the purchaser. The date of the delivery shall be the date on which an occupancy permit for the manufactured home is delivered to the purchaser of the home by the appropriate legal authority.

(d) An application for a certificate of title for a used manufactured home or a used mobile home shall be filed as follows:

(i) If a certificate of title for the used manufactured home or used mobile home was issued to the motor vehicle dealer prior to the sale of the manufactured or mobile home to the purchaser, the application for certificate of title shall be filed within thirty days after the date on which an occupancy permit for the manufactured or mobile home is delivered to the purchaser by the appropriate legal authority.

(ii) If the motor vehicle dealer has been designated by a secured party to display the manufactured or mobile home for sale, or to sell the manufactured or mobile home under section 4505.20 of the Revised Code, but the certificate of title has not been transferred by the secured party to the motor vehicle dealer, and the dealer has complied with the requirements of division (A) of section 4505.181 of the Revised Code, the application for certificate of title shall be filed within thirty days after the date on which the motor vehicle dealer obtains the certificate of title for the home from the secured party or the date on which an occupancy permit for the manufactured or mobile home is delivered to the purchaser by the appropriate legal authority, whichever occurs later.

(6) If an application for a certificate of title is not filed within the period specified in division (A)(5)(b), (c), or (d) of this section, the clerk shall collect a fee of five dollars for the issuance of the certificate, except that no such fee shall be required from a motor vehicle salvage dealer, as defined in division (A) of section 4738.01 of the Revised Code, who immediately surrenders the certificate of title for cancellation. The fee shall be in addition to all other fees established by this chapter, and shall be retained by the clerk. The registrar shall provide, on the certificate of title form prescribed by section 4505.07 of the Revised Code, language necessary to give evidence of the date on which the assignment or delivery of the motor vehicle was made.

(7) As used in division (A) of this section, "lease agreement," "lessee," and "sublease agreement" have the same meanings as in section 4505.04 of the Revised Code and "new manufactured home," "used manufactured home," and "used mobile home" have the same meanings as in section 5739.0210 of the Revised Code.

(B)(1) The clerk, except as provided in this section, shall refuse to accept for filing any application for a certificate of title and shall refuse to issue a certificate of title unless the dealer or the applicant, in cases in which the certificate shall be obtained by the buyer, submits with the application payment of the tax levied by or pursuant to Chapters 5739. and 5741. of the Revised Code based on the purchaser's county of residence. Upon payment of the tax in accordance with division (E) of this section, the clerk shall issue a receipt prescribed by the registrar and agreed upon by the tax commissioner showing payment of the tax or a receipt issued by the commissioner showing the payment of the tax. When submitting payment of the tax to the clerk, a dealer shall retain any discount to which the dealer is entitled under section 5739.12 of the Revised Code.

(2) For receiving and disbursing such taxes paid to the clerk by a resident of the clerk's county, the clerk may retain a poundage fee of one and one one-hundredth per cent, and the clerk shall pay the poundage fee into the certificate of title administration fund created by section 325.33 of the Revised Code. The clerk shall not retain a poundage fee from payments of taxes by persons who do not reside in the clerk's county.

A clerk, however, may retain from the taxes paid to the clerk an amount equal to the poundage fees associated with certificates of title issued by other clerks of courts of common pleas to applicants who reside in the first clerk's county. The registrar, in consultation with the tax commissioner and the clerks of the courts of common pleas, shall develop a report from the automated title processing system that informs each clerk of the amount of the poundage fees that the clerk is permitted to retain from those taxes because of certificates of title issued by the clerks of other counties to applicants who reside in the first clerk's county.

(3) In the case of casual sales of motor vehicles, as defined in section 4517.01 of the Revised Code, the price for the purpose of determining the tax shall be the purchase price on the assigned certificate of title, or assignment form prescribed by the registrar, executed by the seller and filed with the clerk by the buyer on a form to be prescribed by the registrar, which shall be prima-facie evidence of the amount for the determination of the tax.

(4) Each county clerk shall forward to the registrar of motor vehicles all sales and use tax collections resulting from sales of motor vehicles, off-highway motorcycles, and all-purpose vehicles during a calendar week on or before the Friday following the close of that week. If, on any Friday, the offices of the clerk of courts or the state are not open for business, the tax shall be forwarded to the registrar on or before the next day on which the offices are open. Every remittance of tax under division (B)(4) of this section shall be accompanied by a remittance report in such form as the tax commissioner prescribes. Upon receipt of a tax remittance and remittance report, the registrar shall date stamp the report and forward it to the tax commissioner. If the tax due for any week is not remitted by a clerk of courts as required under division (B)(4) of this section, the commissioner may require the clerk to forfeit the poundage fees for the sales made during that week. The registrar may require the clerks of courts to transmit tax collections and remittance reports electronically.

(C)(1) If the transferor indicates on the certificate of title that the odometer reflects mileage in excess of the designed mechanical limit of the odometer, the clerk shall enter the phrase "exceeds mechanical limits" following the mileage designation. If the transferor indicates on the certificate of title that the odometer reading is not the actual mileage, the clerk shall enter the phrase "nonactual: warning - odometer discrepancy" following the mileage designation. The clerk shall use reasonable care in transferring the information supplied by the transferor, but is not liable for any errors or omissions of the clerk or those of the clerk's deputies in the performance of the clerk's duties created by this chapter.

The registrar shall prescribe an affidavit in which the transferor shall swear to the true selling price and, except as provided in this division, the true odometer reading of the motor vehicle. The registrar may prescribe an affidavit in which the seller and buyer provide information pertaining to the odometer reading of the motor vehicle in addition to that required by this section, as such information may be required by the United States secretary of transportation by rule prescribed under authority of subchapter IV of the "Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act," 86 Stat. 961 (1972), 15 U.S.C. 1981.

(2) Division (C)(1) of this section does not require the giving of information concerning the odometer and odometer reading of a motor vehicle when ownership of a motor vehicle is being transferred as a result of a bequest, under the laws of intestate succession, to a survivor pursuant to section 2106.18, 2131.12, or 4505.10 of the Revised Code, to a transfer-on-death beneficiary or beneficiaries pursuant to section 2131.13 of the Revised Code, in connection with the creation of a security interest or for a vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than sixteen thousand pounds.

(D) When the transfer to the applicant was made in some other state or in interstate commerce, the clerk, except as provided in this section, shall refuse to issue any certificate of title unless the tax imposed by or pursuant to Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code based on the purchaser's county of residence has been paid as evidenced by a receipt issued by the tax commissioner, or unless the applicant submits with the application payment of the tax. Upon payment of the tax in accordance with division (E) of this section, the clerk shall issue a receipt prescribed by the registrar and agreed upon by the tax commissioner, showing payment of the tax.

For receiving and disbursing such taxes paid to the clerk by a resident of the clerk's county, the clerk may retain a poundage fee of one and one one-hundredth per cent. The clerk shall not retain a poundage fee from payments of taxes by persons who do not reside in the clerk's county.

A clerk, however, may retain from the taxes paid to the clerk an amount equal to the poundage fees associated with certificates of title issued by other clerks of courts of common pleas to applicants who reside in the first clerk's county. The registrar, in consultation with the tax commissioner and the clerks of the courts of common pleas, shall develop a report from the automated title processing system that informs each clerk of the amount of the poundage fees that the clerk is permitted to retain from those taxes because of certificates of title issued by the clerks of other counties to applicants who reside in the first clerk's county.

When the vendor is not regularly engaged in the business of selling motor vehicles, the vendor shall not be required to purchase a vendor's license or make reports concerning those sales.

(E) The clerk shall accept any payment of a tax in cash, or by cashier's check, certified check, draft, money order, or teller check issued by any insured financial institution payable to the clerk and submitted with an application for a certificate of title under division (B) or (D) of this section. The clerk also may accept payment of the tax by corporate, business, or personal check, credit card, electronic transfer or wire transfer, debit card, or any other accepted form of payment made payable to the clerk. The clerk may require bonds, guarantees, or letters of credit to ensure the collection of corporate, business, or personal checks. Any service fee charged by a third party to a clerk for the use of any form of payment may be paid by the clerk from the certificate of title administration fund created in section 325.33 of the Revised Code, or may be assessed by the clerk upon the applicant as an additional fee. Upon collection, the additional fees shall be paid by the clerk into that certificate of title administration fund.

The clerk shall make a good faith effort to collect any payment of taxes due but not made because the payment was returned or dishonored, but the clerk is not personally liable for the payment of uncollected taxes or uncollected fees. The clerk shall notify the tax commissioner of any such payment of taxes that is due but not made and shall furnish the information to the commissioner that the commissioner requires. The clerk shall deduct the amount of taxes due but not paid from the clerk's periodic remittance of tax payments, in accordance with procedures agreed upon by the tax commissioner. The commissioner may collect taxes due by assessment in the manner provided in section 5739.13 of the Revised Code.

Any person who presents payment that is returned or dishonored for any reason is liable to the clerk for payment of a penalty over and above the amount of the taxes due. The clerk shall determine the amount of the penalty, and the penalty shall be no greater than that amount necessary to compensate the clerk for banking charges, legal fees, or other expenses incurred by the clerk in collecting the returned or dishonored payment. The remedies and procedures provided in this section are in addition to any other available civil or criminal remedies. Subsequently collected penalties, poundage fees, and title fees, less any title fee due the state, from returned or dishonored payments collected by the clerk shall be paid into the certificate of title administration fund. Subsequently collected taxes, less poundage fees, shall be sent by the clerk to the registrar of motor vehicles at the next scheduled periodic remittance of tax payments, with information as the commissioner may require. The clerk may abate all or any part of any penalty assessed under this division.

(F) In the following cases, the clerk shall accept for filing an application and shall issue a certificate of title without requiring payment or evidence of payment of the tax:

(1) When the purchaser is this state or any of its political subdivisions, a church, or an organization whose purchases are exempted by section 5739.02 of the Revised Code;

(2) When the transaction in this state is not a retail sale as defined by section 5739.01 of the Revised Code;

(3) When the purchase is outside this state or in interstate commerce and the purpose of the purchaser is not to use, store, or consume within the meaning of section 5741.01 of the Revised Code;

(4) When the purchaser is the federal government;

(5) When the motor vehicle was purchased outside this state for use outside this state;

(6) When the motor vehicle is purchased by a nonresident under the circumstances described in division (B)(1) of section 5739.029 of the Revised Code, and upon presentation of a copy of the statement provided by that section, and a copy of the exemption certificate provided by section 5739.03 of the Revised Code.

(G) An application, as prescribed by the registrar and agreed to by the tax commissioner, shall be filled out and sworn to by the buyer of a motor vehicle in a casual sale. The application shall contain the following notice in bold lettering: "WARNING TO TRANSFEROR AND TRANSFEREE (SELLER AND BUYER): You are required by law to state the true selling price. A false statement is in violation of section 2921.13 of the Revised Code and is punishable by six months' imprisonment or a fine of up to one thousand dollars, or both. All transfers are audited by the department of taxation. The seller and buyer must provide any information requested by the department of taxation. The buyer may be assessed any additional tax found to be due."

(H) For sales of manufactured homes or mobile homes occurring on or after January 1, 2000, the clerk shall accept for filing, pursuant to Chapter 5739. of the Revised Code, an application for a certificate of title for a manufactured home or mobile home without requiring payment of any tax pursuant to section 5739.02, 5741.021, 5741.022, or 5741.023 of the Revised Code, or a receipt issued by the tax commissioner showing payment of the tax. For sales of manufactured homes or mobile homes occurring on or after January 1, 2000, the applicant shall pay to the clerk an additional fee of five dollars for each certificate of title issued by the clerk for a manufactured or mobile home pursuant to division (H) of section 4505.11 of the Revised Code and for each certificate of title issued upon transfer of ownership of the home. The clerk shall credit the fee to the county certificate of title administration fund, and the fee shall be used to pay the expenses of archiving those certificates pursuant to division (A) of section 4505.08 and division (H)(3) of section 4505.11 of the Revised Code. The tax commissioner shall administer any tax on a manufactured or mobile home pursuant to Chapters 5739. and 5741. of the Revised Code.

(I) Every clerk shall have the capability to transact by electronic means all procedures and transactions relating to the issuance of motor vehicle certificates of title that are described in the Revised Code as being accomplished by electronic means.

Last updated September 6, 2023 at 2:47 PM

Section 4505.061 | Physical inspection certificate of motor vehicle last previously registered in another state.

(A) If the application for a certificate of title refers to a motor vehicle last previously registered in another state, the application shall be accompanied by a physical inspection certificate issued by the registrar of motor vehicles. A physical inspection of a motor vehicle shall consist of verifying the make, body type, model, and mileage of, and manufacturer's vehicle identification number from, the motor vehicle for which the certificate of title is desired.

