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The European Committee of the Regions and the European Parliament join forces for the EU elections  

President Cordeiro and President Metsola sign cooperation initiatives in Strasbourg during the Parliament's plenary session

Ahead of the upcoming European elections in June 2024, elected representatives from the European Committee of the Regions  the EU's assembly of local and regional authorities – and the European Parliament reinforced their cooperation to promote democratic engagement and contribute to an open public debate on EU's challenges and opportunities.

The President of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR), Vasco Alves Cordeiro, and Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament, on 28 February signed in Strasbourg a Memorandum of Understanding to reinforce cooperation between the two institutions. The two political assemblies of the EU want to mobilise their members in order to reduce the distance between Brussels and local communities. MEPs will join presidents of regions, mayors, councillors from the CoR and young elected politicians in efforts to involve European citizens in the elections and to encourage them to make their voices heard.​

The Memorandum of Understanding focuses on joint initiatives to be carried out in the 27 Member States, including events and debates at the EU, regional and local level, joint media actions and social-media campaigns. While all European countries will vote in the European elections on 6 to 9 June, in Belgium, Ireland, Cyprus, Hungary, Malta and Romania as well as parts of Germany and Italy, regional and/or municipal elections will be held on the same day. Close cooperation between the CoR and the EP is therefore even more important in order to boost citizens' participation in all elections and the European democratic process.

The Committee will mobilise its members and its existing networks, as the Young Elected Politicians Programme (YEPs) and the European Network of Regional and Local Councillors, counting over 800 and 3000 members respectively, to mobilise local and regional representatives – and their communities– in the debate on the next European political mandate.  

The Committee is cooperating with the European Parliament to feed and animate the platform, which gives citizens the possibility to connect and meet, share knowledge, learn new skills and discuss European issues that have an impact on the ground. The CoR will promote the platform also through the active participation of its YEPs and local and regional councillors and will cooperate with the EP Liaison Offices in the different member states to promote joint initiatives specifically designed to address concrete issues of interest for local communities. 

The MoU was signed few weeks ahead of the 10th European Summit of Regions and Cities, which will take place in Mons, Belgium on 18 and 19 March. Leading MEPs will join thousands of mayors, councillors, regional ministers and high-level representatives to discuss local solutions to global challenges facing people and territories. Two sessions will be dedicated to the European elections and to regions and cities' vision for the future of Europe.   


Vasco Alves Cordeiro, President of the European Committee of the Regions, said: With the European elections ahead of us, it is of the utmost importance to mobilise local and regional authorities for the future of the European Union. EU policies to address climate disasters, supporting vulnerable households, boosting young people's talents and investing in key infrastructures rely on regions and cities to become reality. This is why the European Committee of the Regions, representing more than one million local and regional leaders, is partnering with the European Parliament. It is our common future that is at stake, it is the European Union we want that is on the ballot. Cities and regions are the beating heart of our Union – let's make the voice of all territories count."

Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament, said: “These partnerships exemplify the shared commitment of EU institutions to empowering citizens, ensuring they are not only well-informed but also actively engaged in sculpting our democratic process. Every decision made at the European level directly influences our life, making voting the most important tool at our disposal to shape the future of Europe."

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During his visit to Strasbourg on 28 February, President Cordeiro met with Younous Omarjee, Chair of the European Parliament's Committee for Regional Development (REGI) and the President of the European Investment Bank, Nadia Calviño.

The CoR is supporting its members to bring their citizens closer to the European Union through EU Local Dialogues. These dialogues not only address representative and participatory democracy in view of the European elections in 2024 and beyond, but also reinforcing European values, youth participation and gender equality; and promoting the active involvement of citizens and local and regional authorities in EU policy shaping.​​

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