(B) The physical inspection certificate shall be in such form as is designated by the registrar. Except as provided for in division (C) of this section, the physical inspection of the motor vehicle shall occur at either of the following:

(1) A deputy registrar's office;

(2) An established place of business of a licensed motor vehicle dealer located in this state.

(C) The physical inspection of a salvage vehicle owned by an insurance company may be made at an established place of business of any of the following that is licensed and located in this state:

(1) A motor vehicle salvage dealer;

(2) A salvage motor vehicle auction;

(3) A salvage motor vehicle pool.

(D) The deputy registrar, motor vehicle dealer, motor vehicle salvage dealer, salvage motor vehicle auction, or salvage motor vehicle pool may charge a maximum fee equal to the amount established under section 4503.038 of the Revised Code for conducting the physical inspection.

(E) The clerk of the court of common pleas shall charge a fee of one dollar and fifty cents for the processing of each physical inspection certificate. The clerk shall retain fifty cents of the one dollar and fifty cents so charged and shall pay the remaining one dollar to the registrar by monthly returns, which shall be forwarded to the registrar not later than the fifth day of the month next succeeding that in which the certificate is received by the clerk. The registrar shall pay such remaining sums into the public safety - highway purposes fund established by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated October 6, 2023 at 12:13 PM

Section 4505.062 | Use of term sworn to in casual sales.

Notwithstanding any general requirement in this chapter to the effect that an application for a certificate of title to a motor vehicle shall be "sworn to" or shall be "sworn to before a notary public or other officer empowered to administer oaths," that requirement shall apply only in the case of a transfer of a motor vehicle between parties in the course of a casual sale, as defined in sections 4517.01 and 4781.01 of the Revised Code.

Section 4505.063 | Motor vehicle dealer transfers.

Notwithstanding any provision of the Revised Code to the contrary that requires a document to be "sworn to before" or "signed in the presence of" a notary or other officer empowered to administer oaths, when a motor vehicle dealer licensed under Chapter 4517. of the Revised Code is a party to the transfer of a motor vehicle, no notarization is required on a motor vehicle certificate of title, an application for a motor vehicle certificate of title, assignment of ownership to the motor vehicle, a power of attorney used for the purpose of titling a motor vehicle, or any other document related to the titling of a motor vehicle that the dealer is required to provide to a clerk of a court of common pleas. However, a clerk of courts may request a notarized affidavit to make corrections to the documents listed above, if necessary. All documents provided to a clerk of courts under this section may be signed electronically.

Last updated February 23, 2023 at 9:24 AM

Section 4505.07 | Forms for certificates and applications.

(A) A physical certificate of title shall be printed upon a special paper with a secure printing process or other secure process, for the printing of motor vehicle titles, as required by section 2 of the "Truth in Mileage Act of 1986," 100 Stat. 3309, 15 U.S.C.A. 1901 et seq.

An electronic certificate of title is an electronic record stored in the automated title processing system that established ownership of a motor vehicle, as well as any security interests that exist in that motor vehicle.

(B) Every certificate of title shall bear the distinguishing number assigned to the title, and shall contain, on the front of the certificate, the following information:

(1) An indication that the certificate is issued in this state;

(2) The county in which the certificate is issued;

(3) An indication that the certificate is an original, memorandum, duplicate, or salvage certificate;

(4) The date of issuance of the certificate;

(5) The name and address of the owner, in full;

(6) The name and address of the previous owner, in full;

(7) The previous certificate of title number;

(8) The state in which the vehicle previously was titled;

(9) The make, body type, year, model, and vehicle identification number of the vehicle;

(10) First and second lien notation information, including the name and address of the lienholder in full and the date of the lien notation;

(11) For discharging and canceling the lien notation, a notice that states: "lien discharge," a space for the signature of the lienholder, the discharge date, a space for the signature of the clerk of the court of common pleas, the cancellation date, and a space for the notation of the deputy clerk;

(12) The purchase price of the motor vehicle and the amount of Ohio sales or use tax paid;

(13) The mileage registered on the odometer and the status of the odometer of the vehicle at the time the previous title was assigned;

(14) A space for the seal of the clerk;

(15) The signature of the clerk;

(16) A space for the notation of the deputy clerk;

(17) A space for other pertinent information as may be required by the registrar of motor vehicles;

(18) A consecutive number for control purposes;

(19) In the case of a vehicle last previously registered in another state, a space to be used for recording any notation applicable to the vehicle and the abbreviation of the state in which the vehicle was last registered, as required by divisions (B)(1) and (2) of section 4505.08 of the Revised Code;

(20) In the case of a vehicle last previously registered in this state, a space to be used for recording any information applicable to the vehicle as required by division (C) of section 4505.08 of the Revised Code or by rule of the registrar of motor vehicles adopted under that division.

(C) If the certificate of title is a duplicate certificate, that fact and the original title number must be stated on the front of the duplicate certificate.

(D) If the certificate of title is a memorandum certificate, that fact and the original title number must be stated on the front of the memorandum certificate.

(E) If the certificate of title is a salvage certificate, that fact and the original title number must be stated on the front of the salvage certificate.

(F) The following information shall appear on the reverse side of each certificate of title:

(1) A notice in bold lettering that states: "ERASURES AND ALTERATIONS VOID THIS TITLE ASSIGNMENT. (Type or print in ink.)";

(2) The total consideration of the vehicle;

(3) A disclosure that states: "I (we) certify the vehicle described in this title was transferred for the price of $__________ to:" and the printed name and address of the buyer in full;

(4) An odometer certification statement that states: "Federal and state laws require that you state the mileage in connection with transfer of ownership. Failure to complete or providing false information may result in fines and imprisonment."

The odometer certification language as required by federal law and division (C) of section 4505.06 of the Revised Code.

(5) A disclosure that states: "I (we) warrant the title to be free of all liens."

(6) A space for the signature of the transferor and the transferor's printed name and address in full;

(7) A space for the seal of the clerk or a notary;

(8) The acknowledgment statement of the clerk, the deputy clerk, or a notary;

(9) A space for the signature of the clerk, the deputy clerk, or a notary;

(10) The buyer's odometer acknowledgment statement, with a space for the buyer's printed name and address;

(11) A notice in bold lettering that states: "WARNING TO TRANSFEROR AND TRANSFEREE (SELLER AND BUYER): You are required by law to state the true selling price. A false statement is in violation of section 2921.13 of the Revised Code and is punishable by six months' imprisonment or a fine of up to one thousand dollars, or both. All transfers are audited by the department of taxation.

The seller and buyer must provide any information requested by the department of taxation. The buyer may be assessed any additional tax found to be due."

(12) An application for a certificate of title, memorandum certificate of title, or salvage certificate of title, as prescribed by the registrar, which shall include all of the following:

(a) A disclosure that states: "Application for certificate of title (type or print in ink)";

(b) A disclosure that states: "Fee of $5.00 for failure to apply for title within 30 days of assignment.";

(c) A space for the applicant's printed name and address:

(d) A space for the applicant's social security number or employer's identification number;

(e) A space for the purchase price, tax paid, or tax exemption reason, or dealer's permit number, and vendor's number, and condition of the vehicle;

(f) A disclosure statement that states: "Lien information: If no lien state "none." If more than one lien, attach statement of all additional liens.";

(g) A space for the lienholder's name and address;

(h) A disclosure statement that states: "I (we) state that all information contained in this application is true and correct.";

(i) A space for the applicant's signature;

(j) A space for the acknowledgment statement of the clerk, the deputy clerk, or a notary;

(k) A space for the seal of the clerk or a notary;

(l) A space for the signature of the clerk, the deputy clerk, or a notary;

(m) Any other pertinent information as may be required by the registrar.

Section 4505.071 | Licensed motor vehicle dealer power of attorney.

(A)(1) Notwithstanding section 1337.06 of the Revised Code, a licensed motor vehicle dealer involved in a title transfer, or the employee or agent of the licensed motor vehicle dealer, may be granted power of attorney by the principal to become the principal's attorney in fact.

(2) The power of attorney granted under division (A)(1) of this section may be used only when the granting instrument limits the power of the attorney in fact to act on the principal's behalf for either of the following:

(a) Making an assignment of a certificate of title, excluding the odometer statement that the motor vehicle owner must provide as required by federal law;

(b) Completing an application for a certificate of title, excluding the odometer acknowledgment statement that the applicant must acknowledge as required by federal law.

(3) Such instrument shall state the make, body type, model, and manufacturer's vehicle identification number of the motor vehicle to which the grant of power applies.

(B) The power of attorney is exempt from the requirements of notarization and verification as described in this chapter and in section 1337.25 of the Revised Code, and the documents may be signed electronically. This power of attorney shall be presented to the clerk of the court of common pleas when used to transfer title to a motor vehicle and shall be retained by the clerk in the same manner that a certificate of title is retained.

Last updated February 23, 2023 at 9:27 AM

Section 4505.08 | Issuance of physical certificate of title.

(A) When the clerk of a court of common pleas issues a physical certificate of title, the clerk shall issue the certificate of title on a form and in a manner prescribed by the registrar of motor vehicles. The clerk shall file a copy of the physical evidence for the creation of the certificate of title in a manner prescribed by the registrar. A clerk may retain digital images of documents used as evidence for issuance of a certificate of title. Certified printouts of documents retained as digital images shall have the same evidentiary value as the original physical documents. The record of the issuance of the certificate of title shall be maintained in the automated title processing system. The clerk shall sign and affix the clerk's seal to the original certificate of title and, if there are no liens on the motor vehicle, shall deliver the certificate to the applicant or the selling dealer. If there are one or more liens on the motor vehicle, the certificate of title shall be delivered to the holder of the first lien or the selling dealer, who shall deliver the certificate of title to the holder of the first lien.

The registrar shall prescribe a uniform method of numbering certificates of title, and such numbering shall be in such manner that the county of issuance is indicated. The clerk shall assign numbers to certificates of title in the manner prescribed by the registrar. The clerk shall file all certificates of title according to rules to be prescribed by the registrar, and the clerk shall maintain in the clerk's office indexes for the certificates of title.

The clerk need not retain on file any current certificates of title, current duplicate certificates of title, current memorandum certificates of title, or current salvage certificates of title, or supporting evidence of them covering any motor vehicle or manufactured or mobile home for a period longer than seven years after the date of its filing; thereafter, the documents and supporting evidence may be destroyed. The clerk need not retain on file any inactive records, including certificates of title, duplicate certificates of title, or memorandum certificates of title, or supporting evidence of them, including the electronic record described in division (A) of section 4505.06 of the Revised Code, covering any motor vehicle or manufactured or mobile home for a period longer than five years after the date of its filing; thereafter, the documents and supporting evidence may be destroyed.

The automated title processing system shall contain all active records and an index of the active records, a record and index of all inactive titles for ten years, and a record and index of all inactive titles for manufactured and mobile homes for thirty years. If the clerk provides a written copy of any information contained in the database, the copy shall be considered the original for purposes of the clerk certifying the record of the information for use in any legal proceeding.

(B)(1) If the clerk issues a certificate of title for a motor vehicle that was last previously registered in another state, the clerk shall record verbatim, where practicable, in the space on the title described in division (B)(19) of section 4505.07 of the Revised Code, the words that appear as a notation to the vehicle on the title issued by the previous state. These notations may include, but are not limited to, words to the effect that the vehicle was considered or was categorized by the state in which it was last previously registered to be a law enforcement vehicle or a taxicab or was once in a flood.

(2) If the clerk, while issuing a certificate of title for a motor vehicle that was last previously registered in another state, receives information from the automated title processing system indicating that a title to the vehicle previously was issued by this state and that the previous title contained notations that appeared in the space described in division (B)(19) or (20) of section 4505.07 of the Revised Code, the clerk shall enter the notations that appeared on the previous certificate of title issued by this state on the new certificate of title in the space described in division (B)(19) or (20) of section 4505.07 of the Revised Code, irrespective of whether the notations appear on the certificate of title issued by the state in which the vehicle was last previously registered.

(3) If the clerk, while issuing a certificate of title for a motor vehicle that was last previously registered in another state, receives information from the automated title processing system indicating that the vehicle was previously issued a title by this state and that the previous title bore the notation "REBUILT SALVAGE" as required by division (E) of section 4505.11 of the Revised Code, or the previous title to the vehicle issued by this state was a salvage certificate of title, the clerk shall cause the certificate of title the clerk issues to bear the notation "REBUILT SALVAGE" in the location prescribed by the registrar pursuant to that division.

(C) When the clerk issues a certificate of title for a motor vehicle that was last previously registered in this state and was a law enforcement vehicle or a taxicab or was once in a flood, the clerk shall record that information in the space on the title described in division (B)(20) of section 4505.07 of the Revised Code. The registrar, by rule, may prescribe any additional uses of or happenings to a motor vehicle that the registrar has reason to believe should be noted on the certificate of title as provided in this division.

(D) The clerk shall use reasonable care in recording or entering onto titles the clerk issues any notation and information the clerk is required by divisions (B) and (C) of this section to record or enter and in causing the titles the clerk issues to bear any notation required by those divisions, but the clerk is not liable for any of the clerk's errors or omissions or those of the clerk's deputies, or the automated title processing system, in the performance of the duties imposed on the clerk by this section.

(E) The clerk may issue a duplicate title, when duly applied for, of any title that has been destroyed as herein provided.

(F) Except as provided in section 4505.021 of the Revised Code, the clerk shall issue a physical certificate of title to an applicant unless the applicant specifically requests the clerk not to issue a physical certificate of title and instead to issue an electronic certificate of title. The fact that a physical certificate of title is not issued for a motor vehicle does not affect ownership of the vehicle. In that case, when the clerk completes the process of entering certificate of title application information into the automated title processing system, the effect of the completion of the process is the same as if the clerk actually issued a physical certificate of title for the motor vehicle.

(G) An electronic motor vehicle dealer who applies for a certificate of title on behalf of a customer who purchases a motor vehicle from the dealer may print a non-negotiable evidence of ownership for the customer if the customer so requests. The authorization to print the non-negotiable evidence of ownership shall come from the clerk with whom the dealer makes application for the certificate of title for the customer, but the printing by the dealer does not create an agency relationship of any kind between the dealer and the clerk.

(H) The owner of a motor vehicle may apply at any time to a clerk of a court of common pleas for a non-negotiable evidence of ownership for the motor vehicle.

(I) In accordance with rules adopted by the registrar, a clerk may issue a certificate of title applied for by an agent of a licensed motor vehicle dealer when that agent has a properly executed power of attorney from the dealer.

Section 4505.09 | Certificate of title fees - funds.

(A)(1) The clerk of a court of common pleas shall charge and retain fees as follows:

(a) Five dollars for each certificate of title that is not applied for within thirty days after the later of the assignment or delivery of the motor vehicle described in it. The entire fee shall be retained by the clerk.

(b) Fifteen dollars for each certificate of title or duplicate certificate of title including the issuance of a memorandum certificate of title, or authorization to print a non-negotiable evidence of ownership described in division (G) of section 4505.08 of the Revised Code, non-negotiable evidence of ownership printed by the clerk under division (H) of that section, and notation of any lien on a certificate of title that is applied for at the same time as the certificate of title. The clerk shall retain eleven dollars and fifty cents of that fee for each certificate of title when there is a notation of a lien or security interest on the certificate of title, twelve dollars and twenty-five cents when there is no lien or security interest noted on the certificate of title, and eleven dollars and fifty cents for each duplicate certificate of title.

(c) Four dollars and fifty cents for each certificate of title with no security interest noted that is issued to a licensed motor vehicle dealer for resale purposes and, in addition, a separate fee of fifty cents. The clerk shall retain two dollars and twenty-five cents of that fee.

(d) Five dollars for each memorandum certificate of title or non-negotiable evidence of ownership that is applied for separately. The clerk shall retain that entire fee.

(2) The fees that are not retained by the clerk shall be paid to the registrar of motor vehicles by monthly returns, which shall be forwarded to the registrar not later than the fifth day of the month next succeeding that in which the certificate is issued or that in which the registrar is notified of a lien or cancellation of a lien.

(B)(1) The registrar shall pay twenty-five cents of the amount received for each certificate of title issued to a motor vehicle dealer for resale, one dollar for certificates of title issued with a lien or security interest noted on the certificate of title, and twenty-five cents for each certificate of title with no lien or security interest noted on the certificate of title into the public safety - highway purposes fund established in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(2) Fifty cents of the amount received for each certificate of title shall be paid by the registrar as follows:

(a) Four cents shall be paid into the state treasury to the credit of the motor vehicle dealers board fund, which is hereby created. All investment earnings of the fund shall be credited to the fund. The moneys in the motor vehicle dealers board fund shall be used by the motor vehicle dealers board created under section 4517.30 of the Revised Code, together with other moneys appropriated to it, in the exercise of its powers and the performance of its duties under Chapter 4517. of the Revised Code, except that the director of budget and management may transfer excess money from the motor vehicle dealers board fund to the public safety - highway purposes fund if the registrar determines that the amount of money in the motor vehicle dealers board fund, together with other moneys appropriated to the board, exceeds the amount required for the exercise of its powers and the performance of its duties under Chapter 4517. of the Revised Code and requests the director to make the transfer.

(b) Thirty-one cents shall be paid into the highway operating fund created by section 5735.051 of the Revised Code.

(c) Fifteen cents shall be paid into the state treasury to the credit of the motor vehicle sales audit fund, which is hereby created. The moneys in the fund shall be used by the tax commissioner together with other funds available to the commissioner to conduct a continuing investigation of sales and use tax returns filed for motor vehicles in order to determine if sales and use tax liability has been satisfied. The commissioner shall refer cases of apparent violations of section 2921.13 of the Revised Code made in connection with the titling or sale of a motor vehicle and cases of any other apparent violations of the sales or use tax law to the appropriate county prosecutor whenever the commissioner considers it advisable.

(3) Two dollars of the amount received by the registrar under divisions (A)(1)(a), (b), and (d) of this section and one dollar and fifty cents of the amount received by the registrar under division (A)(1)(c) of this section for each certificate of title shall be paid into the state treasury to the credit of the automated title processing fund, which is hereby created and which shall consist of moneys collected under division (B)(3) of this section and under sections 1548.10 and 4519.59 of the Revised Code. All investment earnings of the fund shall be credited to the fund. The moneys in the fund shall be used as follows:

(a) Except for moneys collected under section 1548.10 of the Revised Code, moneys collected under division (B)(3) of this section shall be used to implement and maintain an automated title processing system for the issuance of motor vehicle, off-highway motorcycle, and all-purpose vehicle certificates of title in the offices of the clerks of the courts of common pleas. Those moneys also shall be used to pay expenses that arise as a result of enabling electronic motor vehicle dealers to directly transfer applications for certificates of title under division (A)(3) of section 4505.06 of the Revised Code.

(b) Moneys collected under section 1548.10 of the Revised Code shall be used to issue marine certificates of title in the offices of the clerks of the courts of common pleas as provided in Chapter 1548. of the Revised Code.

(4) The registrar shall pay the fifty-cent separate fee collected from a licensed motor vehicle dealer under division (A)(1)(c) of this section into the title defect recision fund created by section 1345.52 of the Revised Code.

(C)(1) The automated title processing board is hereby created consisting of the registrar or the registrar's representative, a person selected by the registrar, the president of the Ohio clerks of court association or the president's representative, and two clerks of courts of common pleas appointed by the governor. The director of budget and management or the director's designee, the chief of the division of parks and watercraft in the department of natural resources or the chief's designee, and the tax commissioner or the commissioner's designee shall be nonvoting members of the board. The purpose of the board is to facilitate the operation and maintenance of an automated title processing system and approve the procurement of automated title processing system equipment and ribbons, cartridges, or other devices necessary for the operation of that equipment. Voting members of the board, excluding the registrar or the registrar's representative, shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for travel and other necessary expenses incurred in the conduct of their official duties. The registrar or the registrar's representative shall receive neither compensation nor reimbursement as a board member.

(2) The automated title processing board shall determine each of the following:

(a) The automated title processing equipment and certificates of title requirements for each county;

(b) The payment of expenses that may be incurred by the counties in implementing an automated title processing system;

(c) The repayment to the counties for existing title processing equipment;

(d) With the approval of the director of public safety, the award of grants from the automated title processing fund to the clerk of courts of any county who employs a person who assists with the design of, updates to, tests of, installation of, or any other activity related to, an automated title processing system. Any grant awarded under division (C)(2)(d) of this section shall be deposited into the appropriate county certificate of title administration fund created under section 325.33 of the Revised Code and shall not be used to supplant any other funds.

(3) The registrar shall purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire any automated title processing equipment and certificates of title that the board determines are necessary from moneys in the automated title processing fund established by division (B)(3) of this section.

(D) All counties shall conform to the requirements of the registrar regarding the operation of their automated title processing system for motor vehicle titles, certificates of title for off-highway motorcycles and all-purpose vehicles, and certificates of title for watercraft and outboard motors.

Last updated August 5, 2021 at 2:46 PM

Section 4505.10 | Certificate of title when ownership changed by operation of law.

(A) In the event of the transfer of ownership of a motor vehicle by operation of law, as upon inheritance, devise, bequest, order in bankruptcy, insolvency, replevin, or execution sale, a motor vehicle is sold to satisfy storage or repair charges, or repossession is had upon default in performance of the terms of a security agreement as provided in Chapter 1309. of the Revised Code and the secured party has notified the debtor as required by division (B) of section 1309.611 of the Revised Code, a clerk of a court of common pleas, upon the surrender of the prior certificate of title or the manufacturer's or importer's certificate, or, when that is not possible, upon presentation of satisfactory proof to the clerk of ownership and rights of possession to the motor vehicle, and upon payment of the fee prescribed in section 4505.09 of the Revised Code and presentation of an application for certificate of title, may issue to the applicant a certificate of title to the motor vehicle. Only an affidavit by the person or agent of the person to whom possession of the motor vehicle has passed, setting forth the facts entitling the person to the possession and ownership, together with a copy of the journal entry, court order, or instrument upon which the claim of possession and ownership is founded, is satisfactory proof of ownership and right of possession. If the applicant cannot produce that proof of ownership, the applicant may apply directly to the registrar of motor vehicles and submit the evidence the applicant has, and the registrar, if the registrar finds the evidence sufficient, then may authorize a clerk to issue a certificate of title. If the registrar finds the evidence insufficient, the applicant may petition the court of common pleas for a court order ordering the clerk to issue a certificate of title. The court shall grant or deny the petition based on the sufficiency of the evidence presented to the court. If, from the records in the office of the clerk involved, there appears to be any lien on the motor vehicle, the certificate of title shall contain a statement of the lien unless the application is accompanied by proper evidence of its extinction.

(B) A clerk shall transfer a decedent's interest in one or more automobiles to the surviving spouse of the decedent, as provided in section 2106.18 of the Revised Code, upon receipt of the title or titles. An affidavit executed by the surviving spouse shall be submitted to the clerk with the title or titles. The affidavit shall give the date of death of the decedent, shall state that each automobile for which the decedent's interest is to be so transferred is not disposed of by testamentary disposition, and shall provide an approximate value for each automobile selected to be transferred by the surviving spouse. The affidavit shall also contain a description for each automobile for which the decedent's interest is to be so transferred. The transfer does not affect any liens upon any automobile for which the decedent's interest is so transferred.

(C) Upon the death of one of the persons who have established joint ownership with right of survivorship under section 2131.12 of the Revised Code in a motor vehicle, and upon presentation to a clerk of the title and the certificate of death of the decedent, the clerk shall transfer title to the motor vehicle to the survivor. The transfer does not affect any liens upon any motor vehicle so transferred.

(D) Upon the death of the owner of a motor vehicle designated in beneficiary form under section 2131.13 of the Revised Code, upon application for a certificate of title by the transfer-on-death beneficiary or beneficiaries designated pursuant to that section, and upon presentation to the clerk of the certificate of title and the certificate of death of the decedent, the clerk shall transfer the motor vehicle and issue a certificate of title to the transfer-on-death beneficiary or beneficiaries. The transfer does not affect any liens upon the motor vehicle so transferred.

Section 4505.101 | Certificate of title to unclaimed motor vehicle.

(A)(1) Any repair garage or place of storage in which a motor vehicle with a value of less than three thousand five hundred dollars has been left unclaimed for fifteen days or more following completion of the requested repair or the agreed term of storage shall send a notice to remove the motor vehicle to the last known address of any owner and any lienholder of the motor vehicle. The repair garage or place of storage shall send the notice by certified or express mail with return receipt requested, by certified mail with electronic tracking, or by a commercial carrier service utilizing any form of delivery requiring a signed receipt. In order to identify any owner or lienholder, prior to sending a notice, the repair garage or place of storage shall cause a search to be made of the records of an applicable entity listed in division (F)(1) of section 4513.601 of the Revised Code. Any notice to a lienholder shall state where the motor vehicle is located and the value of the vehicle. If the person who requested the repair or who agreed to the storage of the motor vehicle is not the owner or a lienholder of the motor vehicle as indicated in the title records, the repair garage or place of storage also shall notify the sheriff of the county or the law enforcement agency of the municipal corporation, township, port authority, conservancy district, or township or joint police district in which the repair garage or place of storage is located that the repair garage or place of storage is in possession of the vehicle.

(2) The repair garage or place of storage may obtain a certificate of title to the motor vehicle if all of the following apply:

(a) The motor vehicle remains unclaimed by any owner or lienholder of the vehicle for fifteen days after the sending of the required notice.

(b) For the notice, the repair garage or place of storage has either received the signed receipt or has been notified that the delivery was not possible. Unless the lienholder claims the motor vehicle within fifteen days from the sending of the notice, the lienholder's lien is invalid.

(c) An agent of the repair garage or place of storage that sent the notice executes an affidavit, in a form established by the registrar of motor vehicles by rule, affirming that all of the requirements of this section necessary to authorize the issuance of a certificate of title for the motor vehicle have been met. The affidavit shall set forth an itemized statement of the value of the motor vehicle; the length of time that the motor vehicle has remained unclaimed; that a notice to remove the vehicle has been sent to any titled owner or lienholder in a manner authorized by division (A)(1) of this section; and that a search of title records has been made in accordance with division (A)(1) of this section.

(B) A towing service or storage facility that is in possession of a vehicle may obtain a certificate of title to the vehicle as provided in division (C) of this section if all of the following apply:

(1) The vehicle was towed under division (B) of section 4513.601 of the Revised Code.

(2) The vehicle has a value of less than three thousand five hundred dollars.

(3) The vehicle has been left unclaimed for sixty days after the date the earliest notice required by division (F) of section 4513.601 of the Revised Code is received, as evidenced by a receipt signed by any person, or the towing service or storage facility has been notified that the delivery was not possible.

(4) An agent of the towing service or storage facility executes an affidavit, in a form established by the registrar of motor vehicles by rule, affirming that all of the requirements of this section necessary to authorize the issuance of a certificate of title for the motor vehicle have been met. The affidavit shall set forth an itemized statement of the value of the motor vehicle; that notices to remove the vehicle have been sent to the owner and any lienholder as required under division (F) of section 4513.601 of the Revised Code; the length of time that the motor vehicle has remained unclaimed after the date the earliest notice required under division (F) of section 4513.601 of the Revised Code was received or the towing service or storage facility was notified that delivery was not possible; and that a search of the records of the applicable entity has been made for outstanding liens on the motor vehicle.

(C)(1) The clerk of courts shall issue a certificate of title, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances as follows:

(a) To a repair garage or place of storage that presents an affidavit that complies with all of the requirements of division (A) of this section;

(b) To a towing service or storage facility that presents an affidavit in compliance with division (B) of this section.

(2) A repair garage or place of storage may use the process established under division (A) of this section in order to take title to a motor vehicle even if the person who requested the repair or who agreed to the storage of the motor vehicle is not the owner or a lienholder of the motor vehicle as indicated in the title records.

(3) Upon receipt of the certificate of title, a repair garage or place of storage, or a towing service or storage facility, shall pay to the clerk of courts the value of the motor vehicle minus both of the following:

(a) If the motor vehicle was towed by the party seeking title to the motor vehicle under this section, a towing fee;

(b) Storage fees for the period of time the vehicle was stored without payment.

The clerk of courts shall deposit any money received under this section into the county general fund.

(D) Whoever violates this section shall be fined not more than two hundred dollars, imprisoned not more than ninety days, or both.

(E) As used in this section:

(1) "Repair garage or place of storage" means any business with which a person entered into an agreement for the repair of a motor vehicle or any business with which a person entered into an agreement for the storage of a motor vehicle.

(2) "Towing service or storage facility" means any for-hire motor carrier that removes a motor vehicle under the authority of section 4513.601 of the Revised Code and any place to which such a for-hire motor carrier delivers a motor vehicle towed under that section.

(3) "Value" means the wholesale value for that make and model of motor vehicle at the time an affidavit is submitted under division (C) of this section, as provided in a vehicle valuation guide that is generally available and recognized by the motor vehicle industry, minus both of the following:

(a) The estimated cost of repairs to restore the motor vehicle to the wholesale value for that make and model of motor vehicle;

(b) The cost of any agreed-upon repairs.

Last updated March 21, 2023 at 10:46 AM

Section 4505.102 | Issuance of certificate in pawnbroker's name - procedure.

(A) If a pawnbroker licensed under Chapter 4727. of the Revised Code makes a loan that is secured by a motor vehicle, watercraft, or outboard motor and has taken possession of the motor vehicle, watercraft, or outboard motor and the certificate of title to the motor vehicle, watercraft, or outboard motor, and the owner of the motor vehicle, watercraft, or outboard motor fails to redeem or pay interest on the loan for which the motor vehicle, watercraft, or outboard motor was pledged within two months from the date of the loan or the date on which the last interest payment is due, and the pawnbroker notifies the owner by mail, with proof of mailing, as required by division (A) of section 4727.11 of the Revised Code, of the possible forfeiture of the motor vehicle, watercraft, or outboard motor, and the owner fails to redeem the motor vehicle, watercraft, or outboard motor within the thirty-day period required by that division to be specified in the notice, the pawnbroker shall proceed to obtain a certificate of title to the motor vehicle, watercraft, or outboard motor in the pawnbroker's name in the manner provided in this section.

(B) The pawnbroker shall execute an affidavit stating all of the following:

(1) That the pawnbroker is a pawnbroker licensed under Chapter 4727. of the Revised Code;

(2) That the pawnbroker has made a loan to the owner of a motor vehicle, watercraft, or outboard motor, and the security for the loan is the motor vehicle, watercraft, or outboard motor;

(3) That both the motor vehicle, watercraft, or outboard motor and the certificate of title to the motor vehicle, watercraft, or outboard motor are in the possession of the pawnbroker;

(4) That the owner of the motor vehicle, watercraft, or outboard motor has failed to redeem the pledged motor vehicle, watercraft, or outboard motor or pay interest on the loan for which the motor vehicle, watercraft, or outboard motor was pledged within two months from the date of the loan or the date on which the last interest payment was due;

(5) That the pawnbroker has notified the owner of the motor vehicle, watercraft, or outboard motor by mail, with proof of mailing, as required by division (A) of section 4727.11 of the Revised Code, and the owner has failed to redeem the motor vehicle, watercraft, or outboard motor within the thirty-day period required by that division to be specified in the notice.

Upon presentation by the pawnbroker of a copy of the affidavit, a copy of the pawn form, a copy of the proof of mailing, and the certificate of title to the motor vehicle, watercraft, or outboard motor, a clerk of a court of common pleas shall issue, if the record shows no lien or encumbrances exist, a certificate of title, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, to the pawnbroker.

(C) No person shall execute or present the affidavit required by this section, knowing any entry on the affidavit to be false.

(D) Whoever violates this section shall be fined not more than two hundred dollars, imprisoned not more than ninety days, or both.

Section 4505.103 | Salvage certificate of title.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Authorized entity" means any business with which a person entered into an agreement for the repair of a motor vehicle, any for-hire motor carrier that tows motor vehicles, or any place to which such a for-hire motor carrier delivers a towed motor vehicle for storage.

(2) "Motor vehicle salvage dealer" has the same meaning as in section 4738.01 of the Revised Code.

(3) "Scrap metal processing facility" has the same meaning as in section 4737.05 of the Revised Code.

(4) "Value" means the wholesale value for that make and model of motor vehicle at the time an affidavit is submitted under this section, as provided in a vehicle valuation guide that is generally available and recognized by the motor vehicle industry, minus all of the following:

(a) The estimated cost of repairs to restore the motor vehicle to the wholesale value for that make and model of motor vehicle;

(b) If the motor vehicle was towed by the party seeking title to the motor vehicle under this section, a towing fee;

(c) Storage fees for the period of time that the vehicle was stored without payment, up to a maximum of thirty days of storage fees.

(B)(1) An authorized entity may obtain a salvage certificate of title to a motor vehicle in the possession of the authorized entity for purposes of disposing of the motor vehicle through a motor vehicle salvage dealer or a scrap metal processing facility if all of the following apply to the motor vehicle:

(a) The motor vehicle has a value of less than one thousand five hundred dollars.

(b) The motor vehicle is inoperable.

(c) The motor vehicle is impossible to restore for highway operation.

(2) In order to obtain a salvage certificate of title to a motor vehicle, the authorized entity shall cause a search to be made of the records of an applicable entity listed in division (F)(1) of section 4513.601 of the Revised Code to ascertain the identity of the owner and any lienholder of the motor vehicle. Within eight business days after receiving the identity of the owner and any lienholder of the motor vehicle, if the vehicle remains unclaimed, the authorized entity shall send written notice to any owner and any lienholder of the vehicle by certified or express mail with return receipt requested, by certified mail with electronic tracking, or by a commercial carrier service utilizing any form of delivery requiring a signed receipt. If the motor vehicle came into the possession of a towing service or storage facility as a result of being towed, the notice shall include notice that if the owner disputes that the motor vehicle was lawfully towed, the owner may be able to file a civil action under section 4513.611 of the Revised Code.

(3) Not sooner than thirty days after the notice has been received, as evidenced by a receipt signed by any person, or the authorized entity has been notified that the delivery was not possible, an agent of the authorized entity may complete and sign an affidavit, on a form prescribed by the registrar of motor vehicles, attesting that the motor vehicle qualifies for disposal under this section and that all of the requirements of this section have been complied with. The affidavit shall include the make and model of the motor vehicle; the vehicle identification number if available; an itemized statement of the value of the motor vehicle; a description of the damage to the motor vehicle; the length of time that the motor vehicle has remained unclaimed; that a notice to remove the motor vehicle has been sent to any titled owner or lienholder by certified or express mail with return receipt requested, by certified mail with electronic tracking, or by a commercial carrier service utilizing any form of delivery requiring a signed receipt; and that a search of the title records has been made for outstanding liens on the motor vehicle. The authorized entity also shall photograph the motor vehicle to substantiate the determination that the value of the motor vehicle is less than one thousand five hundred dollars.

(C) An agent of the authorized entity may present the affidavit along with the photographs, an application for a salvage certificate of title, and a fee of four dollars to the clerk of courts. Upon receipt of a properly executed application and the required fee and documents, the clerk of courts shall issue a salvage certificate of title to the motor vehicle, on a form prescribed by the registrar, and shall mark the certificate of title with the words "FOR DESTRUCTION." The clerk shall retain a record of the issuance of the salvage certificate of title and all accompanying documentation in the automated title processing system for not less than ten years. The clerk shall deposit the four-dollar fee into the certificate of title administration fund established under section 325.33 of the Revised Code.

A salvage certificate of title issued under this section is free and clear of all liens and shall be used solely for purposes of disposing of the vehicle through a motor vehicle salvage dealer or a scrap metal processing facility. No motor vehicle for which a certificate of title has been issued under this section shall be used for anything except parts and scrap metal.

(D) At the time of disposal, the authorized entity shall deliver the salvage certificate of title to the motor vehicle salvage dealer or scrap metal processing facility for its records. Any money arising from the disposal of the motor vehicle may be retained by the authorized entity.

Last updated January 19, 2022 at 1:07 PM

Section 4505.104 | Obtaining certificate of title to unclaimed motor vehicle.

(A) A towing service or storage facility that is in possession of a motor vehicle may obtain a certificate of title to the vehicle as provided in division (B) of this section if all of the following apply:

(1) The motor vehicle was towed or stored pursuant to section 4513.60, 4513.61, or 4513.66 of the Revised Code.

(2) A search was made of the records of an applicable entity listed in division (F)(1) of section 4513.601 of the Revised Code to ascertain the identity of the owner and any lienholder of the motor vehicle.

(3) Upon obtaining the identity in division (A)(2) of this section, notice was sent to the last known address of the owner and any lienholder, by certified or express mail with return receipt requested, by certified mail with electronic tracking, or by a commercial carrier service utilizing any form of delivery requiring a signed receipt. The notice shall inform the owner and lienholder that the towing service or storage facility will obtain title to the motor vehicle if not claimed within sixty days after the date the notice was received.

(4) The motor vehicle has been left unclaimed for sixty days after one of the following:

(a) The date the notice sent under division (A)(3) of this section was received, as evidenced by a receipt signed by any person;

(b) The date the towing service or storage facility received notification that the delivery of the notice sent under division (A)(3) of this section was not possible.

(5) A sheriff, chief of a law enforcement agency, or state highway patrol trooper, as applicable, has made a determination that the vehicle or items in the vehicle are not necessary to a criminal investigation.

(6) An agent of the towing service or storage facility executes an affidavit, in a form established by the registrar of motor vehicles not later than ninety days after September 30, 2021, affirming that conditions in divisions (A)(1) to (5) of this section are met.

(B) The clerk of court shall issue a certificate of title, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, to the towing service or storage facility that presents an affidavit that affirms that the conditions in divisions (A)(1) to (5) of this section are met.

(C) After obtaining title to a motor vehicle under this section, the towing service or storage facility shall retain any money arising from the disposal of the vehicle.

(D) A towing service or storage facility that obtains title to a motor vehicle under this section shall notify the entity that ordered the motor vehicle into storage that the motor vehicle has been so disposed. The towing service or storage facility shall provide the notice on the last business day of the month in which the service or facility obtained title to the motor vehicle.

(E) As used in this section, "towing service or storage facility" means any for-hire motor carrier that removes a motor vehicle under the authority of section 4513.60, 4513.61, or 4513.66 of the Revised Code and any place to which such a for-hire motor carrier delivers a motor vehicle towed under those sections.

Last updated March 21, 2023 at 10:47 AM

Section 4505.11 | Surrender and cancellation of certificate of title - issuance of salvage or rebuilt salvage certificate of title.

This section shall also apply to all-purpose vehicles and off-highway motorcycles as defined in section 4519.01 of the Revised Code.

(A) Each owner of a motor vehicle and each person mentioned as owner in the last certificate of title, when the motor vehicle is dismantled, destroyed, or changed in such manner that it loses its character as a motor vehicle, or changed in such manner that it is not the motor vehicle described in the certificate of title, shall surrender the certificate of title to that motor vehicle to a clerk of a court of common pleas, and the clerk, with the consent of any holders of any liens noted on the certificate of title, then shall enter a cancellation upon the clerk's records and shall notify the registrar of motor vehicles of the cancellation.

Upon the cancellation of a certificate of title in the manner prescribed by this section, any clerk and the registrar of motor vehicles may cancel and destroy all certificates and all memorandum certificates in that chain of title.

(B)(1) If an Ohio certificate of title, salvage certificate of title, or assignment form as prescribed by the registrar for a motor vehicle is assigned to a salvage dealer, the dealer is not required to obtain an Ohio certificate of title or a salvage certificate of title to the motor vehicle in the dealer's own name if the dealer dismantles or destroys the motor vehicle, indicates the number of the dealer's motor vehicle salvage dealer's license on it, marks "FOR DESTRUCTION" across the face of the certificate of title, salvage certificate of title, or assignment form and surrenders the certificate of title, salvage certificate of title, or assignment form to a clerk of a court of common pleas as provided in division (A) of this section. If the salvage dealer retains the motor vehicle for resale, the dealer shall make application for a salvage certificate of title to the motor vehicle in the dealer's own name as provided in division (C)(1) of this section.

(2) At the time any salvage motor vehicle is sold at auction or through a pool, the salvage motor vehicle auction or salvage motor vehicle pool shall give a copy of the salvage certificate of title, certificate of title, or assignment form marked "FOR DESTRUCTION" to the purchaser.

(C)(1) When an insurance company declares it economically impractical to repair such a motor vehicle and has paid an agreed price for the purchase of the motor vehicle to any insured or claimant owner, the insurance company shall proceed as follows:

(a) If an insurance company receives the certificate of title and the motor vehicle, within thirty business days, the insurance company shall deliver the certificate of title to a clerk of a court of common pleas and shall make application for a salvage certificate of title. This certificate of title, any supporting power of attorney, or application for a salvage certificate of title shall be exempt from the requirements of notarization and verification as described in this chapter and in section 1337.25 of the Revised Code, and may be signed electronically.

(b) If an insurance company obtains possession of the motor vehicle and a physical certificate of title was issued for the vehicle but the insurance company is unable to obtain the properly endorsed certificate of title for the motor vehicle within thirty business days following the vehicle's owner or lienholder's acceptance of the insurance company's payment for the vehicle, the insurance company may apply to the clerk of a court of common pleas for a salvage certificate of title without delivering the certificate of title for the motor vehicle. The application, which may be signed electronically, shall be accompanied by evidence that the insurance company has paid a total loss claim on the vehicle, a copy of the written request for the certificate of title from the insurance company or its designee, and proof that the request was delivered by a nationally recognized courier service to the last known address of the owner of the vehicle and any known lienholder, to obtain the certificate of title.

(c) If an insurance company obtains possession of the motor vehicle and a physical certificate of title was not issued for the vehicle, the insurance company may apply to the clerk of a court of common pleas for a salvage certificate of title without delivering a certificate of title for the motor vehicle. The application shall be accompanied by the electronic certificate of title control number and a properly executed power of attorney, or other appropriate document, from the owner of the motor vehicle authorizing the insurance company to apply for a salvage certificate of title. The application for a salvage certificate of title, any supporting power of attorney, and any other appropriate document shall be exempt from the requirements of notarization and verification as described in this chapter and in section 1337.25 of the Revised Code, and may be signed electronically.

(d) Upon receipt of a properly completed application for a salvage certificate of title as described in division (C)(1)(a), (b), or (c) or (C)(2) of this section, the clerk shall issue the salvage certificate of title on a form, prescribed by the registrar, that shall be easily distinguishable from the original certificate of title and shall bear the same information as the original certificate of title except that it may bear a different number than that of the original certificate of title. The salvage certificate of title shall include the following notice in bold lettering:


Except as provided in division (C)(3) of this section, the salvage certificate of title shall be assigned by the insurance company to a salvage dealer or any other person for use as evidence of ownership upon the sale or other disposition of the motor vehicle, and the salvage certificate of title shall be transferable to any other person. The clerk shall charge a fee of four dollars for the cost of processing each salvage certificate of title.

(2) If an insurance company requests that a salvage motor vehicle auction take possession of a motor vehicle that is the subject of an insurance claim, and subsequently the insurance company denies coverage with respect to the motor vehicle or does not otherwise take ownership of the motor vehicle, the salvage motor vehicle auction may proceed as follows. After the salvage motor vehicle auction has possession of the motor vehicle for forty-five days, it may apply to the clerk of a court of common pleas for a salvage certificate of title without delivering the certificate of title for the motor vehicle. The application shall be accompanied by a copy of the written request that the vehicle be removed from the facility on the salvage motor vehicle auction's letterhead, and proof that the request was delivered by a nationally recognized courier service to the last known address of the owner of the vehicle and any known lienholder, requesting that the vehicle be removed from the facility of the salvage motor vehicle auction. Upon receipt of a properly completed application, the clerk shall follow the process as described in division (C)(1)(d) of this section. The salvage certificate of title so issued shall be free and clear of all liens.

(3) If an insurance company considers a motor vehicle as described in division (C)(1)(a), (b), or (c) of this section to be impossible to restore for highway operation, the insurance company may assign the certificate of title to the motor vehicle to a salvage dealer or scrap metal processing facility and send the assigned certificate of title to the clerk of the court of common pleas of any county. The insurance company shall mark the face of the certificate of title "FOR DESTRUCTION" and shall deliver a photocopy of the certificate of title to the salvage dealer or scrap metal processing facility for its records.

(4) If an insurance company declares it economically impractical to repair a motor vehicle, agrees to pay to the insured or claimant owner an amount in settlement of a claim against a policy of motor vehicle insurance covering the motor vehicle, and agrees to permit the insured or claimant owner to retain possession of the motor vehicle, the insurance company shall not pay the insured or claimant owner any amount in settlement of the insurance claim until the owner obtains a salvage certificate of title to the vehicle and furnishes a copy of the salvage certificate of title to the insurance company.

(D) When a self-insured organization, rental or leasing company, or secured creditor becomes the owner of a motor vehicle that is burned, damaged, or dismantled and is determined to be economically impractical to repair, the self-insured organization, rental or leasing company, or secured creditor shall do one of the following:

(1) Mark the face of the certificate of title to the motor vehicle, or assignment form as prescribed by the registrar, "FOR DESTRUCTION" and surrender the certificate of title or assignment form to a clerk of a court of common pleas for cancellation as described in division (A) of this section. The self-insured organization, rental or leasing company, or secured creditor then shall deliver the motor vehicle, together with a photocopy of the certificate of title or assignment form, to a salvage dealer or scrap metal processing facility and shall cause the motor vehicle to be dismantled, flattened, crushed, or destroyed.

(2) Obtain a salvage certificate of title to the motor vehicle in the name of the self-insured organization, rental or leasing company, or secured creditor, as provided in division (C)(1) of this section, and then sell or otherwise dispose of the motor vehicle. If the motor vehicle is sold, the self-insured organization, rental or leasing company, or secured creditor shall obtain a salvage certificate of title to the motor vehicle in the name of the purchaser from a clerk of a court of common pleas.

(E) If a motor vehicle titled with a salvage certificate of title is restored for operation upon the highways, application shall be made to a clerk of a court of common pleas for a certificate of title. Upon inspection by the state highway patrol, which shall include establishing proof of ownership and an inspection of the motor number and vehicle identification number of the motor vehicle and of documentation or receipts for the materials used in restoration by the owner of the motor vehicle being inspected, which documentation or receipts shall be presented at the time of inspection, the clerk, upon surrender of the salvage certificate of title, shall issue a certificate of title for a fee prescribed by the registrar. The certificate of title shall be in the same form as the original certificate of title and shall bear the words "REBUILT SALVAGE" in black boldface letters on its face. Every subsequent certificate of title, memorandum certificate of title, or duplicate certificate of title issued for the motor vehicle also shall bear the words "REBUILT SALVAGE" in black boldface letters on its face. The exact location on the face of the certificate of title of the words "REBUILT SALVAGE" shall be determined by the registrar, who shall develop an automated procedure within the automated title processing system to comply with this division. The clerk shall use reasonable care in performing the duties imposed on the clerk by this division in issuing a certificate of title pursuant to this division, but the clerk is not liable for any of the clerk's errors or omissions or those of the clerk's deputies, or the automated title processing system in the performance of those duties. A fee of fifty dollars shall be assessed by the state highway patrol for each inspection made pursuant to this division and shall be deposited into the public safety - highway purposes fund established by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(F) No person shall operate upon the highways in this state a motor vehicle, title to which is evidenced by a salvage certificate of title, except to deliver the motor vehicle pursuant to an appointment for an inspection under this section.

(G) No motor vehicle the certificate of title or assignment form to which has been marked "FOR DESTRUCTION" and surrendered to a clerk of a court of common pleas shall be used for anything except parts and scrap metal.

(H)(1) Except as otherwise provided in this division, an owner of a manufactured or mobile home that will be taxed as real property pursuant to division (B) of section 4503.06 of the Revised Code shall surrender the certificate of title to the auditor of the county containing the taxing district in which the home is located. An owner whose home qualifies for real property taxation under divisions (B)(1)(a) and (b) of section 4503.06 of the Revised Code shall surrender the certificate within fifteen days after the home meets the conditions specified in those divisions. The auditor shall deliver the certificate of title to the clerk of the court of common pleas who issued it.

(2) If the certificate of title for a manufactured or mobile home that is to be taxed as real property is held by a lienholder, the lienholder shall surrender the certificate of title to the auditor of the county containing the taxing district in which the home is located, and the auditor shall deliver the certificate of title to the clerk of the court of common pleas who issued it. The lienholder shall surrender the certificate within thirty days after both of the following have occurred:

(a) The homeowner has provided written notice to the lienholder requesting that the certificate of title be surrendered to the auditor of the county containing the taxing district in which the home is located.

(b) The homeowner has either paid the lienholder the remaining balance owed to the lienholder, or, with the lienholder's consent, executed and delivered to the lienholder a mortgage on the home and land on which the home is sited in the amount of the remaining balance owed to the lienholder.

(3) Upon the delivery of a certificate of title by the county auditor to the clerk, the clerk shall inactivate it and maintain it in the automated title processing system for a period of thirty years.

(4) Upon application by the owner of a manufactured or mobile home that is taxed as real property pursuant to division (B) of section 4503.06 of the Revised Code and that no longer satisfies divisions (B)(1)(a) and (b) or divisions (B)(2)(a) and (b) of that section, the clerk shall reactivate the record of the certificate of title that was inactivated under division (H)(3) of this section and shall issue a new certificate of title, but only if the application contains or has attached to it all of the following:

(a) An endorsement of the county treasurer that all real property taxes charged against the home under Title LVII of the Revised Code and division (B) of section 4503.06 of the Revised Code for all preceding tax years have been paid;

(b) An endorsement of the county auditor that the home will be removed from the real property tax list;

(c) Proof that there are no outstanding mortgages or other liens on the home or, if there are such mortgages or other liens, that the mortgagee or lienholder has consented to the reactivation of the certificate of title.

(I)(1) Whoever violates division (F) of this section shall be fined not more than two thousand dollars, imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

(2) Whoever violates division (G) of this section shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars, imprisoned not more than six months, or both.

Last updated April 14, 2021 at 7:26 AM

Section 4505.111 | State highway patrol to inspect vehicle assembled by person other than manufacturer.

(A) Every motor vehicle, other than a manufactured home, a mobile home, or a motor vehicle as provided in divisions (C), (D), and (E) of section 4505.11 of the Revised Code, that is assembled from component parts by a person other than the manufacturer, shall be inspected by the state highway patrol prior to issuance of title to the motor vehicle. The inspection shall include establishing proof of ownership and an inspection of the motor number and vehicle identification number of the motor vehicle, and any items of equipment the director of public safety considers advisable and requires to be inspected by rule. A fee of fifty dollars shall be assessed by the state highway patrol for each inspection made pursuant to this section, and shall be deposited in the public safety - highway purposes fund established by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(B) Whoever violates this section shall be fined not more than two thousand dollars, imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

Section 4505.112 | Certificate for buyback motor vehicle.

A certificate of title to a motor vehicle that is a buyback motor vehicle as defined in section 1345.71 of the Revised Code shall be issued in accordance with division (C) of section 1345.76 of the Revised Code.

Section 4505.12 | Duplicate certificate of title - memorandum certificate.

In the event of a lost or destroyed certificate of title, application shall be made to a clerk of a court of common pleas by the owner of the motor vehicle or the holder of a lien on it for a duplicate certificate of title upon a form and accompanied by the fee prescribed by section 4505.09 of the Revised Code. The application shall be signed and sworn to by the person making the application. The clerk then shall issue a duplicate certificate of title to the person entitled to receive it under this chapter. The duplicate copy shall be plainly marked across its face with the word "duplicate," and any subsequent purchaser of the motor vehicle in the chain of title originating through the duplicate certificate of title acquires only such rights in the motor vehicle as the original holder of the duplicate certificate of title had. Any purchaser of the motor vehicle, at the time of purchase, may require the seller to indemnify the purchaser and all subsequent purchasers of the motor vehicle against any loss that the purchaser or they may suffer by reason of any claim presented upon the original certificate. In the event of the recovery of the original certificate of title by the owner, the owner immediately shall surrender it to the clerk for cancellation.

The holder of a certificate of title for a motor vehicle upon which is noted an existing lien, encumbrance, or mortgage at any time may make application to a clerk for a memorandum certificate, which application shall be made in the form prescribed by the registrar of motor vehicles and signed and sworn to by the applicant. Upon receipt of the application, if it appears to be complete and in order, together with the fee prescribed by section 4505.09 of the Revised Code, the clerk shall issue to the applicant a memorandum certificate for the motor vehicle. If the memorandum certificate is lost or destroyed, the holder of it may obtain another memorandum certificate upon the filing of an application with a clerk on a form prescribed by the registrar, accompanied by the fee prescribed in section 4505.09 of the Revised Code. The memorandum certificate shall be effective only for the purpose of obtaining a certificate of registration, is not assignable, and constitutes no evidence of title or of right to transfer or encumber the motor vehicle described in it.

Section 4505.13 | Security interests - automated title processing system.

(A)(1) Chapter 1309. and section 1701.66 of the Revised Code do not permit or require the deposit, filing, or other record of a security interest covering a motor vehicle, except as provided in division (A)(2) of this section.

(2) Chapter 1309. of the Revised Code applies to a security interest in a motor vehicle held as inventory for sale by a dealer. The security interest has priority over creditors of the dealer as provided in Chapter 1309. of the Revised Code without notation of the security interest on a certificate of title, without entry of a notation of the security interest into the automated title processing system if a physical certificate of title for the motor vehicle has not been issued, or without the retention of a manufacturer's or importer's certificate.

(B) Subject to division (A) of this section, any security agreement covering a security interest in a motor vehicle, if a notation of the agreement has been made by a clerk of a court of common pleas on the face of the certificate of title or the clerk has entered a notation of the agreement into the automated title processing system and a physical certificate of title for the motor vehicle has not been issued, is valid as against the creditors of the debtor, whether armed with process or not, and against subsequent purchasers, secured parties, and other lienholders or claimants. All security interests, liens, mortgages, and encumbrances entered into the automated title processing system in relation to a particular certificate of title, regardless of whether a physical certificate of title is issued, take priority according to the order of time in which they are entered into the automated title processing system by the clerk. Exposure for sale of any motor vehicle by its owner, with the knowledge or with the knowledge and consent of the holder of any security interest, lien, mortgage, or encumbrance on it, does not render that security interest, lien, mortgage, or encumbrance ineffective as against the creditors of that owner, or against holders of subsequent security interests, liens, mortgages, or encumbrances upon that motor vehicle.

The secured party, upon presentation of evidence of a security interest to a clerk of a court of common pleas, together with the certificate of title if a physical certificate of title for the motor vehicle exists, and the fee prescribed by section 4505.09 of the Revised Code, may have a notation of the security interest made. Unless the secured party specifically requests the clerk not to issue a physical certificate of title and instead to issue an electronic certificate of title, the clerk shall issue, over the clerk's signature and seal of office, a new original certificate of title from the automated title processing records that indicates the security interest and the date of the security interest.

If a security interest is fully discharged as a result of its holder's receipt of good funds in the correct amount and if the holder holds a physical certificate of title, the holder shall note the discharge of the security interest on the face of the certificate of title over the holder's signature, or over the holder's signature on a form prescribed by the registrar of motor vehicles when there is no space for the discharge on the face of the certificate of title. Except as otherwise provided in this section, prior to delivering the certificate of title to the owner, the holder or the holder's agent shall convey the certificate of title or a separate statement of the discharge of the security interest to a clerk. The conveyance shall occur not more than seven business days after the date good funds in the correct amount to fully discharge the security interest have been credited to an account of the holder, provided the holder has been provided accurate information concerning the motor vehicle. Conveyance of the certificate of title or separate statement of the discharge within the required seven business days may be indicated by postmark or receipt by a clerk within that period, or, in the case of a written confirmation that is sent electronically as provided in division (C)(1) of this section, by the date of the electronic mail or other electronic communication. If the discharge of the security interest appears to be genuine, the clerk shall note the cancellation of the security interest on the face of the certificate of title, if it was so conveyed, and note it in the automated title processing system.

If a security interest is fully discharged as a result of its holder's receipt of good funds in the correct amount and the holder does not hold a physical certificate of title, when the holder notifies a clerk of the discharge of its security interest, the holder at that time also may request the clerk to issue a physical certificate of title to the vehicle. The request shall specify whether the clerk is to send the certificate of title directly to the owner or to the holder or the holder's agent for transmission to the owner. If such a request is made, the clerk shall issue a physical certificate of title and send it to the specified person.

The clerk shall not honor such a request for a physical certificate of title if it is not made by the holder at the same time as the holder's notification to the clerk of the discharge of its security interest.

(C)(1) In all cases, a secured party may choose to present a clerk with evidence of a security interest via written confirmation through electronic means, and the clerk shall enter the security interest into the automated title processing system. A secured party also may choose to notify a clerk of the discharge of its security interest via electronic means, and the clerk shall enter the cancellation into the automated title processing system.

(2) In the case of a security interest that is being satisfied by a dealer to whom a certificate of title is being transferred, the cancellation of the security interest shall occur during the course of the transfer. The dealer shall submit a discharge request to the secured party. A discharge request shall include good funds in the correct amount to fully discharge the security interest and accurate information concerning the motor vehicle.

(3)(a) Upon receiving a discharge request that complies with division (C)(2) of this section, if the current automated title processing system record indicates that a physical title exists for that motor vehicle, a secured party shall convey the physical certificate of title, with the discharge of the security interest noted on its face, to the dealer within seven business days after the date good funds in the correct amount to fully discharge the security interest have been credited to an account of the secured party.

If a secured party is unable to convey to the dealer the physical certificate of title within the required seven business days, the secured party instead shall convey to the dealer an affidavit stating that the security interest has been discharged, together with payment for a duplicate certificate of title, within that period. If the current automated title processing system record for a motor vehicle indicates that an electronic title exists for that motor vehicle, the secured party shall convey to the dealer within the required seven business days written confirmation that the security interest has been satisfied.

(b) Conveyance of a physical certificate of title, or affidavit and required payment, or written confirmation that the security interest has been satisfied from a secured party to a dealer under the circumstances described in division (C)(3)(a) of this section within the required seven business days may be indicated by a postmark within that period or, in the case of a written confirmation that is sent electronically, the date of the electronic mail or other electronic communication.

(4) A secured party is liable to a dealer for a late fee of ten dollars per day for each physical certificate of title, or affidavit and required payment, or written confirmation that the security interest has been satisfied that is conveyed to the dealer more than seven business days but less than twenty-one days after the date specified in division (C)(3)(a) of this section and, from then on, twenty-five dollars per day until the physical certificate of title, or affidavit and required payment, or written confirmation that the security interest has been satisfied is conveyed to the dealer.

(D) Notwithstanding any provision of Chapter 1310. of the Revised Code or of any other law, the lease of a motor vehicle or trailer does not constitute a conditional sale or create a security interest merely because the lease agreement permits or requires the lessor, at the end of the lease term, to adjust the rental price to either a higher or a lower amount by reference to the amount the lessor realizes upon the sale or other disposition of the motor vehicle or trailer.

(E) If a physical certificate of title has not been issued for a motor vehicle and all the security interests relating to that motor vehicle have been discharged, the owner of the motor vehicle may obtain a physical certificate of title from the clerk of any court of common pleas upon payment of the fee specified in section 4505.09 of the Revised Code.

(F) If a clerk of a court of common pleas, other than the clerk of the court of common pleas of the county in which the owner of a motor vehicle resides, enters a notation of the existence of, or the cancellation of, a security interest relating to the motor vehicle, the clerk shall transmit the data relating to the notation to the automated title processing system.

(G) The registrar of motor vehicles, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall adopt rules governing the electronic transmission of security interest and other information under this section. In adopting the rules, the registrar shall confer with the clerks of the courts of common pleas.

(H) As used in this section:

(1) "Accurate information" means the make and model of the motor vehicle, its vehicle identification number, and the name and address of its owner as they appear on the certificate of title that is to be conveyed.

(2) "Dealer" has the same meaning as in section 4517.01 of the Revised Code.

(3) "Good funds" includes cash, or a wire transfer, cashier's check, certified check, draft, money order, or teller's check issued by an insured financial institution, or a dealer's check for which the secured party has received funds that are available for withdrawal pursuant to "Availability of Funds and Collection of Checks (Regulation CC)," 12 C.F.R. 229.

(4) "Inventory" has the same meaning as in section 1309.102 of the Revised Code.

(5) "Electronic certificate of title" means an electronic record stored in the automated title processing system that established ownership of a motor vehicle, as well as any security interest that exists in that motor vehicle.

(6) "Written confirmation" means a communication from a secured party to a motor vehicle dealer regarding the secured party's security interest in a motor vehicle. A written confirmation may be either a physical document or an electronic communication such as electronic mail. Both types of written confirmation may be conveyed under this section.

Section 4505.131 | Lender-provided physical certificate of title [Repealed effective 10/24/2024 by S.B. 94, 135th General Assembly].

(A) Any person that purchases a motor vehicle that is financed shall choose, at the time that the security interest financing the motor vehicle is fully discharged, to either receive a physical certificate of title to that motor vehicle from the secured party or to have the certificate of title remain electronic.

(B) Upon a secured party's receipt of good funds in the correct amount discharging the security interest financing the motor vehicle, the secured party shall send the purchaser a written form. The purchaser shall complete the form to affirmatively choose whether the purchaser wishes to receive a physical certificate of title or to have the certificate of title remain electronic. The form may be electronic or nonelectronic.

(C) If the purchaser affirmatively selects to receive a physical certificate of title, the secured party shall deliver to the purchaser, without any additional fee, a physical certificate of title to the motor vehicle.

(D) This section does not apply when a security interest financing a motor vehicle is discharged because the purchaser sold or traded the motor vehicle and no longer has an ownership interest in that motor vehicle.

Last updated August 27, 2024 at 10:43 AM

Section 4505.14 | Fees for supplying title information and copies.

(A) The registrar of motor vehicles, or the clerk of the court of common pleas, upon the application of any person and payment of the proper fee, may prepare and furnish lists containing title information in such form and subject to such territorial division or other classification as they may direct. The registrar or the clerk may search the records of the bureau of motor vehicles and furnish reports of those records under the signature of the registrar or the clerk.

(B)(1) Fees for lists containing title information shall be charged and collected as follows:

(a) For lists containing three thousand titles or more, twenty-five dollars per thousand or part thereof;

(b) For each report of a search of the records, the fee is five dollars per copy. The registrar and the clerk may certify copies of records generated by an automated title processing system.

(2) A copy of any such report shall be taken as prima-facie evidence of the facts therein stated, in any court of the state. The registrar and the clerk shall furnish information on any title without charge to the state highway patrol, sheriffs, chiefs of police, or the attorney general. The clerk also may provide a copy of a certificate of title to a public agency without charge.

(C)(1) Those fees collected by the registrar as provided in division (B)(1)(a) of this section shall be paid to the treasurer of state to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund established in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code. Those fees collected by the clerk as provided in division (B)(1)(a) of this section shall be paid to the certificate of title administration fund created by section 325.33 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall pay each five-dollar fee the registrar collects under division (B)(1)(b) of this section into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund established in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(3) The clerk of the court of common pleas shall retain two dollars of each fee the clerk collects under division (B)(1)(b) of this section and deposit that two dollars into the certificate of title administration fund created by section 325.33 of the Revised Code. The clerk shall forward the remaining three dollars to the registrar not later than the fifth day of the month next succeeding that in which the transaction occurred. The registrar shall deposit the remaining three dollars into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund established in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4505.141 | Public access to title information via electronic means.

The registrar of motor vehicles shall enable the public to access motor vehicle title information via electronic means. No fee shall be charged for this access. The title information that must be so accessible is only the title information that is in an electronic format at the time a person requests this access.

The registrar shall establish procedures governing this access. The procedures may be established by rule in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. In adopting the procedures, the registrar shall confer with the clerks of the courts of common pleas.

Access by the public to motor vehicle title information under this section shall comply with all restrictions contained in the Revised Code and federal law that govern the disclosure of that information.

Section 4505.15 | Appointment of agents to sign certificates.

(A) Manufacturers and importers shall appoint and authorize agents who shall sign manufacturer's or importer's certificates. The registrar of motor vehicles may require that a certified copy of a list containing the names and the facsimile signatures of the authorized agents be furnished the registrar and be forwarded to each clerk of the court of common pleas in the respective counties within the state, and the registrar may prescribe the form of authorization to be used by manufacturers or importers and the method of certification of the names of said agents.

(B) Whoever violates this section shall be fined not more than two hundred dollars, imprisoned not more than ninety days, or both.

Section 4505.16 | Administration of oaths.

The clerk of the court of common pleas and his authorized deputies may administer oaths on any application or affidavit required by sections 4505.01 to 4505.21 of the Revised Code.

Section 4505.17 | Reports and records of motor vehicle thefts.

(A) Every sheriff, chief of police, constable, state highway patrol trooper, employee of the state highway patrol, and designated officer of the department of public safety, having knowledge of a stolen motor vehicle, immediately shall furnish the registrar of motor vehicles with full information concerning such theft.

Whenever the registrar receives a report of the theft or conversion of a motor vehicle, whether the same has been registered or not and whether owned in this or any other state, the registrar shall make a distinctive record thereof, including the make of the stolen vehicle and its manufacturer's vehicle identification number. The registrar shall prepare a report listing motor vehicles stolen and recovered as disclosed by the reports submitted to the registrar, to be distributed as the registrar determines advisable.

In the event of the receipt from any clerk of the court of common pleas of a copy of a certificate of title to such a motor vehicle, the registrar immediately shall notify the rightful owner thereof and the clerk who issued such certificate of title, and if, upon investigation, it appears that such certificate of title was improperly issued, the registrar immediately shall cancel the certificate unless the title is deemed valid pursuant to section 4505.191 of the Revised Code.

In the event of the recovery of a stolen or converted motor vehicle, the owner immediately shall notify the registrar, who shall remove the record of the theft or conversion from the registrar's file.

(B) Whoever violates this section shall be fined not more than two hundred dollars, imprisoned not more than ninety days, or both.

Section 4505.18 | Prohibited acts.

(A) No person shall do any of the following:

(1) Operate in this state a motor vehicle for which a certificate of title is required without having that certificate in accordance with this chapter or, if a physical certificate of title has not been issued for a motor vehicle, operate the motor vehicle in this state knowing that the ownership information relating to the vehicle has not been entered into the automated title processing system by a clerk of a court of common pleas;

(2) Display or display for sale or sell as a dealer or acting on behalf of a dealer, a motor vehicle without having obtained a manufacturer's or importer's certificate, a certificate of title, or an assignment of a certificate of title for it as provided in this chapter;

(3) Fail to surrender any certificate of title or any certificate of registration or license plates upon cancellation of the same by the registrar of motor vehicles and notice of the cancellation as prescribed in this chapter;

(4) Fail to surrender the certificate of title to a clerk of a court of common pleas as provided in this chapter in case of the destruction or dismantling or change of a motor vehicle in such respect that it is not the motor vehicle described in the certificate of title;

(5) Violate any rules adopted pursuant to this chapter;

(6) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter and Chapter 4517. of the Revised Code, sell at wholesale a motor vehicle the ownership of which is not evidenced by an Ohio certificate of title, or the current certificate of title issued for the motor vehicle, or the manufacturer's certificate of origin, and all title assignments that evidence the seller's ownership of the motor vehicle, and an odometer disclosure statement that complies with section 4505.06 of the Revised Code and subchapter IV of the "Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act," 86 Stat. 961 (1972), 15 U.S.C. 1981;

(7) Operate in this state a motor vehicle knowing that the certificate of title to the vehicle or ownership of the vehicle as otherwise reflected in the automated title processing system has been canceled.

(B) This section does not apply to persons engaged in the business of warehousing or transporting motor vehicles for the purpose of salvage disposition.

(C) Whoever violates this section shall be fined not more than two hundred dollars, imprisoned not more than ninety days, or both.

Section 4505.181 | Obtaining certificate of title prerequisite to offering vehicle for sale.

(A) Notwithstanding section 4505.18 of the Revised Code, a motor vehicle dealer or person acting on behalf of a motor vehicle dealer may display, offer for sale, or sell a used motor vehicle and a manufactured housing dealer or person acting on behalf of a manufactured housing dealer may display, offer for sale, or sell a used manufactured home or used mobile home without having first obtained a certificate of title for the vehicle in the name of the dealer by complying with this section.

(1) The dealer or person acting on behalf of the dealer shall possess a bill of sale for each used motor vehicle, used manufactured home, and used mobile home proposed to be displayed, offered for sale, or sold under this section or a properly executed power of attorney or other related documents from the prior owner of the motor vehicle, manufactured home, or mobile home giving the dealer or person acting on behalf of the dealer authority to have a certificate of title to the motor vehicle, manufactured home, or mobile home issued in the name of the dealer, and shall retain copies of all such documents in the dealer's or person's files until such time as a certificate of title in the dealer's name is issued for each such motor vehicle, manufactured home, or mobile home by the clerk of the court of common pleas. Such documents shall be available for inspection by the bureau of motor vehicles and the division of real estate of the department of commerce during normal business hours.

(2) If the attorney general has paid a retail purchaser of the dealer or a secured party under division (D), (E), or (G) of this section within three years prior to such date, the dealer shall post with the attorney general's office in favor of this state a bond of a surety company authorized to do business in this state, in an amount of not less than twenty-five thousand dollars, to be used solely for the purpose of compensating retail purchasers of motor vehicles, manufactured homes, or mobile homes who suffer damages due to failure of the dealer or person acting on behalf of the dealer to comply with this section. Failure to post a bond constitutes a deceptive act or practice in connection with a consumer transaction and is a violation of section 1345.02 of the Revised Code. The dealer's surety shall notify the registrar and attorney general when a bond of a motor vehicle dealer is canceled and shall notify the division of real estate of the department of commerce and the attorney general when a bond of a manufactured housing dealer is canceled. Such notification of cancellation shall include the effective date of and reason for cancellation.

(B) If a retail purchaser purchases a used motor vehicle, used manufactured home, or used mobile home for which the dealer, pursuant to and in accordance with division (A) of this section, does not have a certificate of title issued in the name of the dealer at the time of the sale, the retail purchaser has an unconditional right to demand the dealer rescind the transaction if one of the following applies:

(1) The dealer fails, on or before the fortieth day following the date of the sale, to obtain a title in the name of the retail purchaser.

(2) The title for the vehicle indicates that it is a rebuilt salvage vehicle, and the fact that it is a rebuilt salvage vehicle was not disclosed to the retail purchaser in writing prior to the execution of the purchase agreement.

(3) The title for the vehicle indicates that the dealer has made an inaccurate odometer disclosure to the retail purchaser.

(4) The title for the vehicle indicates that it is a "buyback" vehicle as defined in section 1345.71 of the Revised Code, and the fact that it is a "buyback" vehicle was not disclosed to the retail purchaser in the written purchase agreement.

(5) The motor vehicle is a used manufactured home or used mobile home, as defined by section 4781.01 of the Revised Code, that has been repossessed under Chapter 1309. or 1317. of the Revised Code, but a certificate of title for the repossessed home has not yet been transferred by the repossessing party to the dealer on the date the retail purchaser purchases the used manufactured home or used mobile home from the dealer, and the dealer fails to obtain a certificate of title on or before the fortieth day after the dealer obtains the certificate of title for the home from the repossessing party or the date on which an occupancy permit for the home is delivered to the purchaser by the appropriate legal authority, whichever occurs later.

(C)(1) If the circumstance described in division (B)(1) of this section applies, a retail purchaser or the retail purchaser's representative shall provide the dealer notice of the request for recision. Such notification shall occur not later than sixty days from the date the motor vehicle is titled in the name of the retail purchaser. The dealer shall have the opportunity to comply with the dealer's obligation to refund the full purchase price of the motor vehicle. Reimbursement shall be only in such a manner as to reimburse the retail purchaser any money the retail purchaser actually paid and, in the case of a lender of the retail purchaser, the amount paid by the lender to purchase the contract or finance the sale of the vehicle. If a vehicle was taken in trade as a down payment, the dealer shall return the vehicle to the consumer, unless the dealer remitted payment to a third party to satisfy any security interest. If the dealer remitted payment, the dealer shall reimburse the purchaser the value of the vehicle, as evidenced by the bill of sale.

(2) If any of the circumstances described in division (B)(2), (3), or (4) of this section apply, a retail purchaser or the retail purchaser's representative shall provide notice to the dealer of a request for recision. Such notification shall occur not later than one hundred eighty days from the date the vehicle is titled in the name of the retail purchaser. Upon timely notification, the dealer shall have the opportunity to comply with the dealer's obligation to refund the full purchase price of the motor vehicle. Reimbursement shall be only in such a manner as to reimburse the retail purchaser any money the retail purchaser actually paid and, in the case of a lender of the retail purchaser, the amount paid by the lender to purchase the contract or finance the sale of the vehicle. If a vehicle was taken in trade as a down payment, the dealer shall return the vehicle to the consumer, unless the dealer remitted payment to a third party to satisfy any security interest. If the dealer remitted payment, the dealer shall reimburse the purchaser the value of the vehicle, as evidenced by the bill of sale.

(3) If any of the circumstances described in division (B)(5) of this section apply, a retail purchaser or the retail purchaser's representative shall notify the dealer and afford the dealer the opportunity to comply with the dealer's obligation to rescind the manufactured home or mobile home transaction.

(4) If the retail purchaser does not deliver notice to the dealer within the applicable time period specified in division (C)(1), (2), or (3) of this section, the retail purchaser shall not be entitled to any recovery or have any cause of action under this section.

(5) Nothing in division (C) of this section shall be construed as prohibiting the dealer and the retail purchaser or their representatives from negotiating a compromise resolution that is satisfactory to both parties.

(D) If a retail purchaser notifies a dealer of one or more of the circumstances listed in division (B) of this section within the applicable time period specified in division (C)(1), (2), or (3) of this section and the dealer fails to comply with the requirements for recision as prescribed in division (C) of this section or reach a satisfactory compromise with the retail purchaser within seven business days of presentation of the retail purchaser's recision claim, the retail purchaser may apply to the attorney general for payment from the fund of the full purchase price to the retail purchaser.

(E)(1) Upon application by a retail purchaser for payment from the fund, if the attorney general is satisfied that one or more of the circumstances contained in divisions (B)(1) to (5) of this section exist, and notification has been given within the applicable time period specified in division (C)(1), (2), or (3) of this section, the attorney general shall cause at maximum the full purchase price of the vehicle, manufactured home, or mobile home plus the cost of any additional temporary license placards to be paid to the retail purchaser from the fund. The attorney general may require delivery of the vehicle, manufactured home, or mobile home to the attorney general prior to reimbursement from the fund. Reimbursement shall be only in such a manner as to do either of the following:

(a) Reimburse the retail purchaser any money the retail purchaser actually paid and, in the case of a lender of the retail purchaser, the amount paid by the lender to purchase the contract or finance the sale of the vehicle;

(b) If the retail purchaser wishes to retain the vehicle, the attorney general, in the attorney general's sole discretion, may pay a lienholder of record or other holder of a secured interest in such manner that title can be transferred to the retail purchaser free of encumbrances, other than a security interest granted by the retail purchaser at the time of vehicle purchase.

(2) The attorney general, in the attorney general's sole discretion, also may cause the cost of additional temporary license placards to be paid from the fund.

(F) The attorney general may sell or otherwise dispose of any used motor vehicle, manufactured home, or mobile home that is delivered to the attorney general under this section, and may collect the proceeds of any bond posted under division (A) of this section by a dealer who has failed to comply with division (D) of this section. The proceeds from all such sales and collections shall be deposited into the title defect recision fund for use as specified in section 1345.52 of the Revised Code.

(G) If a dealer fails to submit payment of a secured interest on a trade-in vehicle as agreed to by the dealer and retail purchaser and none of the circumstances in divisions (B)(1) to (5) applies, the retail purchaser may apply to the attorney general for payment to the secured creditor from the fund. The attorney general shall demand immediate payment from the dealer and if payment has not been made or is not immediately forthcoming, the attorney general may cause an amount equal to that which the dealer agreed to pay to the secured creditor to be paid from the fund, along with any additional interest and late fees resulting from the dealer's failure to pay the secured creditor in a timely manner.

(H) Failure by a dealer to comply with both divisions (B) and (C) of this section constitutes a deceptive act or practice in connection with a consumer transaction, and is a violation of section 1345.02 of the Revised Code.

(I) The remedy provided in this section to retail purchasers is in addition to any remedies otherwise available to the retail purchaser for the same conduct of the dealer or person acting on behalf of the dealer under federal law or the laws of this state or a political subdivision of this state.

(J) If, at any time during any calendar year, the balance in the title defect recision fund is less than three hundred thousand dollars, the attorney general may assess all motor vehicle dealers licensed under Chapter 4517. of the Revised Code and all manufactured housing dealers licensed under Chapter 4781. of the Revised Code one hundred fifty dollars for deposit into the title defect rescission fund until the balance in the fund reaches three hundred thousand dollars. A notice of assessment shall be sent to each dealer at its licensed location.

If a motor vehicle dealer or manufactured housing dealer fails to comply with this division, the attorney general may bring a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction to collect the amount the dealer failed to pay to the attorney general for deposit into the fund.

(K) Nothing in this section shall be construed as providing for payment of attorney fees to the retail purchaser.

(L) As used in this section:

(1) "Full purchase price" means the contract price, including charges for dealer installed options and accessories, all finance, credit insurance, and service contract charges incurred by the retail purchaser, all sales tax, license and registration fees, and the amount of any negative equity that was not already paid by the dealer to a third party to satisfy a lien, as reflected in the contract.

(2) "Retail purchaser" means a person, other than a motor vehicle dealer or a manufactured housing dealer, who in good faith purchases a used motor vehicle for purposes other than resale.

Section 4505.19 | Prohibited acts involving certificates of title.

(A) No person shall do any of the following:

(1) Procure or attempt to procure a certificate of title or a salvage certificate of title or assignment form as prescribed by the registrar of motor vehicles for a motor vehicle, or pass or attempt to pass a certificate of title, a salvage certificate of title, an assignment form, or any assignment of a certificate of title or salvage certificate of title or assignment form for a motor vehicle, or in any other manner gain or attempt to gain ownership to a motor vehicle, knowing or having reason to believe that the motor vehicle or any part of the motor vehicle has been acquired through commission of a theft offense as defined in section 2913.01 of the Revised Code;

(2) Purport to sell or transfer a motor vehicle without delivering to the purchaser or transferee of it a certificate of title, a salvage certificate of title, an assignment form, or a manufacturer's or importer's certificate to it, assigned to the purchaser as provided for in this chapter, except as otherwise provided in this chapter;

(3) With intent to defraud, possess, sell, offer to sell, counterfeit, or supply a blank, forged, fictitious, counterfeit, stolen, or fraudulently or unlawfully obtained certificate of title, registration, bill of sale, or other instruments of ownership of a motor vehicle, or conspire to do any of the foregoing;

(4) Knowingly obtain goods, services, credit, or money by means of an invalid, fictitious, forged, counterfeit, stolen, or unlawfully obtained original or duplicate certificate of title, registration, bill of sale, or other instrument of ownership of a motor vehicle;

(5) Knowingly obtain goods, services, credit, or money by means of a certificate of title to a motor vehicle, which is required to be surrendered to the registrar of motor vehicles or the clerk of the court of common pleas as provided in this chapter.

(B) Whoever violates this section shall be fined not more than five thousand dollars or imprisoned in the county jail not less than six months nor more than one year, or both, or in a state correctional institution not less than one year nor more than five years.

Last updated April 14, 2021 at 7:28 AM

Section 4505.191 | Scrap metal dealers; validity of title to motor vehicle.

(A) A scrap metal dealer, as defined in section 4737.04 of the Revised Code, is deemed to have valid title to a motor vehicle if both of the following apply:

(1) The scrap metal dealer purchased the motor vehicle in the ordinary course of business.

(2) The scrap metal dealer received an endorsed and notarized certificate of title to the motor vehicle from a seller, regardless of whether the certificate of title was issued pursuant to section 4505.06, 4505.10, 4505.101, 4505.102, 4505.11, or 4505.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) If a certificate of title to a motor vehicle was improperly issued, unlawfully obtained, or falsified prior to the transfer of the title to a scrap metal dealer who is deemed to have valid title pursuant to division (A) of this section, any other person with a valid certificate of title may seek legal recourse from the person who sold the motor vehicle to the scrap metal dealer. Such a person does not have a claim for relief against, and may not recover damages in a civil action against, the scrap metal dealer.

Section 4505.20 | Selling repossessed manufactured home or recreational vehicle.

(A) Notwithstanding division (A)(2) of section 4505.18 of the Revised Code or any other provision of this chapter or Chapter 4517. of the Revised Code, a secured party may designate a manufactured housing dealer to display, display for sale, or sell a manufactured or mobile home if the home has come into the possession of that secured party by a default in the terms of a security instrument and the certificate of title remains in the name and possession of the secured party.

(B) Notwithstanding division (A)(2) of section 4505.18 of the Revised Code or any other provision of this chapter or Chapter 4517. of the Revised Code, the owner of a recreational vehicle or a secured party of a recreational vehicle who has come into possession of the vehicle by a default in the terms of a security instrument, may designate a new motor vehicle dealer to display, display for sale, or sell the vehicle while the certificate of title remains in the possession of the owner or secured party. No new motor vehicle dealer may display or offer for sale more than five recreational vehicles at any time under this division. No new motor vehicle dealer may display or offer for sale a recreational vehicle under this division unless the new motor vehicle dealer maintains insurance or the bond of a surety company authorized to transact business within this state in an amount sufficient to satisfy the fair market value of the vehicle.

(C) The registrar may adopt reasonable rules regarding the resale of recreational vehicles that the registrar considers necessary.

(D) The manufactured housing dealer or new motor vehicle secured party or owner shall provide the dealer with written authorization to display, display for sale, or sell the manufactured home, mobile home, or recreational vehicle. The manufactured housing dealer or new motor vehicle dealer shall show and explain the written authorization to any prospective purchaser. The written authorization shall contain the vehicle identification number, make, model, year of manufacture, and physical description of the manufactured home, mobile home, or recreational vehicle that is provided to the manufactured housing dealer or new motor vehicle dealer.

(E) Whoever violates this section shall be fined not more than two hundred dollars, imprisoned not more than ninety days, or both.

Section 4505.21 | Owner exporting vehicle outside United States.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Certified receipt of title cancellation" means a form prescribed by the registrar of motor vehicles for use under this section that shall include all of the following:

(a) The name of the owner who surrenders a certificate of title to a vehicle intended to be exported;

(b) A description of the motor vehicle that shall include the year, make, model, style, vehicle identification number, color, license registration number, and the state of registration;

(c) The destination of the motor vehicle;

(d) Whether the purpose of the export is for sale, lease, personal use, or other specified use;

(e) Such other information as the registrar determines to be appropriate.

(2) A "declaration of temporary export" means a form prescribed by the registrar that includes all of the following:

(a) The items specified in divisions (A)(1)(a) to (e) of this section;

(b) A statement that the vehicle will not be permanently located outside of the United States and that the owner intends to return the vehicle to the United States;

(c) The period of time for which it is anticipated that the motor vehicle will be located outside of the United States.

(3) "Export" means the shipping or transportation of a motor vehicle from any point inside the United States to a point outside of the United States. "Export" does not include operating the motor vehicle by means of its own power or that of a motor vehicle drawing or towing it unless the purpose of the owner is to avoid compliance with division (B) or (C) of this section.

(4) "Owner" means the person named on a certificate of title issued by this state as the owner or assignee of the owner of the motor vehicle for which the certificate of title has been issued and includes any person who is lawfully entitled to the issuance of a new certificate of title to the motor vehicle naming the person as owner of the vehicle or who is lawfully entitled to surrender the certificate of title under this section. "Owner" includes a secured party who exports or permits the export of a motor vehicle in the exercise of the secured party's rights and powers under the security agreement.

(B) No owner of a motor vehicle who exports or permits the export of the motor vehicle for permanent location outside of the United States shall do any of the following:

(1) Fail to surrender the certificate of title to the motor vehicle to the registrar prior to the date that the motor vehicle is delivered to any person for export;

(2) Knowingly fail to surrender the certificate of title to the motor vehicle to the registrar prior to the date that the motor vehicle is delivered to any person for export.

(C) No owner of a motor vehicle who exports or permits the export of the motor vehicle for temporary location outside of the United States shall do any of the following:

(1) Fail to file a declaration of temporary export with the registrar prior to the date that the motor vehicle is delivered to any person for export;

(2) Purposely fail to file a declaration of temporary export with the registrar prior to the date that the motor vehicle is delivered to any person for export in order to facilitate the commission of a conspiracy, attempt, complicity, or theft offense related to the title of a motor vehicle or the proceeds of a motor vehicle insurance policy.

(D)(1) Proof that the defendant acted in good faith and surrendered the certificate of title to the registrar within a reasonable time after delivery of the motor vehicle for export is an affirmative defense to a prosecution under division (B)(1) of this section.

(2) Proof that the defendant acted in good faith and filed a declaration of temporary export with the registrar within a reasonable time after delivery of the motor vehicle for export is an affirmative defense to a prosecution under division (C)(1) of this section.

(E) The registrar shall prescribe forms to be signed by the owner who surrenders a certificate of title for cancellation under this section and by all secured parties whose uncanceled security interests are noted on the certificate. The form shall indicate the person to whom a certified receipt of title cancellation is to be delivered and any security interests that are to be noted on the certified receipt of title cancellation. The registrar shall inspect the title surrender form and the certificate of title to determine whether any uncanceled security interests have been noted on the title under section 4505.13 of the Revised Code and whether the person exporting the vehicle is the lawful owner. If the registrar determines that the certificate is in proper order and that all secured parties having uncanceled security interests noted on the certificate have consented to the surrender of the certificate, the registrar shall issue a certified receipt of title to the owner with such notation of security interests as shall be requested upon the title surrender form.

(F) The registrar shall record a declaration of temporary export filed under division (B)(2) of this section and retain it with the records of the certificate of title until the owner notifies the registrar, on a form prescribed by the registrar, that the motor vehicle has been returned to the United States.

(G)(1) Whoever violates division (B)(1) or (C)(1) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.

(2) Whoever violates division (B)(2) or (C)(2) of this section is guilty of a felony of the fifth degree.

Section 4505.22 | Issuance of salvage certificate of title based on information from national motor vehicle title information system.

A clerk of court shall not issue a salvage certificate of title for a motor vehicle under sections 4505.08 and 4505.11 of the Revised Code, or enter any notation on a certificate of title under those sections, based solely on information reported by an entity pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 30504 and regulations promulgated under it unless one of the following applies:

(A) The clerk receives information from the automated title processing system indicating that a previously issued certificate of title in this state was a salvage certificate of title.

(B) The vehicle was previously titled in another state and the previous certificate of title indicated that the vehicle was considered or categorized as salvage.

(C) An entity that is authorized under section 4505.11 of the Revised Code to apply for a salvage certificate of title applies for a salvage title pursuant to that section.

Last updated April 14, 2021 at 9:52 AM

Section 4505.25 | Money from automated title processing fund to pay expenses of implementing SB 59.

The registrar of motor vehicles may use money from the automated title processing fund created in section 4505.09 of the Revised Code, in accordance with appropriations made by the general assembly, to pay expenses related to implementing Sub. S.B. 59 of the 124th general assembly.

Section 4505.99 | Penalty.

Whoever violates any provision of sections 4505.01 to 4505.21 of the Revised Code for which no penalty otherwise is provided in the section that contains the provision violated shall be fined not more than two hundred dollars, imprisoned not more than ninety days, or both.